Curriculum and Educational Policies Council (CEPC)




(This revision to an existing policy was approved by the 好色先生 Academic Senate on February 23, 2023, and approved by the President on March 30, 2023.)


The Curriculum and Educational Policies Council (CEPC) shall serve as the primary advisory body to the Academic Senate and University administration on matters pertaining to the educational policies of the university. Normally changes in existing educational policies shall first be considered by this council.


The CEPC is subordinate to the Academic Senate, and, as such, all policies and regulations recommended by the CEPC shall be presented to the Academic Senate for approval, except for those matters specifically delegated to the CEPC or those matters to be presented directly to the administration.


The CEPC shall review, evaluate, and make recommendations to the Academic Senate regarding all new and existing policies and statements governing graduate and undergraduate curriculum, academic programs, academic standards, and educational policy, and may initiate recommendations for change for the successful implementation of those policies. The council shall also be responsible for the formation and implementation of policies pertaining to the University's General Education requirements. Upon request of the Academic Senate or University administration, the council shall nominate members to serve on committees that require the particular expertise of its membership.


The CEPC may establish such subcommittees as it deems necessary to the discharge of the responsibilities under its charge.


The council shall not have initial jurisdiction with matters specifically delegated to the colleges. The Curriculum and Educational Policies Council shall:

  1. Review and make recommendations to the Academic Senate regarding newly proposed, revised, and contested to-be-discontinued degree programs after such proposals have been authorized and approved by the appropriate and relevant programs, departments and colleges;
  2. Act as the final committee (after approval from URC) for approval regarding newly proposed options, minors, and certificates and uncontested to-be-discontinued degree programs (Note: A discontinuance is considered 'Uncontested' only when the involved faculty and Dean, and the Vice Provost have no concerns before it gets to the CEPC);
  3. Review and make recommendations to the Academic Senate regarding policies pertaining to admission, registration, probation, disqualification, reinstatement, student unit overloads, and graduation, especially those referred to the council by the Academic Appeals Committee (AAC);
  4. Review and make recommendations to the Academic Senate regarding policies pertaining to General Education, especially those referred to the council by the General Education Governing Committee (GEGC);
  5. Review and make recommendations to the Academic Senate regarding policies pertaining to the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement, especially those referred to the council by the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement Committee (GWARC);


  1. Review and make recommendations to the Academic Senate regarding policies pertaining to the appeal of final course grades, especially those referred to the council by the Grade Appeal Committee (GAC);
  2. Review and make recommendations to the Academic Senate regarding policies related to international education, especially those referred to the council by the International Education Committee (IEC);
  3. Review and make recommendations to the Academic Senate regarding policies pertaining to graduate and undergraduate academic honors and awards.
  4. Act as the final curriculum committee dealing with revisions to the requirements for the University Honors Program, their courses, and all other university-wide courses, such as EOP, INTL, S/I, and UNIV;
  5. Review and make recommendations to Academic Affairs regarding 好色先生 Catalog material pertaining to educational policies, curriculum, and academic standards;
  6. Review each semester the list of changes to the General Education Master Course List submitted by the General Education Governing Committee; and
  7. Resolve disputes between or among departments and colleges regarding matters of curricular content, program requirements, and 好色先生 or CSU system educational policies.




The CEPC shall consist of the following voting members:


    • Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (or designee)
    • Additional designee of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
    • Associate Vice President for International Education and Global Engagement (or designee)
    • Associate Vice Provost for Enrollment Services (or designee)
    • Vice President for Student Services (or designee)
    • Four (4) tenure-track or tenured faculty members from the College of Liberal Arts
    • Two (2) tenure-track or tenured faculty members from each of the other colleges
    • One (1) tenure-track or tenured faculty member from the University Library
    • One (1) tenure-track or tenured counselor faculty from Counseling and Psychological Services
    • Two (2) lecturer faculty members elected by the lecturers
    • Two (2) staff advisors elected by the full body of staff advisors.
    • President, Associated Students, Inc. (or designee)
    • Two (2) additional student members, selected by the Associated Students, Inc.


Tenure-track and tenured faculty and staff advisors are all elected by their respective units to serve staggered, three-year terms. Lecturer faculty and student members shall serve for a period of one year. All members, including lecturer faculty and student members, may serve multiple terms.




The council shall elect annually from among its members a chair, vice chair, and secretary. The chair presides over the meetings, forwards materials to the Senate, and writes the annual report to the Academic Senate. The vice chair fulfills the duties of the chair in her/his absence. The secretary writes minutes of each meeting.


The chair of the CEPC is an ex officio voting member of the Campus Planning Committee and the Resource Planning Process.


Steering Committee


The CEPC shall establish a steering committee composed of the officers of the council and one of the designees of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. The CEPC Steering Committee shall:


  1. Be responsible for the planning and scheduling of meetings; and
  2. Make appointments to subcommittees of the Council.


Standing Committees Reporting to the Council


The standing committees that report to the Curriculum and Educational Policies Council are the Academic Appeals Committee, the General Education Governing Committee, the University Grade Appeals Committee, the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement Committee, and the International Education Committee. The Academic Senate shall approve the charge, size, and mode of selection of the membership of these committees.


Senate Liaison


The CEPC shall select a liaison to the Academic Senate from among its members who will attend Academic Senate meetings and report back to the council. The liaison to the Senate should be an academic senator; if not, the council shall select a member, who will become a non-voting member of the Senate.


Effective: Fall 2023


  • Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (or designee)
  • Additional designee of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Associate Vice President for International Education (or designee)
  • Vice President for Administration and Finance (or designee)
  • Vice President for Student Services (or designee)
  • Four (4) probationary or tenure track faculty members from the College of Liberal Arts*
  • Two (2) probationary or tenure-track faculty members from each of the other colleges*
  • One (1) probationary or tenure-track faculty member from the University Library*
  • One (1) probationary or tenure track member of Counseling and Psychological Services*
  • Two (2) lecturers elected by the lecturers who shall serve for a period of one year
  • President, Associated Students, Inc. (or designee)
  • Two (2) additional student members, selected by the Associated Students, Inc.

* Probationary and tenure-track faculty are all elected by their respective units to serve staggered, three-year terms.

The council shall elect annually from among its members a chair, vice chair, and secretary.  The chair presides over the meetings, forwards materials to the Senate, and writes the annual report to the Academic Senate.  The vice chair fulfills the duties of the chair in her/his absence.  The secretary writes minutes of each meeting.

Curriculum and Educational Policies (CEP) Steering Committee

The Curriculum and Educational Policies Council shall establish a steering committee composed of the officers of the council and one of the designees of the provost and senior vice president for academic affairs. The CEP Steering Committee shall:

  • Be responsible for the planning and scheduling of meetings; and
  • Make appointments to subcommittees of the Council.

Standing Committees Reporting to the Council

The standing committees that report to the Curriculum and Educational Policies Council are the Academic Appeals Committee, the General Education Governing Committee, the University Grade Appeals Committee, the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement Committee, the International Education Committee, the Teacher Preparation Committee, and the University Library Committee. The Academic Senate shall approve the charge, size, and mode of selection of the membership of these committees.

The council shall select a liaison to the Academic Senate from among its members who will attend Academic Senate meetings and report back to the council. The liaison to the Senate should be an academic senator; if not, the council shall select a member, who will become a non-voting member of the Senate.

The chair of the Curriculum and Educational Policies Council is an ex officio voting member of the Campus Planning Committee and the Resource Planning Process.

Revised: April 12, 2012.