Policies and Procedures for the Selection, Appointment and Review of Academic Administrators

California State University, Long Beach                                                 Policy Statement

Policy Number: 22-13

May 25, 2022




(This policy supersedes Policy Statement 02-04 and 17-08)

This policy statement was recommended by the Academic Senate on May 5, 2022

and approved by the President on May 13, 2022.


1.0       Introduction

This document establishes the policies and procedures that shall be used for the selection, appointment, and review of all MPP (Management Personnel Plan) academic administrators in any division of the University where at least one of the following three conditions applies:

  • According to the position description, the appointee is granted tenure to an academic discipline in the appropriate department. All position descriptions that include reference to academic criteria (including rank or tenure) shall be included under this provision.
  • According to the position description, the appointee reports directly to the Provost.
  • The President (or designee) determines that these policies and procedures are appropriate.


1.1University-Wide Administrators. University-wide administrators in the Division of Academic Affairs to be selected, appointed, and reviewed according to this policy have traditionally held position titles such as Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice Provost, and Associate Vice President.


Traditionally, Assistant Vice Presidents have only had operational roles and have therefore not been included as academic administrators according to this policy. However, if the position description for an Assistant Vice President were to meet any of the categories articulated in 1.0 above, their selection, appointment, and review would be governed by these policies and procedures.


1.2College Administrators.

  1. Deans of the Colleges are to be selected, appointed and reviewed pursuant to this policy.
  2. Associate Deans of the Colleges are to be selected, appointed and reviewed pursuant to this policy.







  1. Acting administrator: a person temporarily appointed to fulfill the duties of an administrative position. The term applies to appointments in which permanent or incumbent appointees will return to fill their positions or prior to the appointment of an interim administrator.
  2. Interim administrator: a person temporarily appointed to fulfill the duties of an administrative position. The term applies to appointments in which permanent or incumbent appointees have permanently vacated their positions.
  3. Temporary administrator. For purposes of this policy, the phrase temporary administrator shall be applied for both acting and interim administrators.


2.0       Principles and Responsibility for Final Decision

2.1       Principles. It is vital to the mission of the University that academic administrators be selected and reviewed through a process which involves the meaningful participation of administration, faculty, and other members of the academic community; the aim of this process is to foster both excellence in individuals appointed to these positions and confidence in them on the part of their constituencies. Those choosing members of committees established in accordance with this policy shall ensure that the committee membership represents the University’s diversity and inclusiveness.


2.1.1    The hiring and review committees described in this policy are heterogenous in terms of institutional power, status, and security of employment. Committee members are expected to attend to this heterogeneity so that less secure members of the committee may participate fully in the deliberations. It is the responsibility of the chair of the committee and those on the committee with institutional power and security of employment to ensure that committee members are able to voice concerns and contribute.


2.2       Responsibility. The final decision concerning the selection, appointment, and reappointment of individuals serving in the administrative assignments listed above shall be made by the President of the University, or by the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (or designee) when delegated that authority by the President.


2.3       Confidentiality. To protect the individuals being considered or reviewed, and to maintain the integrity of the process, confidentiality shall be preserved.


3.0       Selection and Appointment of Search Committee

3.1       Initiation of the Search Process. Although the search process normally should be initiated shortly after the vacancy is announced, there may be situations where the administration may wish to delay the search process. (For example, if the position being filled reports to a temporary administrator, the search may be delayed until a permanent appointment to the supervisorial position is made.) Under these circumstances an interim or acting appointment of the position under Section 6.0 may be made.


3.1.1    If the administrator to whom the individual will report chooses to use a third-party search firm, they shall discuss with the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate or, in the case of college-level administrators, the Faculty Council of the College, and agree on the role and scope of such third-party search firms.


3.2       Position Description. For university-level administrator positions, the Position Description must be reviewed by two ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú faculty with demonstrated experience advocating for equity, who are chosen by the Academic Senate Executive Committee. For college-level administrator positions, the Position Description must be reviewed by two ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú faculty with demonstrated experience advocating for equity, who are chosen by the college’s Faculty Council. This position description shall be the basis for advertising the position.

3.3         Selection of Search Committee. When a vacancy in one of the above positions occurs, the President, or Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs where appropriate, shall call for the establishment of a search committee. This call shall be directed to the Chair of the Academic Senate for university-wide positions, or the Chair of the College Faculty Council for college-level positions. Reasonable effort by the relevant nominating/elections committee will be made to ensure the search committee composition should be inclusive, include representation from diverse backgrounds, and include representation from as many constituencies (college representation at the university level/department representation at the college level) as possible.


3.3.1    The membership of the search committee for the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs shall include:    Five tenured faculty members elected by the Academic Senate. The five faculty members shall include the Chair of the Academic Senate and four other tenured faculty members elected by the Academic Senate.    The Academic Senate may elect a pre-tenure tenure-track faculty member to serve in this committee.    One lecturer faculty member with a three-year contract on a time base of 0.5 (7.5 WTU) or higher, elected by the Academic Senate.    One Academic Dean elected by a majority of the current Academic Deans.    One ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú administrator selected by the President or the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs where appropriate. If appointment of a ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú administrator is not feasible, the President or the Provost may appoint an appropriate administrator from another CSU campus.    One full-time member of the staff from the Division of Academic Affairs, elected by the Staff Council.    One student member, selected by the Associated Students.    The President may appoint a representative from the community-at-large who does not duplicate previously included categories.


3.3.2    The membership of the search committee for other University-wide academic administrative positions, inclusive of the Dean of the College of Professional and Continuing Education (CPaCE), shall include:    Five tenured faculty members elected by the Academic Senate.    One lecturer faculty member with a three-year contract on a time base of 0.5 (7.5 WTU) or higher, elected by the Academic Senate.    One ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú administrator selected by the President or the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs where appropriate. If appointment of a ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú administrator is not feasible, the President or the Provost may appoint an appropriate administrator from another CSU campus.    One full-time member of the staff from the Division of Academic Affairs, elected by the Staff Council.    One student member, selected by the Associated Students.    The President may appoint a representative from the community-at-large who does not duplicate previously included categories.    When forming a Search Committee for the Dean of the College of Professional and Continuing Education (CPaCE), the Search Committee shall also include at least one faculty member from CPaCE with a time base of .5 (7.5 WTU) or higher, elected by the Academic Senate.


3.3.3    The membership of the search committee for a Dean shall include:    The Chair of the Faculty Council of the college.    Four other tenured faculty members from the college and, if appropriate, its affiliated programs, elected by the Faculty Council of the college.    An additional pre-tenure tenure-track professor (assistant or associate) elected by the Faculty Council of the college.    One lecturer faculty member with a three-year contract on a time base of 0.5 (7.5 WTU) or higher, elected by the Faculty Council.    One department chair or program director elected by a majority of the college’s Council of Chairs (or its equivalent).    One ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú administrator selected by the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.    One full-time member of the staff from the college concerned, elected by the staff of that college.    One student member from the college concerned, selected by the appropriate student council or by the Associated Students if no student council exists.    The Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs may appoint a representative from the community at large who does not duplicate previously included categories. The Faculty Council may appoint an additional representative who does not duplicate previously included categories.


3.3.4    The membership of the search committee for other college administrative positions shall include:    The Chair or Vice Chair of the Faculty Council of the college. If the Chair and Vice Chair of the Faculty Council are not tenured, the Faculty Council shall elect a tenured member of the Council to serve in place of the Chair.    Four other tenured faculty members from the college and, if appropriate, its affiliated programs, elected by the Faculty Council of the college.    One lecturer faculty member with a three-year contract on a time base of 0.5 (7.5 WTU) or higher, elected by the Faculty Council.   One department chair or program director elected by a majority of the college’s Council of Chairs (or its equivalent).    One ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú administrator selected by the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.    One full-time member of the staff from the college concerned, elected by the staff of that college.    One student member from the college concerned, selected by the appropriate student council or by the Associated Students if no student council exists.    The Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs may appoint a representative from the community at large who does not duplicate previously included categories.    The Faculty Council may appoint an additional representative who does not duplicate previously included categories.


3.3.5    No candidate for the position involved may be a member of the search committee.


3.4       Committee Vacancies

3.4.1    If one required position on a search committee cannot be filled while the committee is being constituted, and if the person(s) or leader of the body that makes the appointment has confirmed in a written communication to the Academic Senate office (for University-wide positions) or to the Faculty Council (for college-level positions) that every effort has been made to fill the position, the search may proceed. If two or more positions cannot be filled, the search may not proceed.

3.4.2    If a search committee member is not fulfilling their duties, e.g., by missing most committee meetings or not evaluating candidates as agreed upon in the committee, the search committee chair may request from the convener of the committee (see 4.1 below) and the Academic Senate Chair that that member be removed. The committee member will be removed and that position declared vacant only if the convener and the Academic Senate Chair/College Faculty Council Chair agree.

3.4.3    If one member of a search committee resigns or is removed (see 3.4.2 above), the person(s) or body that made the initial appointment to the search committee position now vacant may fill that position representing the same constituency if possible, provided that the vacancy is filled prior to the selection of the semi-finalist candidate(s). The search process shall continue without delay despite the existence of the vacancy and despite the fact that the vacancy may be in the process of being filled. If one member of a search committee resigns after the selection of the semi-finalist candidate(s), that position will not be filled, but the search process may continue.

3.4.4    If the membership of the committee falls below quorum for a committee fully constituted with required members, the search will be aborted.


4.0       Consultation and Selection Procedures

4.1       Convening and Consultation. Once all members to the committees have been elected and appointed, search committees for University-wide positions and college-level positions shall be convened by the administrator (or designee) to whom the administrative position reports. At the convening meeting, the committee shall discuss the role of the position in the administration of the University, the qualifications for the position, the criteria for selection, and the process and timelines by which the search shall be conducted.


4.1.1    Following the convening meeting and any subsequent consultations, the final

position description and process for the search will be forwarded to the

Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs.


4.2       Equity and Diversity Guidelines. Selection procedures utilized in the search process shall be in accordance with the policies and procedures set forth in the campus’ equity and diversity guidelines and this policy. The committee shall subsequently meet with the Director of Equity and Diversity or designee to discuss the equity and diversity guidelines to be followed. The committee is expected to take advantage of opportunities and/or workshops related to the importance of equity, diversity, and inclusion practices. At minimum, search committee members shall have attended a workshop on topics related conducting an equitable search process no more than one year before the search's closing date. Ideally, members should attend workshops before the committee discusses the position description and at the very latest before the review of candidates commences. If no such workshops are being offered, the search committee shall consult with the Associate Vice President of Faculty Affairs about alternate options.


4.3       Internal, Regional, or National Searches for Associate Deans. For appointments to the position of Associate Dean, the Dean and the College Faculty Council shall mutually determine what type of search is needed. If the two parties cannot agree, there shall be a national search.


4.4       Search Committee Chair and Staff Support. The committee shall elect a chair at its first meeting. The search committee chair will be responsible for ensuring that the established search process is followed. Staff support for the committee shall be provided by the office of the administrator to whom the appointee shall report.


4.5       Finalist Candidate Interviews. Finalist candidates will be interviewed by the following:

4.5.1    Finalist candidates for University-wide academic administrative positions shall be interviewed by the search committee, the administrator to whom the candidate would report, the President where appropriate, the Academic Senate Executive Committee, officers of the California Faculty Association, the Deans’ Council, the Staff Council Executive Committee, the ASI Executive Board, any other entity identified in the established search process, and the faculty of the department to which the candidate may have the opportunity to retreat as a faculty member.

4.5.2    Finalist candidates for Dean and Associate or Assistant Dean positions shall be interviewed by the search committee, the administrator to whom the appointee would report, the college council or other appropriate faculty governing body, staff members from the college concerned, elected by the staff of that college, the chairs of the departments in that college, and the faculty of the department to which the candidate may be granted the opportunity to retreat. Finalist candidates for Dean positions shall also be interviewed by the President, the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Academic Senate Executive Committee, officers of the California Faculty Association, and others as appropriate to the position.


4.6       Written Reports of Interviewers. When all interviews have been completed, each of the appropriate campus constituencies that conducted interviews (except the President or designee and the administrator to whom the appointee would report) shall submit a written report to the search committee for its review. The committee shall meet with any of the above if needed to clarify the evaluations.


4.7       Search Committee Report. The search committee shall prepare a report with its own confidential evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate. The committee shall submit its report, a summary of the evaluations by each of the other interviewing constituencies, and an unranked list of those three to five candidates who it believes are the best qualified for appointment to the appointing authority via the administrator to whom the appointee would report. If the appointing authority, or the administrator to whom the appointee would report, does not concur with the committee’s recommendation(s), they shall meet with the Committee to discuss the disagreement between them. The committee may revise its report after this meeting, if it so chooses.


5.0       Appointment

5.1       Responsibility for Appointments. All appointments to the above academic administrative positions are made by the President unless specifically delegated to the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs by the President.


5.2       Term of the Appointment. Appointees serve at the pleasure of the President (or designee) and are subject to periodic review.


5.3       Opportunity to Retreat. Candidates recruited with job descriptions that include academic qualifications (including rank and tenure) shall be formally evaluated for the potential opportunity to retreat to an appropriate department following the guidelines outlined by the Chancellor's Office and the procedures provided below.


5.4         Granting of Tenure and Academic Rank. Tenure or academic rank in an academic discipline may be granted by the President to an academic administrator at the time of appointment. The President may grant tenure or assign rank only after a formal evaluation of the individual’s qualifications. This evaluation shall take the form of a secret ballot on a formal recommendation to grant tenure or assign rank by the eligible tenured faculty of the appropriate department or program. For the purposes of making their recommendation, departments or programs may request the application materials already provided, as well as an academic and teaching CV, and other materials as needed, with the approval of the appropriate hiring manager. In the event that an academic administrator retreats to a department or program as a faculty member, subsequent tenure and rank actions shall follow the normal RTP process for the department and college to which they have retreat​ed.

6.0       Temporary Appointments When Vacancies Occur

6.1       Power to Make Temporary Appointments. When an academic administrative position becomes vacant, the President (or designee) may make an interim or acting appointment.


6.2       Consultation and Confirmation of Temporary Appointments. A temporary academic administrator shall be confirmed only after consultation with the appropriate constituencies. The consultation and confirmation process shall be initiated no later than 90 calendar days after the vacancy occurs.


6.3       Term of Temporary Appointments. A temporary academic administrator shall serve until the effective date of the permanent appointment or the date when the appointee reports for duty, whichever is later. The term for a temporary appointment shall not exceed one year.


6.3.1    The appointment can be extended for an additional six months after consultation with the appropriate constituencies (the Academic Senate Executive Committee for the University-wide positions and College Deans, and the Faculty Councils for other college positions) and after providing a written justification for that extension to those constituencies.

6.3.2    Extensions of temporary appointments for University-wide positions and College Deans beyond 18 months require consultation between the President, Provost and Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, and a vote on the decision shall be taken and recorded for the minutes of the Academic Senate Executive Committee. Extensions of temporary appointments for other college positions require consultation among the President (or designee), Provost, and Executive Committee of the Academic Senate, with input from the Faculty Council. A vote on the decision shall be taken and recorded for the minutes of the Academic Senate Executive Committee.


7.0       Periodic Review of Academic Administrators

7.1       Need for Periodic Reviews. Each of the academic administrators covered by this Policy should maintain the confidence of faculty, staff, and students, in addition to the President (or designee) and the administrator to whom the person reports. Accordingly, each of these administrators shall be reviewed and evaluated periodically. The following administrators shall be reviewed in accordance with Section 7.2 of this Policy: Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice Provosts, Associate Vice Presidents in the Division of Academic Affairs, and the Deans of the Colleges.


7.1.1    Review of Associate and Assistant Deans. Associate and Assistant Deans are

annually reviewed by the appropriate Deans to whom they report. It is

recommended that the Deans seek input and feedback from the college and

university community members with whom the Associate and Assistant Deans

regularly interact in the discharge of their duties, prior to conducting the annual



7.2       Schedule of Reviews. Evaluation of the administrator’s performance shall be conducted during the third year of the administrator’s initial appointment, and every fifth year thereafter. The President, or appropriate administrator, may initiate a review more frequently, if desired. The initial appointment means the date an individual begins to serve in a position, whether in an acting, interim, or permanent appointment. When an individual who has served as a temporary administrator is selected for the permanent position as the result of a search, the time for the review shall be counted from the date of permanent appointment. If an appointment to an administrative position is made later than the start of the academic year, the first review shall take place in the first academic year that begins after the second anniversary date of the appointment.


7.3       Establishment of Review Committee for Periodic Review of Administrators. During the spring semester prior to the year in which a review is to be conducted, the President (or designee) shall request the Chair of the Academic Senate to establish a review committee for each administrator to be reviewed. The committees should be formed as early as possible in the fall semester.


7.4       Membership of University-Wide Administrator Review Committees. For the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs as well as Associate Vice Presidents in the Division of Academic Affairs, and Vice Provost positions, the membership of the periodic administrative review committee shall include:


7.4.1    Five tenured faculty members elected by the Academic Senate. For review of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs or Associate Vice Presidents in the division of Academic Affairs, and Vice Provosts, the Chair of the Academic Senate shall serve as one of the five faculty members and the other four shall be elected by the Academic Senate.

7.4.2    One ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú administrator appointed by the President (or designee). Should a situation exist where it is not feasible for a campus administrator to serve, the President (or designee) may appoint an appropriate administrator from another CSU campus.

7.4.3    One full-time member of the staff elected from the Division of Academic Affairs by the Staff Council.

7.4.4    One student member selected by the Associated Students.

7.4.5    A representative from the community-at-large may be appointed by the President (or designee) when appropriate.

7.4.6    One lecturer faculty member with a three-year contract on a time base of 0.5 (7.5 WTU) or higher, elected by the Academic Senate.


7.5       Membership of Dean Review Committees. For Deans of the Colleges and the Library, the membership of the periodic administrative review committee shall include:


7.5.1    The chair of the Faculty Council of the College, and four other tenured faculty members from the college, elected by the Faculty Council of the College. If the Chair of the Faculty Council is not tenured, the Faculty Council shall elect a tenured member of the Council to serve in place of the Chair.

7.5.2    One ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú administrator selected by the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.

7.5.3    One full-time member of the staff elected from the Division of Academic Affairs by the Staff Council.

7.5.4    One member of the staff elected by the full-time staff of the college.

7.5.5    One student selected by the college student council or by the Associated Students if no student council exists.

7.5.6    One lecturer faculty member with a three-year contract on a time base of 0.5 (7.5 WTU) or higher, elected by the Faculty Council.

7.5.7    A representative from the community-at-large may be appointed by the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (or designee) when appropriate.


7.6       Committee Vacancies.

7.6.1    If a review committee member is not fulfilling their duties, e.g., by missing most committee meetings or not participating as agreed upon in the committee, the review committee chair may request from the convener of the committee (see  below) and the Academic Senate Chair or Faculty Council Chair, as appropriate, that that member be removed. The committee member will be removed and that position declared vacant only if the convener and the relevant chair agree.

7.6.2    If one member of a review committee resigns or is removed (see 7.6.1), the person(s) or body that made the initial appointment to the review committee position now vacant may fill that position.

7.6.3    If the membership of the committee falls below quorum for a committee fully constituted with required members, the review will be aborted.


8.0       Review Process

8.1       Convening and Consultation. Once all members of the committees have been elected and appointed, review committees for University-wide positions shall be convened by the Associate Vice President for Faculty Affairs, and review committees for college-level positions shall be convened by the chair of Faculty Council for that College. At the convening meeting, the committee shall consult with the President (or designee) or other appropriate administrators to discuss criteria and to determine timelines to be used in evaluating the individual being reviewed. In addition, a committee chair shall be elected at this meeting.


8.1.1      Guidelines for areas to be assessed, types of assessment to be conducted, audience to be surveyed/interviewed, and analysis of assessment are outlined in a procedural appendix for this policy.  


8.2       Staff Support. Staff support for the review committee shall be provided by the Office of Academic Affairs for university-wide positions, or by the office of the Dean for college-level positions. Support shall include clerical duties, if requested, duplicating materials, arranging meetings, providing mailing lists for appropriate sources to be contacted, and providing contacts with these groups.


8.3       Confidentiality. The review committee shall maintain the same standards of confidentiality that apply to other personnel actions. Confidential materials shall be under the custody of the Office of the Academic Senate during the review process. The Chair of the Academic Senate shall be responsible for seeing that materials that do not become part of the individual’s personnel file are destroyed and/or deleted after the review process is completed.


8.4       Right to Submit Information and Documentation. The individual being reviewed shall submit information and documentation to the committee on the activities, progress, accomplishments, and problems of the areas of responsibility during the time since initial appointment for the first review, or since the last review for subsequent reviews. As part of the submitted documentation and in line with the criteria articulated in section 8.1, candidates for review shall include documentation of the work they have done in support of diversity, equity, and inclusion on campus and off campus as well as in support of racial justice and the elimination of anti-Blackness more broadly. Either the committee or the individual being reviewed may request a meeting to discuss any information pertinent to the review.


8.5       Right to Obtain Past Summaries and Recommendations. In the case of an administrator’s second review and all subsequent reviews, the committee shall be provided an executive summary and recommendations of the previous committees’ report, and the final action memo that was issued as a result of that review.


8.6       Right to Obtain Publicly Available Empirical Data. The review committee may obtain publicly available empirical data relevant to the administrator’s work.


8.7       Solicitation of Letters of Evaluation. The chair of the review committee (or the Chair of the Academic Senate, if several administrators are being reviewed at the same time) shall invite all members of the campus community to contribute to the review by submitting, during a specified time period, signed letters of evaluation of the administrator(s) being reviewed. Letters (or electronic messages from the ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú e-mail system) shall be sent to the Academic Senate Office. Such letters shall be reviewed by members of the review committee, the person being reviewed, and those to whom the evaluation report is submitted.


8.8       Right to Use Questionnaires. The review committee may also employ questionnaires concerning the administrator’s work to groups of people familiar with the administrator’s work during the review period, such as faculty members, staff members, the Academic Senate Executive Committee, the Deans’ Council, the leadership of the California Faculty Association, the Associated Students, other campus organizations, alumni, members of advisory groups, donors, other members of the public. For Deans such questionnaires may be distributed to all faculty and staff in the college and to others as appropriate. The questionnaires shall normally include both closed and open-ended questions, shall address the duties of the position, and their analysis shall follow standard statistical practices. The Academic Senate office shall maintain a file of sample questionnaires for use by the review committees.


8.9       Right to Use Interviews. Review committees may also choose to gather information from the groups of people specified in Section 8.7 by conducting structured interviews.


8.9.1    The same questions must be asked in the same manner of each group of interviewees.

8.9.2    At least two members of the review committee must be present at such interviews.


9.0       Committee Report

9.1       Preparation of Report. The review committee shall prepare a confidential report of the review and findings on the performance of the individual being reviewed and evaluated. The report should make clear the basis for the committee’s findings. The entire committee should discuss and agree upon the conclusions to be drawn and on any recommendations included in the report, and shall review the draft report to assure that it is an accurate reflection of the committee’s thinking. Each member of the review committee shall sign the report, unless they sign a minority report. If there is a minority report, it shall be shared with the entire committee.


9.2       Right to Respond. Prior to submission of the review committee’s final report to the President (or designee), the individual being reviewed shall be provided a copy of the report and be afforded an opportunity to review it and submit a written response within ten working days.


9.3       Submission of Report and Response. The review committee shall submit its final report, with any written response appended, to the President (or designee). Following submission of the review committee’s final report and the individual’s written response, if any, the President (or designee) shall meet with the individual who has been reviewed and discuss the results of the evaluation.


9.4       Placement of Report and Response in Personnel File. The committee’s report (and minority reports and the response, if any) shall be placed in the individual’s official Personnel File.


9.5       Report of the President’s Disposition of Review. For the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice Provosts, and the Associate Vice Presidents in the Division of Academic Affairs, the President (or designee) shall report the completion of the review and the decision about the period for the next review in writing to the Chair and Executive Committee of the Academic Senate. For Deans, the same information shall be reported in writing to the members of the review committee, the faculty council of the college and to the department chairs in the college.



EFFECTIVE: Immediately