Processing Budget Transfer Request Forms

If you have any questions regarding Budget transfers, please do not hesitate to contact the Budget Office at (562) 985-4799 or (562) 985-7782.

  • The Budget Transfer Request Form serves as the means to transfer budget dollars between financial chartfields within those funds that are budgeted. This transaction results in a journal entry to the BUDGETS ledger.

  • The amounts specified must net to zero. The negative amount(s) specify the chartfields from which the transfer is made. The positive amount(s) indicate the chartfields to be increased with the budget increment.
  • The minimum chartfields that are required on each line are: Fund, Department, Account, and Amount. Please include other chartfields such as program or class if appropriate.
  • Specifying the correct chartfields is the responsibility of the person submitting the Budget Journal Entry Form. Budget Office staff will only question the chartfields if they do not pass a 鈥榗ombo edit鈥 in the CMS-Financial System or the funding source has an insufficient fund balance.

  • To meet the month-end close, your Budget Transfer Request Form must be submitted by the deadlines published by General Accounting for FIS Adjustments. Otherwise, it will be included in the next month鈥檚 processing.

  • There are special macros and formulae that allow us to upload the form into the CMS-Financial system. Please do not make any alterations to the form, as they may impact the ability to upload into CMS.

  • The form is submitted for processing via email to by the person(s) granted Budget Transfer authority. Normally, this will be the ASM or designee.
  • The sender of the email may copy anyone the authorizer wants to be informed of the transfer, and the Budget Office will 鈥渞eply to all鈥 once the Budget JE Upload form is posted, to inform interested parties that the transaction has been completed.
  • The confirmation email will reference the journal ID so this number may be referenced on financial reports and or online inquiries to the financial system.