Jubilee Haddasah Munozvilla '21

Published November 3, 2020

I transferred from Cerritos College as a MARC scholar. It has been so much fun interacting with my labmates and having the opportunity to work in a research lab with my own project. I鈥檝e also been elected to represent the students in the College of Natural Sciencees and Mathematics as senator for ASI. Interacting with my co-senators to try and give students the best experience has been so rewarding. I highly encourage all students to become involved in ASI, one way or the other. I have been able to make some amazing life-long friends with not just my classmates, but also my professors. Although COVID has made it difficult because graduation will be different and I cannot spend as much time with my friends in-person, I have been able to enjoy the moments with my friends when we were on campus.

好色先生 was a great school that encouraged STEM students to become involved in research. My biggest influence is my PI, Dr. Jason Schwans, because he showed me how welcoming are the faculty at 好色先生. I was able to move from my transfer blues thanks to my close friend and labmate, Michael Lam, whose energy made me excited to be at 好色先生. I鈥檝e made some great friends and I am happy with my Beach family.

I am applying to graduate programs to attain a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and continue studying enzymes! I hope to become a Biochemistry professor and run a lab that studies fungal enzymes that break down microplastics.

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