ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú BUILD Events 2018

Events with a specific target audience are noted.

February 7 - BUILD Informational Session (Prospective Students)

February 8 - BUILD Informational Session (Prospective Students)

February 9 and 16 - Introduction To Real-Time PCR (RT-PCR) - Two-part workshop, must attend both sessions

February 13 - Effective Mentoring in Multicultural Settings, Workshop 1, Cultivating a Culture of Invitational Dialogue in Diverse Mentoring Relationships (Faculty)

February 14 - Effective Mentoring in Multicultural Settings, Workshop 2 (Faculty)

February 16 - Effective Mentoring in Multicultural Settings, Workshop 1 (repeat of Feb. 13) (Faculty)

February 16 - Low-Speed Dynamic Impact Testing of Hydrogel - Three sessions available, date subject to change

February 21 - BUILD Informational Session (Prospective Students)

February 22 - BUILD Informational Session (Prospective Students)

March 2 - 2018 Annual BUILD Research Symposium

March 8 - Get started with SAS in SAS Studio

March 9 - Introduction to High-Pressure Ion Chromatography (HPIC) Using the ICS-5000 System

March 9 - Determining Power and Sample Size Using SAS/STAT

March 10 - Spring Colloquium #1, Dr. Carlos Bolános-Guzman, Behavioral & Cellular Neuroscience, Texas A&M (Student)

March 16 - Testing Longitudinal Associations using Cross-Lagged Panel Analysis in R

March 23 - Introduction to Corpus Linguistics Research Approach

March 30 - Mass Spectrometry of Small Molecules and Proteins

April 4 - Spring Colloquium #2, Dr. Kim Barrett, Medicine, UC San Diego (Student)

April 6 and 7 - Cell Migration Assay Workshop

April 13 - Focus Group Implementation

April 13 and 27 - Introduction To R and Rstudio Statistical Program

April 17 - Effective Mentoring in Multicultural Settings, Workshop 2: The Structure of Effective Interactions During Mentoring Conversations with Diverse Students (Faculty)

April 20 - Effective Mentoring in Multicultural Settings, Workshop 2 (repeat of April 17) (Faculty)

April 20 - Neighborhood Data for Social Change

April 23 - ELISA Methodology Workshop

April 26 - Cross-cultural and Interdisciplinary Collaborations in Science

April 27 - Digital mapping of health data using GIS

May 4 - Electrochemistry and Spectroscopy Workshop

May 11 - Second Annual BUILD Commencement Ceremony ()

July 27 - Annual Summer Symposium

August 6-8 - Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) Workshop, 3-Day Workshop

August 13-14 - Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICPMS) Workshop, 2-Day Workshop

September 4 - Tips for Positive Communication with Parents: Encourage, Not Discourage

September 5-6 - BUILD participated in Week of Welcome event

September 18 - Effective Mentoring in Multicultural Settings Workshop 1: Cultivating a Culture of Invitational Dialogue in Diverse Mentoring Relationships (repeats on September 21) (Faculty)

September 21 - Effective Mentoring in Multicultural Settings Workshop 1: Cultivating a Culture of Invitational Dialogue in Diverse Mentoring Relationships (repeat of September 18) (Faculty)

September 25 - Asset Mapping: For Clinical and Community-Based Applications

September 28 - Fall Colloquium #1, Dr. Jacob Barrera, Harvard University (Student)

October 5 - An Intro to Sensory Analysis of Food

October 10 - Mentor Orientation (Faculty)

October 17 - Fall BUILD Mentor Mixer (Faculty)

October 24 - BUILD Information Session (Prospective Students)

October 25 - BUILD Information Session (Prospective Students)

October 26 - Student Mixer - (Student)

October 27 - Some ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú BUILD students attended the California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education in San Diego. (Student)

November 2 - Formative Research and Focus Groups

November 7 - BUILD Information Session (Prospective Students)

November 7 - Cultural Sensitivity Simulation: BaFa’ BaFa’

November 9 - Fall Colloquium #2, Dr. Leonardo Leon, Postdoctoral Scholar, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science at UC San Diego (Student)

November 27 - Effective Mentoring in Multicultural Settings Workshop 2: The Structure of Effective Interactions During Mentoring Conversations with Diverse Students (repeats on November 30) (Faculty)

November 30 - Effective Mentoring in Multicultural Settings Workshop 2: The Structure of Effective Interactions During Mentoring Conversations with Diverse Students (repeat of November 27) (Faculty)

December 7 - Community-Based Participatory Research Methods