Summary: CBA494B Hamburg Germany Spring 2023.

Published June 15, 2023

20 students from College of Business participated in this year’s short-term study abroad program in Hamburg Germany during the last week of May. This year’s theme is “Embracing challenges and opportunities in an era of uncertainty: building a resilient automotive supply chain, a transatlantic perspective”.  Prior to the trip, COB students learned German culture and business practice and were able to collaborate remotely with students from on this research project.

While in Hamburg, students finally met their HAW teammates and presented their research findings. The entire week was filled with exciting activities including presentations given by experts, tours, company visits, and various social and cultural activities. The group visited Airbus factory and had a chance to learn how different types of aircraft are assembled at the facility. The group also joined a boat tour that allowed them to learn the history, the present, and the future of the Port of Hamburg. On the last day of the workshop, the group was invited to the headquarter of the German fashion brand Tom Tailor and learned how they have been rebuilding their logistics as well as their sustainability practice. One highlight of this trip was that the group had the honor to meet the Consul General at the U.S. Consulate in Hamburg, . He shared his career path which was very inspirational.

While some participants had travelled overseas prior to this trip, for many, this was their very first time travelling outside U.S. and North America. Such experiences impacted them all in a very positive way across different dimensions as reflected by the comments made by the participants.

“It has inspired me to aim higher than before in regard to employment, and seek out careers in international management and supply chain logistics.” by IB student Jade.  

“It was a once in a lifetime experience and the insights I have gained will stick with me my entire life. Overall, this was an incredible opportunity, and I am so fortunate to have been one of the few to experience this.” by IB student Jadyn.

“What I learned from this course is an experience that I will never forget or take for granted. It has helped me develop many useful skills that I will continue to use in my future endeavors.” by management student Glenn.

“As for professional developments, this short-term study abroad program really opened my eyes and showed me how broad the world truly is and be open to new journeys that may arise because you never know what might come out of it.” by SCM student Richard.

“I am very appreciative of this opportunity to study in Germany through a class that college offers. I love the fact that it is not a long commitment, as in having to stay in another country for an entire semester or even year, but still gaining that exposure.” by management student Alice.

“My journey to Hamburg, Germany, through this program will forever hold a special place in my academic life. It has equipped me with valuable professional and personal skills.” by SCM student Bryanna.

“As someone who is naturally shy and has difficulty approaching others, this trip showed me the importance of effective communication and cultural exchange in the business world.” by IB student Mark.