Dr. Matthew E. Jaurequi

Academic Area
Child Development and Family Studies


  • Ph.D. in Marriage and Family Therapy, Florida State University
  • M.A. in Marital and Family Therapy, University of San Diego
  • B.A. in Psychology, University of California San Diego

  • Couple and Family Processes
  • Relationship, Mental, and Physical Health
  • Mindfulness and Emotion Regulation
  • Systems Oriented Education and Clinical Training

Jaurequi, M.E., Kimmes, J.G., & Ledermann, T. (2022). Adult attachment and sleep disturbance: The role of facets of mindfulness. Mindfulness. Advance online publication.  

Jaurequi, M.E., Kimmes, J.G., Seibert, G.S., Ledermann, T., & Roberts, K. (2021). The role of mindfulness between adult attachment and anxiety: a dyadic approach. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice. Advance online publication. 

Jaurequi, M.E., Kimmes, J.G., Ledermann, T., Seibert, G.S., Pocchio, K., & Tawfiq, D. (2020). Relationship satisfaction and sleep problems among college students: Serial indirect effects via relationship mindfulness and negative emotional symptoms. Journal of American College Health

Roberts, K., Jaurequi, M.E., Kimmes, J.G., Selice, L. (2020) Trait mindfulness and relationship satisfaction: The role of forgiveness among couples. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy.

Miller, R.B., & Jaurequi, M.E. (2020). Innovations in systemic family therapy effectiveness research. In K.S. Wampler, R.B. Miller, & R.B. Seedall (Eds.), The handbook of systemic family therapy: The profession of systemic family therapy (pp. 445-466). John Wiley & Sons.

Kimmes, J. G., Jaurequi, M. E., Roberts, K., Harris, V. W., & Fincham, F. D. (2020). An examination of the individual and dyadic associations between relationship mindfulness and psychological and relational well-being in a sample of couples. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 46(1), 30-41.

May, R. W., Bauer, K. N., Seibert, G. S., Jaurequi, M. E., & Fincham, F. D. (2020). School burnout is related to sleep quality and perseverative cognition regulation at bedtime in young adults. Learning and Individual Differences, 20, 101821.

Jaurequi, M.E. (2019). Adult attachment and mindfulness on mental health: A systematic research synthesis. Journal of Relationships Research, 10(e17), 1-10.

Seibert, G.S., Jaurequi, M.E., May, R.W., Cooper, A.N., Ledermann, T., Kimmes, J.G., & Fincham, F.D. (2019). Self-control, sleep disturbance and the mediating role of occupational burnout in married couples. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 36(10), 3159-3177. 

Kimmes, J. G., Jaurequi, M. E., May, R. W., Srivastava, S., & Fincham, F. D. (2018). Mindfulness in the context of romantic relationships: Initial development and validation of the relationship mindfulness measure. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 44(4), 575-578.

Kimmes, J. G., May, R. W., Seibert, G. S., Jaurequi, M. E., & Fincham, F. D. (2018). The association between trait mindfulness and cardiovascular reactivity during marital conflict. Mindfulness, 9(4), 1160-1169.

  • CDFS 319: Family Stress and Coping
  • CDFS 405: A Practical Approach to Social Science Research 
  • CDFS 412: Family Interaction
  • CDFS 418: Parent Education