Greg Holk

(Gregory Holk)

  • Ph.D., California Institute of Technology, Geology, 1997
  • M.S., California Institute of Technology, Geology, 1991
  • B.S., Arizona State University, Geology, 1989

Courses Taught

  • GEOL 102 - General Geology, each fall semester
  • GEOL 250 - Introduction to Field Methods, each fall semester
  • GEOL 300i - Earth Systems and Global Change, each spring semester
  • GEOL 461 - Introduction to Geochemistry, each spring semester
  • GEOL 450 - Summer Field Camp, each summer semester
  • GEOL 554 - Environmental Geochemistry, every other fall semester
  • GEOL 570 - Special Topics: Isotope Geochemistry, every other fall semester
  • ES&P 400 - Environmental Science and Policy Capstone, taught spring 2005, 2006
  • GEOL 462 - Physics and Chemistry of Earth's Interior, every three years

Research Interests

  • Isotope Geochemistry
  • Economic Geology
  • Igneous-metamorphic Petrology

Research Projects

The Geoscience Diversity Enhancement Project:

  • Field and alteration studies of the San Gabriel Fault, Southern California
  • Structural and hydrothermal evolution of the Southern White Pine Range, Nevada

Master's Thesis Projects:

  • Ekaterina Tumakova: Groundwater mixing in the San Gabriel Valley aquifer
  • Denitsa Toneva: Hydrothermal systems during shallow detachment faulting

Current Research Projects:

  • Fluid Evolution of the Eastern Peninsular Ranges Mylonite Zone
  • Deep infiltration of meteoric water into metamorphic core complexes
  • Isotopic mapping of hydrothermal systems associated with VMS deposits
  • Petrology of the Catalina Schist at the Palos Verdes Hills, Southern California

Laboratory Facilities

  • Founding member of IIRMES
  • 好色先生 Stable Isotope Laboratory
    • ThermoFinnigan DeltaPlusXP light isotope mass spectrometer
    • Thermocombustion elemental analyzer with gas chromatograph
    • ThermoFinnigan GasBenchII online gas preparation and introduction system
    • Vacuum line that employs fluorine to extract oxygen from rocks and minerals
  • Integrated Spectronics Portable Infrared Mineral Analyzer (PIMA)
  • Linkam fluid inclusion system