Cozen O鈥機onnor in Person Meetings

Systemwide Title IX/DHR Assessment Campus Visit
November 8, 9, 10, 2022


Cozen Review Purpose

To ensure the health, safety and welfare of our students, faculty, and staff and to continue to fortify our commitment to be leaders of Title IX innovation and response.

Cozen Goal

To meet with campus stakeholders to provide insights, recommendations, and resources to help advance CSU's Title IX (sexual violence) and other civil rights training, awareness, prevention, intervention, compliance, accountability, and support systems.


All meetings take place in person in unless otherwise noted.

Cozen O鈥機onnor In Person Meetings
Time Tuesday
9:00-10:00 AM Title IX Coordinator & Deputy

DHR Administrator & Deputy  

Clery: Co-Directors & Work Group

10:00-11:00AM Campus Confidential Advocates Academic Senate Exec. Team

Union Reps:
APC, CSUEU, CFA, SUPA, Teamsters, etc.

11:00-11:10AM Break Break Break

Campus Recreation
Fraternity & Sorority Life
Student Life & Dev.

Diversity Committee Leaders: PECC, PCSW, CCC, LGBTQIA+, TAC, etc. Behavioral Intervention Team
12:15-1:30PM Working Lunch Working Lunch Working Lunch
1:30-2:30PM Campus Advisors Affinity Group Leaders

UPD on Title IX/DHR:
UPD Community Engagement Group

2:30-2:40PM Break Break Break
2:40-3:40PM Title IX Work Group

Student Affairs:
Cultural & Identity Center Administrators

Campus At-Risk Resources:
BMAC, Basic Needs, CAPS, CARES, Ombuds, FSAP

3:50-5:00PM ASI Student Leaders

Employee Relations:
Staff Human Resources
Faculty Affairs

President鈥檚 Executive Team