Hospitality & Gifts

The policy applies to all hospitality expenses incurred by the University, the Foundation, The Forty Niner Shops and Associated Students Inc. The Auxiliaries and departments may choose to implement more restrictive policies.

There are occasions when the judicious extension of hospitality in connection with official university business is in the best interest of the University. This guideline outlines the University policy and procedures governing the manner and extent to which the university may extend hospitality for business purposes only, provides maximum per person rates authorized for meals and refreshments, and specifies the University funds that may be used for such purposes:

Frequently asked questions regarding hospitality guidelines and expenses:

Hospitality FAQs

The Gift guideline establishes the manner and extent to which gifts and non-cash awards may be presented to employees, other organizations and non-University individuals.

Frequently asked questions regarding gifts presentation guidelines and expenses:

Gifts FAQs

Maximum Rates

Table of Maximum Hospitality Rates
Meal TypeAmount
Light Refreshments*$30.00
Hors d'oeuveres**$45.00

*Light Refreshments - Light snack, cookies and punch/coffee/tea.

**Hors d'oeuvres - Hot or cold appetizers in lieu of dinner meal service.

Maximum rates include food, beverages, and sales tax

All other charges, such as labor, including servers and bartenders, delivery, gratuity and COVID fees are at the discretion of the appropriate Administrator