Travel - Group Domestic Destinations
Includes Continental US, Alaska, Hawaii and US Territories. Includes travel for Student, Volunteers, Faculty or Staff Leader.
Yes, if
- If contract or agreement must be signed
- Not using public transportation or commercial airlines
- Student lodging is to be charged to the University and not paid directly
by the students.
If a requisition is required, the minimum time for generating a dispatched purchase order (PO):
A minimum of 10 working days after Purchasing receives all completed documentation.
Rules and Requirements are based on the destination.
- Refer to the guidelines below:
Complete the following forms:
By accepting a contract with the CSU, Contractors must certify they are neither nor its principals or its subcontractors are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from participation in transactions by any federal department or agency (2 Code Federal Regulations[CFR] 180.220, in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget guidelines at 2 CFR 180 that implement Executive Orders 12549 (3 CFR Part 1986 Comp., p. 189) and 12689 (3 CFR Part 1989 Comp., p. 235).
For contracts using both, CSU and federally awarded funds, a debarment check must be completed prior to issuing any procurement contracts of goods or services that are $25,000.00 or greater.
Risk Management Review Required?
Form STD 261 - Authorization to use
Privately Owned Vehicles on State Business must be completed and on file with the department and updated annually.
In person Defensive Driver Training is required if driving a vehicle more than once per month.
Insurance from 3rd party as applicable:
- transportation
- travel agency
- special event charges
- Release of Liability
- Direct billing of airfare or car rental available via campus travel agency (Giselle's). Documents required for this type of payment:
- Travel Request Form if used by department or direct billing applies
- Travel Expense Claim Form Appropriately approved
- Supporting receipts and documents as required by procedures
- Employee reimbursement at Cashier’s window for low dollar value (under $100) and no overnight stay
- appropriately approved. If signed by level 3, travel request is not required. If not signed by level 3, attach appropriately signed Travel Request Form.
- Supporting receipts and documents as required by procedures
- Employee reimbursement via Check or ACH
- Travel Request Form if used by department or direct billing applies
- Travel Expense Claim Form Appropriately approved
- Supporting receipts and documents as required by procedures
- For frequent travelers, US Bank One Card (see PCard Administrator)
- Travel Request Form if used by department
- Travel Expense Claim Form Appropriately approved
- Supporting receipts and documents as required by procedures
NOTE: Pre-trip claims may be reimbursed for out of pocket expenses. Invoices received by Accounts Payable, prior to payment, are routed to the requester or approver to verify receipt of service or items. Reference the Invoice Approval Process for more information.
Insurance is required for chartered/hired transportation and 3rd party travel agents. No insurance is required if the flight/train/bus/boat is public transportation/common carrier. This applies to domestic and international travel.
Travel Request Form required if using campus travel agent, Giselle's, for airfare or to book Enterprise car rental.
Travel Cost Comparison is required when deviating from normal procedures. For example,
- Extending a trip for personal days
- Using alternative transportation, drive versus fly when flying would be
- the standard mode of transportation
- Service upgrades
Travel Claim form is required for reimbursement or clearing any advances including travel related one-card charges. Due 30 days after completion of travel.
Common GL Account(s) to Use
- 606001 - Travel Domestic in California
- 606002 - Travel Domestic out of State
Refer to your Division/College/Department for additional policies and procedures.