2024 ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú Grad Slam Winners

Non-STEM Winners:

1st Place: Javier Fernandez

Presentation Title: Religion in Virtual Worlds
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kathryn Chew

2nd Place: Ellen Tatevosyan

Presentation Title: Factors of Postpartum Depression Among a Sample of Low-Income Ethnic Minority Mothers
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Guido Urizar

3rd Place: Lauren Munoz

Presentation Title: Addressing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in early childhood education: Examining the relationship between teacher and child ACEs
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Alejandra Priede

STEM Winners:

1st Place: Zach Merson

Presentation Title: Top-Down Effects of Juvenile White Shark Aggregations on Nearshore Prey Communities
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Chris Lowe

2nd Place: Jaclyn Caballero

Presentation Title: Post-pandemic Ed-Tech Preparedness: A Comparative Analysis of Public School Districts’ Education Technology Plans
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Devery Rodgers

3rd Place: Neha Sandhu

Presentation Title: Mindshare: Connecting Worlds through Body Swapping and Brain Control
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Joe Kalman