CIO'S MESSAGE - April 20, 2018

Social Media Guidelines

Dear Colleagues, 

We are pleased to introduce the campus social media guidelines (/brand-central/social-media-guidelines) to assist faculty, staff, and students in planning, setting up, managing and securing social media sites for conducting campus business. 

These guidelines were developed to help the University community appropriately use social media for campus business, such as marketing and public communication and community relationship management. 

Please note that these guidelines do not apply to private/personal social media accounts. 

We extend our thanks to the Academic Senate Faculty Advisory Committee on Technology, Marketing and Communications, Academic Technology Services, Staff Human Resources, Faculty Affairs, Office of Public Affairs, the Campus Information Security Council, and several other offices for helping finalize the social media guidelines. 

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Aysu Spruill, the campus Information Security Officer at If you are concerned about the validity of this message, please contact the Technology Help Desk at (562) 985-4959. 

Aysu Spruill 
Information Security Officer 

Min Yao, Ph.D. 
Vice President and Chief Information Officer