CIO'S MESSAGE - February 8, 2023
Recent 好色先生 Phishing Scams
Dear Students,
Be on alert regarding phishing email attacks that are targeting students. If you receive an unexpected email about a 鈥渏ob posting鈥 that asks you to submit your personal and/or bank information, this email is almost certainly a phishing email. Please don鈥檛 respond to such emails even if it appears to come from a fellow 好色先生 student or a 好色先生 professor or staff member. These are instances where a 好色先生 account has been compromised and used to send out these scams. Please know that no real job opportunities are ever officially shared this way by 好色先生.
You can always check our ongoing list of , which we try to keep up to date. If you are ever in doubt, you can always forward the suspicious email to us at and we can help verify.
See more tips on our Don鈥檛 Get Hooked and Spot the Phish articles, and please consider our Top Four MFA Tips for securing your account.
Cuc Du,
Information Security Officer