CIO'S MESSAGE - January 5, 2018

Important Computer Security Notice

Dear Colleagues, 

As you may be aware from recent media reports, two computer security flaws were discovered that impact most computing devices, including desktops and mobile devices, such as cellular phones and tablets. It is vital that prompt actions are taken to ensure that the computing devices we rely upon are secure. 

What we are doing: 

We are closely monitoring developments of solutions to these computer security flaws, and we are working diligently to safeguard University-owned computing devices, which includes testing and implementing available software patches on University-owned desktop computers and servers. 

What you can do: 

While we are taking care of University-owned computing devices, your personally-owned computing devices (laptops, tablets, mobile phones, desktops) should be up-to-date with vendor provided software and security patches as soon as they become available. Please see the links to security resources below to learn how to ensure your devices are up-to-date. Apple and other software providers are actively working to patch their computing devices, so please be ready to install these security updates/patches. 

More information on these computer security flaws: 


Security Resources: 

Apple -  
Android -  
Microsoft -  

If you have any technical questions or if you question the validity of this email, please contact the Technology Help Desk at helpdesk@csulb.eduor (562) 985-4959. 

Best Regards, 

Min Yao, Ph.D. 
Vice President and Chief Information Officer 
California State University, Long Beach