Equity Action Report: Academic Affairs

Published June 28, 2024

The Division of Academic Affairs identified the following eight project categories that reflect our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) commitments:  

  1. Commitment to Local Access - Efforts that remove barriers to access education, projects that create pathways to 好色先生, and collaborations with school districts to offer access to high-quality and affordable college degrees. 
  2. Improving Graduation Rates - Efforts that mitigate opportunity gaps and increase graduation rates, and efforts to increase the number of transfers attending 好色先生. 
  3. Recruiting Faculty - Efforts to recruit faculty members from diverse backgrounds and identities, and establish partnerships between Faculty Affairs and the Office of Equity and Diversity to create pathways and structures that prepare and support faculty from diverse backgrounds and identities. 
  4. Diversity in STEM & Health - Efforts to increase and promote diversity in the STEM/Health fields. Efforts such as the BUILD and HSI-STEM efforts. 
  5. Human Diversity Curriculum - Efforts to develop a human diversity curriculum that creates a culture of understanding, and creates a sense of belonging, efforts to develop curriculum centered around the study of human diversity. 
  6. Diversity Training for Faculty & Staff - Efforts to provide inclusive teaching training opportunities such as workshops, faculty training specific to cultural competence and inclusive teaching. 
  7. Accessibility - Efforts that improve accessibility for faculty, staff, and students related to environments, curriculum, teaching, and learning opportunities, engagement, leadership, etc. 
  8. Miscellaneous - Efforts that may fall outside any other category. 

Office of The Provost

Commitment to Local Access 

The Office of the Provost
Timeline: Spring/Summer 2024 
Description: Committed to building a team of Assoc. Directors for BSS, HSII, and AANHPI to coordinate and support equity-minded and inclusive efforts across campus, seek funding resources, build community, and conduct assessment.
Intended Outcome: Hire 3 Associate Directors. 
Outcome(s): Hired 3 Associate Directors.

Black Student Success Initiatives Student Success Team Pilot 
Timeline: Fall 2024 Launch 
Description: Student Success Teams (SSTs) are proactive advising networks that support students in early educational and career planning.
Intended Outcome: To enhance student persistence, academic progression, major declaration, and career preparedness through a holistic student support network of case-based specialists and close equity gaps for UR students including Black students. 

Human Diversity Curriculum 

Summer Book Club 
Timeline: July 6 - August 17
Description: An opportunity for the division's leadership to gather and discuss a common reading experience of The Impact of a Sense of Belonging in College: Implications for Student Persistence, Retention, and Success by Dr. Erin Bentrim and Dr. Gavin Henning. 
Intended Outcome: To build community and expand all our understanding of the value of sense of belonging for students, staff, and faculty.

Diversity Training for Faculty & Staff 

Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation Institute 
Timeline: June 25 - June 28 
Description: The Institute on Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation鈩 (TRHT) Campus Centers is designed to provide comprehensive strategies for helping higher education institutions identify evidence-based strategies that support the vision of what their communities will look, feel, and be like when the false belief in a hierarchy of human value no longer exists, believing instead in our interconnectedness and common humanity.
Intended Outcome: To provide across-campus colleagues and opportunity to learn about the TRHT framework, participate in Racial Healing Circles, engage DEIA workshops, and to ultimately help guide the campus in its TRHT center development. 

Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation
Timeline: Fall 2023
Description: TRHT Campus Climate Assessment Toolkit Beta Testing Launches. 
Intended Outcome: To provide the institution with guidance on how to utilize Campus Climate Survey outcomes for meaningful improvement. 

Middle Leadership Academy 
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024 
Description: 好色先生 participated in the Student Success Network Middle Leadership Academy, an professional development opportunity for middle leaders across the division to engage in building their capacity to apply equity-mindedness to their respective roles while developing a campus-wide equity project.
Intended Outcome: To develop a faculty toolkit that can support improving course completion and reducing high DFW rates in gateway courses for all students, including Black students.
Outcome(s): The 好色先生 MLA team completed data review and will focus on collecting qualitative date this upcoming year. 

FRA-EDI Gallery Walk 
Timeline: April 16
Description: A Gallery Walk honoring our 2021-22 & 2022-23 Faculty Research Awards in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (FRA-EDI) recipients. 
Intended Outcome: To share research with the campus community, supporting the aim of creating a campus culture of research and highlighting equity efforts, gaps, and needs across divisions. 
Outcome(s): Awardees were able to share their innovative projects, research and findings.

Black Student Success Initiative: DEIA Excellence in the Classroom
Timeline: Fall 2024 Launch 
Description: A semester long Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Certificate Program offered to all new and existing TT faculty and lecturers. This new faculty learning community will focus on successful strategies to create welcoming and affirming in-class experiences for ALL students including Black students and offer faculty the opportunity to develop culturally conscious teaching and instruction approaches.
Intended Outcome: To scale the number of faculty who participate and are certified in Culturally Responsive Pedagogy;  to improve the classroom experience for Black Students by creating an environment that is welcoming and affirms their strengths and cultural wealth through culturally conscious course design and delivery.
Outcome(s): Outcomes for the DEIA Excellence in the Classroom are forthcoming because it has not been launch yet. But we have identified a faculty leader to develop the curriculum for the program and secured the process for including a digital badge as well as a certificate to offer to participating faculty who complete the program.


Chapters of Student Success Publication 
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024
Description: The Chapters of Student Success Publication is a new quarterly publication that highlights academic affairs' DEIA efforts in real time. The aim of this publication is to showcase our collective efforts and outcomes to promote holistic student success throughout the academic journey. This publication focuses on three key areas: 

  1. Admissions and Enrollment 
  2. Persistence and Retention 
  3. Time-to-Degree and Graduation 

Intended Outcome: To elevate and showcase the collective DEIA efforts in academic affairs that support holistic student success throughout the academic journey. 
Outcome(s): 3/4 publications. The fourth and final edition will be published at the start of Fall 2024. 


Recruiting Faculty 

Tia Santana (School of Art)
Timeline: Spring 2024
Description: New Tenure-Track hire in Ceramics Program.
Intended Outcome: To recruit faculty from diverse background with expertise in ceramics. 
Outcome(s): Faculty from underrepresented group recruited. 

Yevgeniya Mikhailik (School of Art)
Timeline: Spring 2024
Description: New Tenure-Track hire in Illustration Program.
Intended Outcome: To recruit faculty from diverse background with expertise in illustration.
Outcome(s): Faculty from underrepresented group recruited

Michelle Gibbs (Theatre Arts)
Timeline: Spring 2024
Description: New Tenure-Track hire in Theatre Studies. 
Intended Outcome: To continue work to diversify TT faculty ranks in COTA.
Outcome(s): Faculty from underrepresented group recruited

Adrian Centeno (Theatre Arts)
Timeline: Spring 2024
Description: New Tenure-Track hire in Theatre Studies. 
Intended Outcome: To continue work to diversify TT faculty ranks in COTA.
Outcome(s): Faculty from underrepresented group recruited

Ongoing FTL recruiting (BCCM/Music)
Timeline: Spring 2024 
Description: New PTL hiring in music education, tied specifically to enhancing work in K-12 schools with underrepresented populations.
Intended Outcome: To increase students' assignments to BIPOC-majority schools and enhance recruitment pipelines.
Outcome(s): Two new PTL from underrepresented group has been recruited. 

Human Diversity Curriculum 

Carolyn Campagna Kleefeld Contemporary Art Museum (KCAM)
Timeline: Ongoing 
Description: Diverse museum programming focusing specifically on underrepresented artists, particularly LGBTQ2+ and BIPOC artists.
Intended Outcome: Diversifying KCAM programming in keeping with COTA activities, goals and student body. 
Outcome(s): Achieving ongoing exhibition diversity, with enhanced community engagement and associated activities.

Diversification of Audition Materials
Timeline: Ongoing 
Description: Provision of audition pieces that have been composed by diverse individuals, moving outside straight, white, male paradigms. 
Intended Outcome: Creating a more welcoming experience for diverse students in LB/SC communities.
Outcome(s): Achieving diversity of repertoire that has extended into recital and performance programming.

Diversifying and Internationalizing COTA Internship Experiences
Timeline: Summer 2024 - Ongoing 
Description: Create meaningful internship opportunities in diverse and underrepresented environments.
Intended Outcome: Creating additional opportunities for students to become "global" in their thinking.
Outcome(s): TBD, with internships in Paraguay and Cuba scheduled for Summer 2024.

Diversity Training for Faculty & Staff 

Department of Theatre Arts Diversity Training
Timeline: Scheduling for Fall 2024
Description: Faculty and staff diversity training throughout fall semester, with outside moderation. 
Intended Outcome: Creating a more welcoming environment for all COTA faculty, especially new TT faculty from diverse groups. 

Planning for COTA Diversity Fellowships
Timeline: AY 2024 - 2025
Description: Professional development funds will be dedicated for faculty who wish to diversify their curricula (editing existing courses or creating new courses) and demonstrate how DEIA issues have impacted COTA's disciplines.
Intended Outcome: To allow faculty to demonstrate how DEIA issues have impacted COTA's disciplines.

Commitment to Local Access 

Ukleja Center for Ethical Leadership           
Timeline: November 2, 2023
Description: UCEL's annual Nell and John Wooden Ethics in Leadership Award event honored Justin Rudd, who actively promotes LGBTQ+ education, respect, and activities in our community.      
Intended Outcomes: Almost 200 community leaders attended the event and we have received anecdotal feedback that is was our best award event to date due to the honoree selected.            

COB Prospective Student Advising Workshops           
Timeline: Fall and Spring Semesters 
Description: Attend local community college transfer fairs and provide information, resources, and support services to help community college students understand the requirements to aid in reducing time to degree. This is open to any student interested in transferring to 好色先生 COB program. 
Intended Outcomes: Educate attendees about COB's programs, resources and requirements.
Outcome(s): 140 students attended Fall 2023-Spring 2024

Community College Transfer Fairs 
Timeline: Fall and Spring Semesters  
Description: Attend local community college transfer fairs and provide information, resources, and support services to help community college students understand the requirements to aid in reducing time to degree. This is open to any student interested in transferring to 好色先生 COB program.  
Intended Outcomes: Educate attendees about COB's programs, resources and requirements.
Outcome(s): Fall 2023: Attended 16 local community college transfer fairs. Spring 2024: Attended 12 local community college transfer fairs; tallied 560 touch points with students.  

Targeted Outreach with Local Community Colleges with Higher Black Student Populations
Timeline: Fall and Spring Semesters 
Description: Specifically target local community colleges with at least 10% black student population. We provide information, resources, and support services that help students/faculty/staff understand the requirements to aid in reducing time to degree and develop network connections early in their careers. This specific targeted outreach is open to any person interested in learning transfer requirements to 好色先生.  
Intended Outcomes: Educate attendees about COB's programs, resources and requirements with targeted community colleges; reach out to Business departments of community colleges with at least 10% black student population. 
Outcome(s): Met with students, faculty, and staff in presentations to discuss academic pathways and information about the College of Business. Total attendees with meetings/presentation: 123.

Inclusive Marketing Initiative (IMI)
Timeline: Fall and Spring Semesters 
Description: Continued efforts in working with local small businesses / nonprofits owned by minority or marginalized communities, as well as women owners 
Intended Outcomes: Enhanced student experiential learning, while benefiting local communities (especially those who need marketing support at minimal cost). 
Outcome(s): Each section of MKTG 437 class is matched with 6 clients to help them with digital / social media marketing campaigns.  We have completed 156 client projects since the inception of IMI.            

NCRF LA Black College Expo         
Timeline: February 10- February 24.  
Description: Attended the National College Resources Foundation LA Black College Expo to inform LA high school and community college students of 好色先生 admissions requirements, and COB program and resources; collaborated with 好色先生 General Outreach and other 好色先生 Outreach personnel.       
Intended Outcomes: Educate attendees about 好色先生 Admissions requirements, COB's programs and resources               
Outcome(s): 375 students visited the table

COB ACCT Outreach with OCC and GWC
Timeline: OCC: May 2, 2024; GWC: May 6, 2024
Description: Collaborated with the ACCT Department on virtual presentations that focused on COB Business Undergraduate Admissions, ACCT Curriculum, ACCT Clubs/Orgs and ACCT Graduate program; To provide information, resources, and other info to help attendees understand the requirements to aid in reducing time to degree and develop network connections early in their careers. OCC and GWC business community college students, faculty, and staff were invited to learn the requirements to transfer to 好色先生 COB program and to be informed about the ACCT department.         
Intended Outcomes: Educate attendees about COB's transfer requirements, ACCT programs and resources.
Outcome(s): OCC: 80 total attendees; GWC: 27 total attendees

Middle School Long Beach Promise Summit
Timeline: April 24 - April 29
Description: Collaborated with 好色先生 General Outreach and Better Learning for All Students Today (BLAST) to engage with 230 Long Beach Unified School District middle school students; Provided information, resources, and other info to help students learn about the 好色先生 College of Business programs; handed out College of Business swag.
Intended Outcomes: Educate attendees about COB's programs, resources and requirements. 
Outcome(s): 230 LBUSD middle school students

Supply Chain Management Roadshows
Timeline: Fall and Spring Semesters 
Description: Collaborated with the Operations and Supply-Chain Management Advisory Board members with presentations that focused on COB SCM Emphasis, Curriculum, and professional opportunities; Business community college students, faculty, and staff were invited to learn the requirements to transfer to 好色先生 COB program and to be informed about the SCM department. 
Intended Outcomes: Educate attendees about COB's SCM emphasis, professional opportunities, curriculum, and transfer requirements. 
Outcome(s): 186 total attendees

Improving Graduation Rates 

Ukleja Center for Ethical Leadership
Timeline: Fall 2023 - Spring 2024
Description: UCEL is very intentional about DEI when recruiting guest speakers, board members, etc.  For example, our current cohort of Faculty Fellows consists of Gloria Cordero (Mexican American), Nancy Luong (Asian American), and praCh Ly (Cambodian American).  When speaking in classrooms across campus, their stories all center around their identity, especially their experiences with (and the importance of) diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Intended Outcomes: Sharing exemplary leaders who come from diverse ethnic, racial, and experiential backgrounds.

COB Bootcamp     
Timeline: One Week Prior to the Fall Semester
Description: The College of Business, Center for Student Success hosts a free, online Summer Business Boot Camp to help prepare students who are transitioning into upper-division business coursework. We specifically invite incoming transfer students and continuing 好色先生 students enrolled in 300 and 400-level core business classes.  Summer 2022 we had a total of 788 students participate, where 55% consisted of our COB URMs.  COB URMs represent 47% of our student population, with 58% being First-Generation and 54% Pell-Eligible. From 2020-2023 we have had over 3,200 participants.
Intended Outcome: Educate attendees regarding subject matter to prepare them for their educational career at 好色先生.  
Outcome(s): Students who participated in specific workshops passed the associated course. We have limited data due lack of an analyst.

COB Tutoring
Timeline: Fall and Spring Semesters        
Description: To better support our students in both quantitative and qualitative coursework through tutoring sessions, exam reviews, or workshops.  We have had 1,699 workshop participants and 2,239 tutoring contacts 2023-2024.  Of our current tutoring participants, 65% are from our URMs.
Intended Outcome: Provide students with support so they can successfully complete their course.
Outcome(s):  Students who participated in tutoring passed the associated course. We have limited data due to lack of an analyst.  However, our Tutoring Satisfaction survey indicated that tutoring was helpful in improving their scores in class and increased their understanding in class.  

Supplemental Instruction
Timeline: Fall and Spring Semesters    
Description: Students enrolled in Supplemental Instruction courses for extra support in ACCT 201, ACCT 300A, IS 310, and HRM 360.
Intended Outcome: Students enroll in SI normally would receive at least one grade higher than what they would have received without the SI.
Outcome: This initiative was discontinued and piloted embedded tutoring.

Embedded Tutoring 
Timeline: Fall and Spring Semesters 
Description: Collaboration with The Learning Center and the COB Center for Student Success where two tutors are placed into a course where there is active learning opportunities in the classroom.  This helps build rapport with students and tutors allowing them to feel comfortable seeking assistance. The same tutors are available for individual/group tutoring outside of the classroom.
Intended Outcome: Provide students with support so they can successfully complete their course.         
Outcome(s): We had two sections of IS 310 participate. Section 12, 86.04% of students passed the course with a grade of C or better.  Section 13, 85.71% passed the course with a grade of C or better.  When surveyed, 64% of students took advantage of the Embedded Tutors inside the classroom, while only 14% sought tutoring outside of the classroom.

FTFY Mandatory Advising
Timeline: Fall and Spring Semesters of Their First Year
Description: To ensure our FTFY students begin their academic career successfully, we review their degree requirements with them and help them navigate their student databases.  They learn about General Education requirements, COB MSR, 好色先生 and COB academic and learning support resources and must do's.  We also assist them with registration and planning for their upcoming semesters. We have 751 students in our Fall 2023 FTFY Cohort, of those students 56% are URM. 
Intended Outcomes: Freshmen Mandatory Advising Workshops: 

Fall Semester-Student Learning Outcomes:

  1. Students will be able to identify one resource offered through the college that can help with either their academics or tutoring.
  2.  Students will gain a basic understanding of the major declaration, probation, grade forgiveness, and the withdrawal policies.
  3. Students will be able to identify COB鈥檚 major prep major specific requirements.
  4. Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of where to find restrictive holds and their registration date.
  5. Students will be able to identify how many units they must complete each year in order to graduate in four years.
  6. Students will understand the courses they need to register for Spring by using their Degree Planner.

Spring Semester Student Learning Outcomes:

  1. Students will be able to correctly understand and apply policies learned during the Fall semester: withdrawal, probation, grade forgiveness, and major declaration.
  2. Students will be able to successfully utilize both their Academic Requirements Report and their Degree Planner to identify term/semester when they will have met business鈥 MSDR and be fully declared.
  3. Students will gain an understanding of how to use assist.org to find summer course equivalencies at California community colleges.
  4. Students will be able to identify barriers that can prevent a successful major declaration.
  5. Students will be able to identify the term/semester they will graduate from 好色先生.

Outcome(s): Students who attend both Fall and Spring FMA had met our Learning Outcomes. We have limited data due to lack of an analyst support.

Transfer Mandatory Advising
Timeline: Their First Semester at 好色先生 
Description: TMA's purpose is to familiarize students with 好色先生 and major requirements, available academic support, and how to enhance the COB experience by participating in extra-curricular activities. We also assist them with planning for their upcoming semesters to ensure a timely graduation focusing on course sequencing. Although all 1,142 students in our Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 Transfer Cohorts are invited to participate 52% are part of our URMs. 
Intended Outcome: First Semester-Student Learning Outcomes:

  1. Students will be able to identify one resource offered through the college that can help with their academics, career development & readiness, or personal growth.
  2. Students will be able to identify where they can find their three GPAs required to graduate (Overall, 好色先生, and major).
  3. Students will understand that their Academic Requirements Report is their official checklist towards graduation and not a planning tool to map out their future semesters.           
  4. Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge regarding the grade forgiveness policy by stating how many units are allowed under this policy. 
  5. Student will demonstrate an ability to identify what GPAs are needed in order to avoid probation.
  6. Students will be able to identify the two signatures needed to officially withdraw from a course by the deadline.
  7. Students will be able to identify their graduation term by using their Degree Planner.

Outcome(s): Students who attended their first semester TMA had met our Learning Outcomes. We have limited data due to lack of an analyst support.

Early Alert 
Timeline: Fall and Spring Semesters 
Description: Faculty are able to flag students if they are at risk of failing a course, which then allows advising to reach out to the student and provide support.
Intended Outcome: Student will identify which resource would be best for them: tutoring, withdrawing, or faculty office hours.
Outcome(s): Students who took advantage of those resources were able seek assistance and identify which resource was best for them.  We have limited data due to the lack of analyst support. 

Recruiting Faculty 

Dean's Office, College of Business
Timeline: August 2023 - April 2024        
Description: The CSU Association of Business Deans (CSUABD) is talking with the PhD Project about establishing a CSU-wide partnership for the program. The CSU is planning to offer two $1,000 awards each year in teaching and research for each of the 5 doctoral student associations of the PhD Project. That equates to a total of $10,000 in awards annually. The purpose is to enhance the brand and build the reputation for our business colleges and CSU system.
Intended Outcome: A benefit from building a supportive environment for the success of diverse CSU Business faculty is positive word of mouth for new faculty recruiting and enhance the CSU image as another way to build positive support for future diverse faculty hiring. 
Outcome: Currently in the planning stage, so no outcomes yet.

Marketing Department 
Timeline: Fall and Spring Semesters in AY 2023-2024
Description: Ensuring a wider pool when hiring faculty members  
Intended Outcome: Diversity our team of faculty members in the department.
Outcome: We successfully hired and retained two African American faculty members as lecturers in the last academic year. 

Diversity in STEM & Health 

Ukleja Center for Ethical Leadership              
Timeline: March 15, 2024     
Description: Ethics at The Beach seminar for 好色先生 students featured racially and experientially diverse speakers (two formerly incarcerated, one didn't graduate from college, and one with a doctoral degree) talking about the importance of setting healthy boundaries as an ethical leader. One of the speakers also shared mental health strategies and resources.   
Intended Outcome: Featuring exemplary leaders who come from diverse ethnic, racial, and experiential backgrounds.

Ukleja Center for Ethical Leadership 
Timeline: Fall 2023 - Spring 2024
Description: Here are some examples of DEI-related ethics modules being embedded into 好色先生 STEM courses as a result of UCEL's Ethics Across the Curriculum faculty stipend program: 1) Shirley Feldmann-Jensen (Criminology, Criminal Justice and Emergency Management): Ethical Challenges, Decision Making, and the Professional Code of Ethics for Emergency Management; 2) Seungjoon Lee (Mathematics and Statistics): Ethical Modeling and Communication in Data Science; and 3) Shams Tanvir (Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering Management): Ethical Issues in Transportation Engineering - A Vital Step Towards Sustainable Mobility.    
Intended Outcomes: Enhancing 好色先生 students' integration of ethics across STEM disciplines at our university while also being intentional about championing DEI in the ethics modules being funded. 

Ukleja Center for Ethical Leadership       
Timeline: Fall 2023 - Spring 2024
Description: Here is an example of a STEM-related research project being funded through UCEL's Faculty Ethics Research Stipend program: Shadnaz Asgari (Biomedical Engineering): Artificial Intelligence Fairness in Clinical Decision Support Systems.
Intended Outcomes: Supporting 好色先生 faculty with resources to conduct original ethics research through an annual stipend program.

Ukleja Center for Ethical Leadership    
Timeline: October- December 2023
Description: Including entire sessions on Ethics in Engineering and Health Care Ethics featuring Lynette McKinnon (Boeing's director of engineering) and Rev. Joshua Yee (MemorialCare's director of spiritual health) for UCEL's Student Leadership Institute (CBA 401A and B).
Intended Outcomes: Demonstrating the importance of including people with who have purposely chosen to work in the STEM field when inviting guest speakers to interact with our students.     

Human Diversity Curriculum 

Ukleja Center for Ethical Leadership
Timeline: Fall 2023 - Spring 2024     
Description: UCEL is very intentional about DEI when recruiting guest speakers, board members, etc.  For example, our current cohort of Faculty Fellows consists of Gloria Cordero (Mexican American), Nancy Luong (Asian American), and praCh Ly (Cambodian American).  When speaking in classrooms across campus, their stories all center around their identity, especially their experiences with (and the importance of) diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Intended Outcome: Featuring exemplary leaders should come from diverse ethnic, racial, and experiential backgrounds.

Ukleja Center for Ethical Leadership
Timeline:Fall 2023 - Spring 2024
Description: Here are some examples of DEI-related ethics modules being embedded into 好色先生 courses as a result of UCEL's Ethics Across the Curriculum faculty stipend program: 1) Shivani Bothra (Religious Studies): Ethical Foundations of South Asian Traditions - Exploring Values and Virtues of Living Traditions; 2) Yuping Mao (Communication Studies): Applying Various Ethical Perspectives to Understand and Resolve Intercultural Conflicts; 3) Rezenet Moges-Riedel (American Sign Language, Linguistics, and Deaf Cultures): Ethical Relectivity of each Positionality as an Able-Bodied and/or Hearing Person in a Disabled or Deaf Space; 4) Nayawiyyah Muhammad (Religious Studies): Faith and Race: Environmental and Social Justice across Communities; 5) Teresa Puente (Journalism and Public Relations): Applying Cultural Competence and Ethics in Journalistic Coverage of Latinx Communities; and 6) Itxaso Rodriguez (Linguistics): Ethically Assessing Bi/Multilingualism in Children. 
Intended Outcomes: Enhancing 好色先生 students' integration of ethics across all disciplines at our university while also being intentional about championing DEI in the ethics modules being funded.

Ukleja Center for Ethical Leadership
Timeline: Fall 2023 - Spring 2024    
Description: Featuring speakers such as Mary Zendejas (wheelchair user due to polio) and Jim Knaub (wheelchair user due to motorcycle accident) for UCEL's Student Leadership Institute (CBA 401A and B).
Intended Outcomes: Demonstrating the importance of being inclusive (by including people with disabilities) when inviting guest speakers to interact with our students.

Ukleja Center for Ethical Leadership
Timeline: October 18, 2023
Description: Including an entire session on Ethics and Human Relations featuring James Sauceda (好色先生 Communication Studies), Reena Hajat Carroll (CCEJ), and Zulema Uriarte (Netflix Inclusion Strategy) for UCEL's Student Leadership Institute (CBA 401A and B).
Intended Outcomes: Demonstrating the importance of including people with who have purposely chosen to work in the DEI field when inviting guest speakers to interact with our students.    

Commitment to Local Access

Ballmer Scholar Program for Early Childhood Educators 
Timeline: Spring 2024, Ongoing 
Description: $11 million grant to provide scholarships and services to early childhood educators seeking CA teaching credentials to meet demand for PK teachers.
Intended Outcome: Credential and provide career support for 350 new PK-3 teachers over the next 4 years.

Think Beach 
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024, Ongoing 
Description: Think Beach is an inclusive college program for young adults with an intellectual disability. It is a two-year, four-semester program that includes college coursework, weekly independent living skills workshops, vocational experiences, person-centered planning, and peer mentorship. This program will prepare students for successful employment and community integration in adulthood.
Intended Outcome: Students who complete Think Beach program requirements will earn a certificate in Integrated Career Studies.

Advancing Inclusive Graduate Admissions
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024, Ongoing     
Description: The purpose of the initiative is to work towards equitable and inclusive graduate recruitment and admissions processes in CED that scholarly work suggests can result in the increased access and successful admission of talented students from historically underserved, underrepresented communities and marginalized backgrounds. In the first year, through engaged learning and independent exercises鈥攍ed by Dr. Josephine Moreno, a Graduate Diversity Director at UC Davis and expert on holistic graduate admissions鈥攄epartment chairs, faculty program coordinators, faculty admissions committee members, faculty application reviewers and graduate studies staff learned to address key elements of inclusive graduate admissions. The initiative continued during 2022-23, with the guidance of Faculty Equity Advocate Angela Locks. CED participants were able to assess and deepen their efforts as well as develop new learnings and skills that have been applied directly to practice in the current admissions cycle. This initiative is now embedded in the daily practice of graduate admissions in the college as continual reflection and adjustments to practice continue.            
Intended Outcome: To increase the diversity in the pool of applicants for graduate programs. To customize our websites, applications, promotional materials to attract diverse candidates.        

Young Scholars Program at Paramount USD      
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024, Ongoing
Description: High school students are dual enrolled in an 鈥淚ntroduction to Teaching in Diverse Urban Classrooms鈥 course. Thirty students who primarily identify as BIPOC are enrolled in the course and will be coming to campus for a day in April.            
Intended outcome: To increase the number of BIPOC students who come to 好色先生 primarily and secondarily that they choose teaching as a profession and eventually enroll in one of the College of Education educator preparation program.            

Recruiting Black Men in Educational Leadership         
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024, Ongoing         
Description: Recruit at 5 target conferences, revised EDD Information Sessions that focus more directly on our equity-related work and commitments; ongoing updates to department and program websites that similarly highlight equity-related work and commitments; video and written testimonials from diverse faculty and alumni
Intended Outcome: increase the number of Black men choosing Educational Leadership              

Future Black Educator Initiative
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024, Ongoing     
Description: The purpose of this program is to provide professional learning and retention activities for current Black educators through monthly Community of Practice meetings of teachers, students, and scholars interested in exploring and applying culturally relevant pedagogies for Black students. Also includes Two Future Black Educator (FBE) clubs in LBUSD, one at Jefferson Middle School and one with the Jordan High School Math Collaborative.   
Intended Outcome: To increase the number of Black students choosing teaching as a profession. To provide an avenue of support and professional learning for Black educators.        

Future Educator Days at the Beach              
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024, Ongoing     
Description: Five groups of students representing high school and community college teaching programs will be visiting CED in April to explore education professions, take college and campus tours, and participate in activities. Students will be coming from:  TEACH Academy at Century High School in Santa Ana Unified, Bakersfield College, Cerritos High School Education Pathway Students, Paramount USD Young Scholars, LBUSD Future Black Educator clubs.
Intended Outcome: Increase the number of BIPOC students choosing teaching as a profession. Increasing the number of BIPOC students who enroll at 好色先生 CED.       

Improving Graduation Rates 

Newly Established Student Engagement Center 
Timeline: Spring 2024, Ongoing 
Description: In response to student surveys and focus groups, the CED Student Engagement Center was established to provide a space for student organizations and leaders to meet and build community among peers. The space also is designed to host peer mentors and student ambassadors who assist and support current and potential students both academically and socially as a means to promote a sense of belonging and student retention. 
Intended Outcome: To support student retention, sense of belonging, and student community building.

Mary Jane Patterson Scholars   
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024, Ongoing         
Description: The Mary Jane Patterson Scholarship was established in 2019 as part of the Teachers for Urban Schools Project for students enrolled in a teacher education program at 好色先生 who are interested in teaching in urban classrooms and working with Black students who have so much to offer, but who continue to face anti-Black practices and institutional racism. The Program includes a 2-year scholarship; paid college aide opportunity in Long Beach Unified School District; professional development and faculty mentoring.
Intended Income: To increase the number of teachers committed to the success of Black students in our local districts.    

Caminantes for Education         
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024, Ongoing 
Description: Caminantes for Education, a student-led organization, provides students with a space and community that champions critical consciousness, cultural competence, and authentic care for Latine students that are seeking a career in the education field. We come together to build community, develop academic strengths, and enlarge our networking pool. We are a familia that promotes equity and academic success. Our office, fondly called "El Centro," located in the College of Education (EED-70), serves as a space to build community, a study area, and a resource mine. We provide free school supplies, printing services, snacks, and events. Our events center on networking and culturally sustaining pedagogy. However, we also have socials that focus on "convivio." We hold our events every other Wednesday from 5-6 PM. Events this year include: "Cafe con Caminantes" discussion circle on the pressures of being bilingual; Long Beach and Caminantes Alumni to help students develop their LinkedIn profiles; Educator Panel; Cultural Responsiveness within Curriculum Development Workshop; Scholarship Workshop; Banned Book Discussion; Dia de los Muertos Celebration; Socials (Loteria, Family Feud & Study Breaks).
Intended Outcome: Provide academic support and develop a sense of community and belonging for Latine students.
Outcome: Final report on Caminos Project is forthcoming.

Pan-African Graduate Student Association       
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024, Ongoing 
Description: Led by two Educational Leadership Faculty, this group offers professional development and social activities for graduate students across the college graduate programs.
Intended Outcome: To build a sense of belonging, retain and graduate Black graduate students, provide multi-tiered mentoring support.      

Human Diversity Curriculum 

CED EDI Training & Learning Resource Site 
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024, Ongoing 
Description: Contains curated resources and videos on a range of equity, inclusion, and wellness topics.
Intended Outcome: Faculty can access to support teaching and research.

BLM @ School 
Timeline: Fall 2023 - Spring 2024, Ongoing 
Description: Book studies for faculty and students focused on "Unearthing Joy" by Gholdy Mohammed (Fall 2023) and the "Purpose of Power" by Alicia Garza  (Spring 2024). 
Intended Outcome: For CED Faculty, Students and Staff to learn about the lived experiences of Black educators.  

Diversity Training for Faculty & Staff 

EDI Professional Community Conversation Series       
Timeline: Fall 2023, Ongoing         
Description: This semester鈥檚 series focused on providing a network of support for faculty, staff and student wellness. Topics included making mental health central to teaching, creating a sense of belonging, facilitating difficult conversations with care and cultivating a more supportive campus culture and climate. These conversations offered an opportunity for CED faculty and staff to discuss relevant topics with their peers.
Outcome(s): Individual sessions have been assessed and attendance has been tracked.

Futures Planning for Graduate Programs 
Timeline: Fall 2023 - Spring 2024 
Description: This academic year the department chairs and program coordinators of graduate programs met throughout the year to do futures planning using Institute for the Future strategies. The focus was on being proactive and envisioning the future of CED graduate programs along with the college's vision to be the leader in urban education.

Peer-led Faculty Writing Groups 
Fall 2023 - Spring 2024 
Description: We piloted peer-led writing groups this year. Faculty propose their own groups of 3-5 faculty, and identify a leader. Once approved, they are provided with professional development funds to support hospitality or other resources the group may need. Group leaders record and report upon progress completed, plus work with the Director of Research on improving outcomes. Groups were based on self-designed themes, including a group of Latinx early career faculty and a group focused on supporting diverse students. 


Racial Equity Fellowship              
Timeline: Ongoing         
Description: Racial Equity Fellowship (REF) opportunity for students and alumni ($5000 per person per year), these include 3 current doctoral students and 2 doctoral program alumni. This year the REFs have planned and facilitated our annual Educational Leadership Symposium, with a theme of allyship, accountability and action for social and racial justice; and planned and led 7 sessions of our ongoing dialogue series related to equity leadership, this year opening these sessions to the entire College of Education.
Intended Outcome: Provide opportunities for professional development for the REFs , provide scholarships for current students; offer student/alumni led activities in the department.      
Outcome: Symposium evaluation. 

Commitment to Local Access 

K-16 Collaborative: Workforce Pathways in Engineering, Computer Science, and Health Services       
Timeline: Summer 2024 - Summer 2026              
Description: This $2.5M grant will be used to develop workforce pathways for the BS Computer Engineering Technology degree, as well as degrees leading to careers in health. This is a collaborative with LBUSD, LBCC, and 好色先生, and we will implement targeted outreach, dual enrollment options, freshman cohort learning environments, and paid internships in the field, in addition to improved articulation and roadmaps. Groups serving Black/African American students (e.g. Math Collaborative, BOSS, Demochicks) as well as female students (e.g. the Female Leadership Academy) in engineering will work in collaboration for the outreach.
Intended Outcome: Intended outcomes include expansion of Computer Engineering Technology program which includes the increase and percentage of Black/African American and women students choosing to study it, and their successful launch into careers requiring computer and software skills. 

BEACH Women in Engineering Conference           
Timeline: Every Spring Semester
Description: The BEACH Women in Engineering Conference is an annual conference held on the 好色先生 campus, hosted by the 100+ Women Strong Group affiliated with the College of Engineering. The goal of the event is to give high school, community college, and university students who are majoring in or interested in engineering to learn more about careers and issues faced by women engineers and computer scientists.
Intended Outcome: The intended outcome is to increase the number and percentage of women applying to and choosing to study engineering or computer science at 好色先生, and being successfully retained in the field after graduation.

Improving Graduation Rates 

BESST/Beach XP Program Expansion     
Timeline: Ongoing 
Description: The BESST program (Beach Engineering Student Success Team) was initiated in the College of Engineering in 2014 to provide a freshman learning community focused on math achievement and community building. Freshmen who place into precalculus are invited to apply. In the 2023-2024 AY, the BESST program was rolled out campus-wide under the Beach XP umbrella. In the COE, we expanded the program from 2 to 6 cohorts, allowing us to serve 150 freshmen. We are planning to expand to 9 cohorts in 2024-2025.
Intended Outcome: The intended outcome of participation in the BESST program is to complete Calculus I in the first year, and to build community that will foster a sense of belonging and persistence to degree. Research shows that completing calculus in the first year is a predictor for success in our programs because of the long prerequisite chains in our degree programs that require it. Sense of belonging is also shown to foster persistence and success in our programs. 
Outcome(s): The first year calculus completion rate for students in the BESST program varies from 88% - 100%. This is higher than the college average.

Recruiting Faculty 

FEA Representative for COE Search Committees
Timeline: 2021 - Ongoing 
Description: Faculty Equity Advocates (FEA) assist department search committees in writing PDs, developing R&A plans, and in selection and screening. 
Intended Outcome: Overcome implicit biases in hiring decisions; diversify TT faculty hired. 
Outcome(s): Since 2021, the COE has hired 1 Latina woman, 1 Black man, 2 Asian women, 3 Asian men, and 5 White men into our Tenure Track ranks.

Diversity in STEM & Health 

K-16 Collaborative: Workforce Pathways in Engineering, Computer Science, and Health Services       
Timeline: Summer 2024 - Summer 2026              
Description: This $2.5M grant will be used to develop workforce pathways for the BS Computer Engineering Technology degree, as well as degrees leading to careers in health. This is a collaborative with LBUSD, LBCC, and 好色先生, and we will implement targeted outreach, dual enrollment options, freshman cohort learning environments, and paid internships in the field, in addition to improved articulation and roadmaps. Groups serving Black/African American students (e.g. Math Collaborative, BOSS, Demochicks) as well as female students (e.g. the Female Leadership Academy) in engineering will work in collaboration for the outreach.
Intended Outcome: Intended outcomes include expansion of Computer Engineering Technology program which includes the increase and percentage of Black/African American and women students choosing to study it, and their successful launch into careers requiring computer and software skills. 

BEACH Women in Engineering Conference           
Timeline: Every Spring Semester
Description: The BEACH Women in Engineering Conference is an annual conference held on the 好色先生 campus, hosted by the 100+ Women Strong Group affiliated with the College of Engineering. The goal of the event is to give high school, community college, and university students who are majoring in or interested in engineering to learn more about careers and issues faced by women engineers and computer scientists.
Intended Outcome: The intended outcome is to increase the number and percentage of women applying to and choosing to study engineering or computer science at 好色先生, and being successfully retained in the field after graduation.

Diversity Training for Faculty 

COE Intergroup Dialog Pilot       
Timeline: AY 2023-2024
Description: The COE engaged in a pilot Intergroup Dialog Training under the leadership of Drs. Angela Locks and Shametrice Davis in the 2023-2024 AY. The subject was racial equity. The training involved the extended leadership team as well as some positions at large. With 30 members representing chairs and associate deans, the faculty council, faculty, and staff, it is the hope that a critical mass of influential people in the college who have developed this awareness will be formed.
Intended Outcome: Increase awareness of the Intergroup Dialog curriculum and implications for the College of Engineering. The group that was engaged were to propose projects to address climate issues in the college. 
Outcome(s): Self-study PowerPoint presentations from 1) leadership, 2) staff, and 3) faculty groups were produced and presented at the final meeting of the IGD to the dean. It was a brave and fruitful beginning to continued work in the college to overcome our implicit biases.

Commitment to Local Access 

High School Student Engagement: Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS)
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024
Description: FCS students were trained as ambassadors to visit local high schools with fashion and hospitality programs to promote 好色先生 fashion/hospitality programs. 
Intended Outcome: Utilize student ambassadors to foster inclusivity and sense of belonging among pre-admitted students.     

High School & Community College Outreach: Criminology/Criminal Justice & Emergency Management (CCJEM)            
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024    
Description: Nursing: Visit and engage with local high school students to provide information and encourage students to attend 好色先生. Over the year, faculty attended or participated in events with Pasadena High School, McBride High School, Cabrillo High School, and Millikan High School as well as with El Camino College and LBCC.
Intended Outcome: Increase diversity in admitted students and increase applications from local area students.

Holistic Admissions: Nursing   
Timeline: Submit request for CO approval Jan. 2024 for Fall 2025 implementation  
Description: Moving towards a holistic admissions process beyond metrics to include experience and attributes is necessary to increase access and increase diversity of the nursing program.     
Intended Outcome: Increase diversity of admitted students.    

Day at the Beach Workshop for 1st Gen Students/Parents: CHHS/Social Work 
Timeline: Spring 2024
Description: CHHS Champion led initiative to have Social Work students lead workshops at Day of the Beach for incoming 1st gen students and their parents, incl. panel with alumni who had gone on to grad school; how to be successful and thrive as a 1st gen student. 
Intended outcome: Increase diversity of students.          

Beach Action Zone: CHHS         
Timeline: AY 2024 - 2025 
Description: Develop 3-5 year DEIA plan to Increase the number of URM applications and admits to CHHS.  This will include: 

  • Providing on-campus opportunities for middle and high school students from specified schools
  • Providing information to parents and MS students about 好色先生 admissions and CHHS majors through attending LBUSD Equity, Engagement & Partnership鈥檚 parent events
  • Working to develop community relationships to assist with recruitment
  • Working with LBUSD and LBCC to streamline pathways, review articulations, and develop road maps   

Intended Outcome: Increase the number of URM applications and admits to CHHS.       

LA Unite Grant (see also Beach Action Zone): CHHS 
Timeline: Ongoing 
Description: Purpose of grant is to improve pathways and admissions from URM to CHHS. 
Intended Outcome: Increase the diversity of CHHS students.       

Improving Graduation Rates 

Pilot Intervention for Students Approaching 60 units, Not on Track to Declare: CHHS Advising 
Timeline: Pilot in AY 2023-24 with pre-Criminology and Criminal Justice majors; will scale up to other majors in AY 2024-25.      
Description: Outreach to students with 40+ earned units and MSR not on track, GPA below MSR requirement. Invited students to meet with an advisor and create a plan for declaring a major at 好色先生. Parallel planning discussed as needed and interventions & resources delivered to students.  
Intended Outcome: To aid in retention of students on the cusp of declaring/not declaring their major, to help students develop a plan for declaration and remaining at 好色先生, whether that be in their current pre-major or an alternative major. 

UndocuAlly Training: CHHS Advising        
Timeline: Spring 2024    
Description: Advisors completed UndocuAlly Training during a CHHS Advising Team Meeting. 
Intended Outcome: To empower and equip advisors to support undocumented students within CHHS.     

Intercampus Liaisons Established: CHHS Advising            
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024  
Description: CHHS Advising established a liaison with the following campus partners: TRIO, Bob Murphy Access Center, Center for International Education, Dream Success Center, Bickerstaff, Veteran Resource Center, Career Development Center, University Honors Program, Pre Health-Professions Advising Office, Educational Opportunity Program, Reserve Officer Training Corps, Teacher Preparedness Advising Center, Mentoring Advising and Placement Support Program, Outreach and Financial Aid.                     
Intended Outcome: To ease collaboration and communication with campus partners to best support students. 
Outcome(s): We have seen an increase in outreach from campus partners and vice versa on specific student cases. 

CCJEM Orientation: CCJEM          
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024    
Description: Held in person (fall) and virtual (spring) orientations to welcome new transfer students to CCJEM, introduce them to the School, the College, and the university, and prepare them for the transition from community college to a four-year university.
Intended Outcomes: To generate increased sense of belonging and ultimately increase graduation rates.        

Beach XP: CHHS
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024
Description: CHHS had 6 Beach XP cohorts for AY 2023-24 and will expand to 12 cohorts for AY 2024-25.
Intended Outcome: Increased student engagement and student success.     
Outcome(s): Positive feedback; CHHS won award for student attendance. FTFY 4 year graduation rate rose by 1.8%, and URM four year rose by 4.8%; Graduate student 2 year grad rate rose 2.3%. Transfer 2 year grad rates fell by 6.7% (working on understanding reasons behind this and how to improve).

Recruiting Faculty 

Increase Diversity of TT Faculty: Family & Consumer Sciences 
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024
Description: Tenure track search
Intended Outcome: Diversity hire
Outcome(s): Diversity hire; Hosner Rusiana will start fall 2024; Asian

Increase Diversity of TT Faculty: Family & Consumer Sciences 
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024
Description: Tenure track search
Intended Outcome: Diversity hire
Outcome(s): Diversity hire; Noehema Garcia Castaneda will start fall 2024; Hispanic/Latina

Increase Diversity of TT Faculty: Health Sciences
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024
Description: Tenure track search
Intended Outcome: Diversity hire
Outcome(s): Diversity hire; Debbie Huang will start fall 2024; Asian

Increase Diversity of TT Faculty: Health Sciences 
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024
Description: Tenure track search
Intended Outcome: Diversity hire
Outcome(s): Not diversity hire; Erika Rosen will start fall 2024; White      

Human Diversity Curriculum

Departmental Systemic DEI Plan: Public Policy and Administration (PPA) 
Timeline: 2022 - 2028 
Description:  4 main goals:

  1.  Recruit and Retain Diverse Student Body
  2. Recruit and Retain Diversity Faculty
  3. Promote Diversity and Inclusion in Curriculum and Pedagogy
  4. Promote Diversity and Inclusion in Program Climate          

Intended Outcome: Recruit and retain diverse faculty and student body.  
Outcome(s): Status report for AY 2023-24: In consultation with CHHS DEI Champion, Dr. Jason Plummer (SW), PPA faculty incorporated social equity learning objectives to all core MPA courses: PPA 500, 555, 577, 660, 670, and 696 鈥 In turn, core MPA courses now have explicit social equity learning objectives that will be implemented starting Fall 2024.

Critical Justice Committee Speaker Series: Criminology/Criminal Justice & Emergency Management (CCJEM) 
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024  
Description: Continued inviting guest speakers (one per semester) to speak on issues related to the experiences of marginalized and oppressed communities in the criminal justice system. This year Christopher Seeds and James Binnall were the invited speakers. 
Intended Outcome: Provide opportunities to hear from expert guest speakers from diverse backgrounds. Create a culture of understanding of the diverse experiences of people impacted by the criminal justice system. Prepare CCJEM students to be informed agents of change advocating for justice.

Diversity Training for Faculty & Staff

Faculty Social Equity Workshops: Public Policy & Administration (PPA)        
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024         
Description: Tenure-track faculty to attend minimum of one social equity workshop/training; Organizing professional development workshops with an emphasis on social equity and speakers from underrepresented backgrounds. 
Intended Outcome: Provide graduate students and faculty with latest research around racism and race consciousness in public administration, along with lessons to effectively pursue social equity in practice. 
Outcome: All TT faculty attended an array of training on anti-racism as it relates to underrepresented groups in higher education and curricular design. PPA hosted social equity related webinar workshops during the AY 2023-24 incl. PPA Hispanic Heritage Month Event, 鈥淟ong Beach Forward: Effective Organizing for Immigrant Rights鈥 and Professional Development Event, 鈥淥C Equity Maps.鈥

Faculty Resources: Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS)              
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024        
Description: The FCS DEIA committee developed a collection of faculty resources to promote DEIA in FCS courses.                      
Intended Outcome: Developed FCS syllabus statement related to DEIA to be implemented in fall 2024; Developed Canvas course for FCS faculty with DEIA resources related to inclusive language for diverse groups, teaching, and activities.


Student Services Video for Non-Traditional Students: Social Work         
Timeline: Spring 2024
Description: Creation of highlighting campus services that students might not think they are eligible to access.
Intended Outcome: Students will access campus resources and will receive support as needed; ultimately improving student success and completion of degree.


All Stars Project Operation Conversation: Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS)             
Timeline: Spring 2024 - 2025
Description: : FCS faculty worked with DEIA-focused nonprofit (All Stars Project) to improve sense of belonging and communication in department, with a focus on faculty first and then extending to students. This included a workshop in February, follow up meetings between nonprofit and department leaders, and activities integrated into faculty meetings. 
Intended Outcomes: Improve empathy and connection among faculty that could foster DEIA in FCS as a whole.

Fund a CHHS DEIA Champion: CHHS 
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024 
Description: Champion worked with departments to understand needs, and began to build out discipline specific resources for faculty to show how DEIA was used and important within the disciplines. 
Intended Outcome: DEIA Champion will develop resources for all departments and other faculty supports for DEIA instruction. 

Climate Survey: CHHS 
Timeline: Spring 2024
Description: DEIA Champion conducted college wide survey of students to gather baseline data that will inform DEIA goals for next year.
Intended Outcome: Develop action plans informed by needs of faculty/staff/students. 
Outcome(s): Initial data: 571 responses with all CHHS departments represented except for Military Science. Although experiences of discouragement within CHHS were not frequent, multiracial students were ten times more likely to report feeling discouraged by a faculty member. The majority of students indicated that they had never/rarely experienced feelings of academic inferiority, however In terms of racial categories, 9.6% of Asian CHHS students said that they often felt as though they were made to feel intellectually inferior and nearly one in five biracial and multiracial CHHS students said they were made to feel intellectually inferior often or very often. Full data report to be completed in Summer 2024.

Fund a CHHS Champion for Student Engagement & Connection: CHHS 
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024  
Description: Creation of role to assist with College efforts to increase student engagement. 
Intended Outcome: Student Engagement and Connection Champion will work directly with departments to promote discipline specific student engagement. 

Creation of Co-Directors for DEIA (2) and Co-Directors for Student Success (2): CHHS 
Timeline: Search Spring 2024; positions begin AY 2024-25
Description: The purpose of these two Co-Director for DEIA positions is to coordinate, support, and report out the effectiveness of college efforts to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and access (DEIA) in alignment CHHS and Beach 2030 strategic priorities. The purpose of these Co-Director Student Success positions is to advance student success in and access (SSA) to CHHS degree programs, with an emphasis on recruitment, retention, and re-enrollment and to support alignment with CHHS and Beach 2030 strategic priorities. 
Intended Outcome: Advance DEIA goals of college/university (incl. develop 3-5 year plan with measurable outcomes); improve student success and access.

Commitment to Local Access 

好色先生 Ethnic Studies Initiative
Since Fall 2016, CLA has engaged in offering Introduction to Ethnic Studies courses to students at four local high school districts. To date, over 3500 students have earned university credit through these courses.  We currently offer courses in partnership with Long Beach Unified School District, Norwalk/La Mirada School District, Paramount Unified School District, and the Port of Los Angeles Charter High School.

Improving Graduation Rates 

CLA Data Fellows Project: "Nevertheless, They Persisted: Black Student Success in the College of Liberal Arts"
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024
Description: The CLA Data Fellows project focused on identifying the factors shaping Black students' success. Our research was  guided by these questions:

  1. What factors contribute to or detract from Black students' success?
  2. How do outcomes for Black students compare to their peers in other racial groups?

Intended Outcome:

  1. Strengthen support systems for Black students regardless of generational college status and Pell-eligibility.
  2. Collaborate with LBUSD and Long Beach College Promise to prepare students for the "hidden curriculum" of college and college-level academics.
  3. Provide faculty training around bias and grading to close GPA gaps.

Outcome(s): Ongoing, as intended outcomes are essentially long-term recommendations for action.

High-Impact Practices
Over the last year we have made significant progress in several areas of student career readiness including enhancing equitable access to internships and piloting new internship models. For example, in 2022-2023, CLA: 

  • Recruited, trained, and fostered partnerships with 284 agency partners 鈥 an increase of 20 partners since last year 鈥 hosting upwards of 900 CLA student interns annually. 
  • Continued to offer department and college-level internship courses (including summer courses), building capacity for every CLA student to complete an internship before graduating.
  • Partnered with other colleges to create interdisciplinary internship experiences, such as Art & Creative Industry internships offered in collaboration with the College of the Arts.
  • Supported faculty-led, themed internship courses, including those participating in the Long Beach Community Internship Program and Project Resilience, which guaranteed internship placements and increased access to internships for students from minoritized or traditionally underserved populations.
  • Substantially increased opportunities for paid internships and scholarship-supported internships.
  • Supported dozens of CLA courses with service-learning components. CLA faculty from a wide range of disciplines work with students on research projects and in labs. For example, well over 100 students per year work with Psychology faculty in labs, often co-presenting at conferences or co-authoring publications.

The College of Liberal Arts Equity Scholars: Graduate Recruitment Initiative
In 2022-23, the second year of this graduate recruitment effort, CLA provided 25 graduate assistantships for first-generation, traditionally underserved, and/or low-income graduate students.

Student Learning Communities 

  • Since their inception six years ago, an average of 300 students per year across multiple departments have participated in the college鈥檚 Transfer Learning Communities.  Those communities are designed to improve retention and promote success among the college鈥檚 transfer student population through specialized programming and community-building activities.
  • Beginning with the 2023-24 academic year, 150 first-time, first-year CLA students will participate in newly-formed learning communities as part of a campus-wide 鈥淏each XP鈥 Communities of Learners initiative.  The college is also contributing over 200 seats in CLA courses to all other participating colleges.
  • Each of these learning communities comprises diverse populations of students, building community and promoting success among those from different ethnic, racial, and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Recruiting Faculty 

Hiring Diverse Faculty
Of CLA鈥檚 current group of 64 assistant professors:

  • 66% identify as women
  • 70% identify as people of color
  • 14% identify as African American
  • 23% identify as are Latinx
  • 23% identify as Asian or South Asian
  • 4% identify as American Indian
  • 06% identify as Middle Eastern/Muslim
  • 17% identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community
  • 3% identify as differently abled

This is the result of action taken over the last five years to make hiring committees aware of implicit bias, and to recruit more actively to create diverse pools of candidates.

Human Diversity Curriculum

CLA and Social Justice
CLA and Social Justice tab on the CLA website provides samples of two curricular/pedagogical efforts:

Strategic Planning Focused on Equity  
CLA Strategic Planning for Achieving Greater Equity in the College (CLASP) has directly engaged over 70 diverse faculty, staff, administrators, and students in a two-year process:

Diversity Training for Faculty & Staff 

Misty Jaffe Early Leaders Program
(ELP) is a leadership development program in which historically underrepresented faculty and junior faculty are strongly encouraged to participate. The twofold goal of ELP is to increase capacity of CLA leadership going forward and to foster CLA diverse leadership. Since 2019, the program has served two cohorts for a total of 32 participants.

Faculty Learning Communities
Proposed and facilitated by CLA faculty theses college learning communities (ongoing since 2021) reflect issues of concern especially around equity and social justice that our college finds critical to a liberal arts education and to our work as faculty:

  • Teaching in the 2020s: Reaching Our Gen Z, First Generation, and Post-Pandemic Students
  • Understanding and Disrupting White Supremacy in Our Classrooms:
  • Grading for Equity
  • Supporting Asian Faculty鈥檚 Professional Development and Well-Being
  • LGBTQI2+ @ 好色先生
  • How to Travel Abroad for Free
  • Engaged Scholarship in CLA: What It Means for Faculty and For the Community
  • Toward Climate Justice through Education:
  • Lecturer Lifeline

Commitment to Local Access

General Science Degree Program  
Timeline: 2024-2030      
Description: New STEM Degree Pathway  
Intended Outcome: To increase CNSM students graduation in CNSM          

Improving Graduation Rates

CHEM 102 Design (and Transition from CHEM 90) 
Timeline: 2023 - 2026      
Description: Replace remedial chemistry class with credit bearing course with GE credit 
Intended Outcome: To allow students to graduate more quickly  

Math GE Analysis 
Timeline: 2024 - ongoing       
Description: Analyze and improve GE math courses 
Intended Outcome: To lower DFW rates

Diversity in STEM & Health 

General Science Degree Program 
Timeline: 2024-2030      
Description: New STEM degree pathway   
Intended Outcome: To increase CNSM students graduation in CNSM 

Creation of DEIA Task Force/Committee  
Timeline: 2024-2029      
Description: DEIA Committee for CNSM 
Intended Outcome: Analysis of equity issues in the college and recommendations for improvement 

Commitment to Local Access 

Dual Enrollment - Ethnic Studies ( In Partnership with CLA)       
Timeline: CPaCE and the Human Development department have partnered since 2015 on the Ethnic Studies Dual Enrollment Initiative and recently completed multiple cohorts for 23 - 24.      
Description: CPaCE and CLA provide a comprehensive dual enrollment experience for high school students which culminates in an end of year conference hosted at the 好色先生 campus.  For the 23-24 academic year, there were almost 250 HS students that successfully completed the Ethnic Studies Course representing various districts. This includes: PUSD (Paramount Unified School District), POLAHS (Port of Los Angeles High School), LBUSD (Long Beach Unified School District), NLMUSD (Norwalk La Mirada Unified School District), and DaVinci Schools. 
Intended Outcome: Numerous research studies have demonstrated that participation in dual enrollment is a powerful equity strategy.  Dual enrollment has often been found to benefit students who are the most underrepresented the most 鈥 young men of color, students from low-income families, and students who are the first in their families to attend college. 
Outcome(s): 鈥淪ucceeding in a college course in high school can boost students鈥 confidence as college learners, increase exposure to new topics and areas of study, and build momentum as they transition to college after high school.鈥 Fink, J. (2023). Greater Equity in College Access through High School Dual Enrollment Programs. The Campaign for College Opportunity. In the fall, 236 high school students completed the Ethnic Studies Course. In the spring, 209 HS students completed the course. Read more in the

Academy of Global Logistics Capstone Class
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024
Description: CPaCE Center for International Trade and Transportation under contract to the Port of Long Beach developed a 12th grade CTE capstone class as part of Cabrillo HS' Academy of Global Logistics. 
Intended Outcomes: Facilitate access to higher education by allowing high school students to secure credit for HS classes, ultimately reducing cost and time to completion. 
Outcome(s): The class was first taught in the spring of 2023 as a pilot. Revised course was taught in 2023-24 academic year and  now qualifies for transfer credit to the UC and CSU systems. CPaCE and CITT are also developing a Teacher Externship which will take place in August and September of 2024 on the 好色先生 campus to prepare teachers in the program to incorporate logistics into lesson planning. This includes training in order to teach the capstone.

Leveraging Open University More Strategically and Intentionally  
Timeline: Fall 2024
Description: CPaCE is collaborating with TRIO & Migrant Programs | California State University Long Beach (csulb.edu) to try and present on how they can leverage open U courses.
Intended Outcomes: Potential to increase GPAs and/or finish graduation sooner and/or for struggling students (ex: on the verge of disqualification)

Improving Graduation Rates

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) (note: CPaCE does not oversee CPL but hopes to play a supportive role in the leveraging and further roll out of this policy)
Timeline: Ongoing 
Description: ongoing collaboration with faculty coordinator hired to help develop processes and support CPL efforts (Please note this is an Academic Affairs policy)
Intended Outcomes: Initial leveraging of CPL with degree completion programs such as BALA and potential self support BALA Fast Track and/or Integrated Studies. 
Outcome(s): Currently the BA in Integrated Studies is state side and the BALA Fast Track and Integrated Studies is under exploration with CLA but no formal commitment made. CPL should be leveraged intentionally with any future degree completion programs.

Launch of 2 new supplemental programs in Fall 2023: RN to BSN and BA in Psychology  (Note: RN to BSN is in partnership with CHHS and Psych is in partnership with CLA)
Timeline: ongoing - each program is about to begin the 2nd year and welcoming a new cohort this Fall 2024
Description: Both programs created another entry point for highly impacted degree programs and have increased the number of transfer students who can attend and graduate from 好色先生. 
Intended Outcomes: Increase graduation #'s, increase student enrollment #'s, increase access to highly demand majors, increase impact in the community where there is also a demand for skilled healthcare workers and those in the mental health/counseling field. 
Outcome(s): First cohort has not graduated yet but we anticipate a high retention rate of graduates from both programs. These degree completion programs appear to be robust and sustainable achieving target goal of students and a large pool of candidates for the next class and cohort.  

Diversity in STEM & Health

English for Specific Purpose (ESP) classes          
Timeline: 2024 course development and spring 2025 program launch      
Description: CPaCE's American Language Institute (ALI) is developing ESP courses in both Medical English, and Logistics and Maritime Operations allowing students to develop both general English language skills as well as specialized skills in English that lead to employment opportunities in key local industries. 
Intended Outcome: Expand access to opportunities in both the medical/health care fields and  logistics-related fields by allowing students to acquire levels of language proficiency needed for employment and/or licensure. 
Outcome(s): Curriculum for "English for Logistics" is in development and will be launched in the spring of 2025. Curriculum for a combined CPaCE-offered Certified Nursing Assistant non-credit training program and Medical English program is also in development. Under new certificate guidelines, the proposal is being shared with CHHS for review.

Human Diversity Curriculum 

Leadership Dev Training for Port of Long Beach
Timeline: Spring 2024
Description: CPaCE developed and delivered a customized program in Leadership Development for the Port of Long Beach. The course focused on the leadership needs of mid-level management and included components of managing a diverse workforce.
Intended Outcomes: Build  knowledge  and capacity in managing diverse workplaces
Outcome(s): The success of the first course has resulted in the Port of Long Beach scheduling two new cohorts. CPaCE is adapting the curriculum to offer to 好色先生 alumni broadening reach and impact.

Exploration of Drag Queen Studies Curriculum/Certificate
Timeline: Ongoing
Description: Exploring with COTA a potential self support and interdisciplinary curriculum that could lend itself to be a credit or noncredit certificate on Drag Studies. 
Intended Outcomes: A noncredit or credit certificate. 
Outcome(s): Still in exploratory phase

Tribal Technical Assistance Program (TTAP)
Timeline: Awarded 2023 & Ongoing 
Description: CPaCE's Center for International Trade and Transportation (CITT) has been awarded a workforce development component of a federal Tribal Technical Assistance Program award. The TTAP program delivers training to tribal communities in the southwest US, including CA, in areas related to transportation systems development and management.
Intended Outcomes: Increase the capacity of tribal governments to manage transportation programs including ability to secure federal and state funding. 
Outcome(s): As part of its support for the TTAP program, CITT is co-organizing a national Tribal Transportation Workforce Summit that will help assess workforce training needs.


Build a Growth Strategy 
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024
Description: Professional Education, Lifelong Learning 
Intended Outcomes: Create more "bite-sized" learning opportunities for professional development and lifelong learning with certificates, microcredentials. 
Outcome(s): Passed update Certificate and Microcredential policy in Senate to develop infrastructure. CPaCE collaborating with Colleges to create new curriculum.

Build a Growth Strategy 
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024
Description: Blended Degrees 
Intended Outcomes: New policy passed last year, goal was to have 5 programs ready to go by Fall 2024.
Outcome(s): Created easy entry for our undergraduate students to transition to graduate degree programs with the creation and approval of 9 blended degree programs ready to offer in fall 2024.

Build a Growth Strategy 
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024
Description: Some College, No Degree
Intended Outcomes: Create option for students who have left college without a degree (in good standing) to return and earn a degree in the most efficient manner possible.
Outcome(s): Created proposal for a some college-no degree program called the BA in Integrative Studies. Deans mostly on-board, will focus on interdisciplinary concentration options that will allow students to use life experience and previous learning through CPL.

Build a Growth Strategy 
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024
Description: Supplemental Degrees 
Intended Outcomes: Provide increased capacity to increase accessibility to high-demand degrees.
Outcome(s): Supplemental CPaCE degrees for RN --> BSN and BA Psychology to start in CPaCE Fall 2024, starting process to add BS in Criminology and MS in Computer Science for Fall 2025.

Math Instructional Specialist (In Partnership with CED)
Timeline: Expected to Launch Fall 2025 (Approved) 
Description: The Mathematics Instructional Specialist Certificate program prepares mathematics teacher leaders who promote equity and excellence in diverse urban settings through applying effective pedagogy in mathematics teaching, using evidence-based practices to assess and improve students鈥 mathematics learning, collaborating with colleagues, and playing leadership roles in innovation, investigation, and problem solving.  These teacher leaders will develop problem-solving strategies and best practices to support their diverse students鈥 mathematics learning in our community鈥檚 urban settings.
Intended Outcomes: Successful launch of the certificate starting in Fall 2025

Think Beach Partnership between COE and CPaCE
Timeline: The pilot began Fall 2023 with 4 students from the Long Beach area attending 好色先生 and 4 students. This fall, 6 new students will be added to the 4 continuing students.
Description: Think Beach is an inclusive college program for young adults with an intellectual disability (ID). Think Beach is a two-year, four-semester program that includes college coursework, weekly independent living skills workshops, vocational experiences, person-centered planning, and peer mentorship. Received an Accelerator Grant from the Commission on Professional and Continued Education in the CO and DOR Grant. 
Intended Outcomes: Students who complete Think Beach program requirements will earn a certificate in Integrated Career Studies. From AY 25/26 and on, 12 students will be added each year to the 4-year program. So once the program is fully implemented, 48 students per campus will be enrolled in two courses per semester through Open University.
Outcome(s): College of Education Expands 鈥楾hink Beach鈥 | California State University Long Beach (csulb.edu)

Data Fellows Research on CPaCE-to Degree-Pathways
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024
Description: CPaCE's Data Fellows research project sought to identify student pathways from CPaCE programs, including Open University, non-credit programs, and international language programs, to 好色先生 degree programs.
Intended Outcomes: The research is intended to better understand how and if students who take CPaCE related programs find their way into degree programs and what support services are needed to make these pathways more intentional.
Outcome(s): The research identified existing opportunities via the American Language Institute, Open University and professional programs in logsitcs and human resource management. Disqualified students benefit in particular via Open U. By developing support structures for these students, CPaCE supports increased diversity in the 好色先生 student body and degree completion. 


Best of Beach -- staff awarded related to DEIA work            
Timeline: May 2024     
Description: Significant involvement in the 好色先生 community in regard to DEIA efforts including First Generation Mentor Program, the DEIA Collaborative, Application Reviewer for the Pathways Program, Beach Pantry volunteer, Office of Multicultural Affairs, Cultural Graduations - Black/Pan-African Graduation Celebration Volunteer, and more. 
Intended Outcomes: Bring greater awareness within CPaCE of ways for others to be involved and creating pride and celebrating staff members accomplishments on campus. 

DEIA Collaborative representation (3 reps)        
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024     
Description: CPaCE had representation on the DEIA Collaborative: Jackie Record (ALI), Alysa Turkowitz (AD) and most recently Cara Askew. 
Intended Outcome: Collaborate on diversity initiatives and opportunities across 好色先生.
Outcome(s): Relationship building and increased integration within 好色先生. 

Associate Dean, Dr. Alysa Turkowitz, to attend LGBTQ Conference of Higher Ed Leadership
Timeline: Fall 2024
Description: Two-day leadership institute focused on building self-knowledge of leadership, with attention to the ways identities influence choices and approaches to leadership; building contextual knowledge of leadership, with attention paid to current challenges and crises in higher education and the lgbtq+ community; and career development, with opportunities for participants to network, meet with mentors.   
Intended Outcomes: Share knowledge and insights on how to best support LGBTQ communities on campus, within CPaCE and 好色先生.

Staff member to participate in diversity training
Timeline: June 2024
Description: Virtual Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Institute as part of the 好色先生 team. 
Intended Outcomes: Bring valuable DEIA resources back to the college following the event. 

Commitment to Local Access  

Reduce patron borrower fees and offer cashless payment 
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024
Description: Reduce the financial burden on library patrons by lowering borrower fees. Offer cashless payment options to make transactions more convenient and accessible, regardless of their payment preferences. 
Intended Outcomes: The library has been committed to local access as we invite all patrons, but also to reduce barriers for entry, particularly among low-income students and community memembers. Further increase library usage among those who may have been previously deterred by high fees or inconvenient payment methods.

Expand partnerships with local community colleges
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024
Description: Establish partnerships with local community colleges to share library resources.
Intended Outcomes: To provide access to the library's resources and help community college students better prepare academically and feel more integrated into the 好色先生 community.    

Diversity Training for Faculty & Staff

DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility) Working Group  
Timeline: Spring 2024 Start      
Description: Working Group is composed of both faculty and staff members. This group was established to create a Diversity Statement for the library website as well as a Diversity Strategic Plan.
Intended Outcomes: To meet regularly to discuss and implement strategies that promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility within the library.

Diversity Justice in AANHPI Histories and Futures with Guest Speaker Lydia X. Z. Brown
Timeline: May 2, 2024 
Description: Guest lecture by Lydia X.Z. Brown focusing on disability justice in Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities. 
Intended Outcomes: To enhance faculty awareness and understanding of AANHPI challenges, leading to more inclusive teaching practices. To improve experiences for AANHPI students and foster a more inclusive environment. 


Baby Changing Stations in All Library Restrooms
Timeline: AY 2023-2024
Description: Baby changing stations installed in all bathrooms within the library. 
Intended Outcomes: To make the library a more inclusive and family-friendly environment. To support student parents and ensure they have the resources they need to care for their infants while using the library.

Study Carrel with Room for Baby or Toddler in Children's Collections
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024
Description: Installed a new study carrel designed to accommodate student parents who need space for their babies or toddlers.
Intended Outcomes: To increase library usage among student parents by providing a safe and comfortable environment for studying and caregiving. To enhance sense of belonging and engagement for student parents to come to the library and feel they don't have to leave to take care of their needs.

Beach XP Library Tours
Timeline: Fall 2023
Description: Students will explore library services crucial for success and meet faculty and staff who will assist them. 
Intended Outcomes: To increase engagement and utilization of library resources and services. Improve accessibility and usability of the library by familiarizing students with the tools and support available to them.

Academic Units 

Commitment to Local Access 

Changes to Local Preference for Transfer Students
Timeline: Fall 2025 
Description: In the vision to strengthen our partnership with the Community Colleges and increase the transfer student pipeline, we are proposing to revise the 鈥楲ocal Preference鈥 statement beginning with the 2025-26 Academic Year. The current definition considers the high school of graduation for local preference and does not consider the Community College last attended. The new definition will also consider the community college attended by the applicant and local preference will be extended to applicants who attended Long Beach City College, Cerritos College, Golden West College, Coastline Community College, or Orange Coast College, with the majority of units completed and last school attended at these institutions.  
Intended Outcome: We anticipate this change in local preference will allow us to admit approximately 10% more students from those community colleges that are now under the local preference guarantee. This is especially relevant to Golden West College, which has to date not been considered the local community college for any CSU in the region.

Improving Graduation Rates 

Provost Graduation Incentive Award
Timeline: Summer 2023 
Description: Provide funding for students to take up to two courses over the summer in order to graduate over the summer, rather than taking another semester during the academic year.
Intended Outcome: Improve 4-year graduation rates for the Fall 2019 FTFY cohort and 2-year graduation rates for the Fall 2021 Transfer cohort.
Outcome(s): Increased Fall 2019 FTFY 4-year graduation rate by approximately 5%, bringing graduation rate above 40% for the first time. Increased Fall 2021 Transfer 2-year graduation rates by approximately 10%.

Provost Graduation Incentive Award
Timeline: Summer 2024
Description: Provide funding for students to take up to two courses over the summer in order to graduate over the summer, rather than taking another semester during the academic year.
Intended Outcome: Improve 4-year graduation rates for the Fall 2020 FTFY cohort and 2-year graduation rates for the Fall 2022 Transfer cohort.

Beach XP
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024
Description: Enrolled 750 FTFY students in learning communities to build a sense of belonging and improve retention and graduation. 
Intended Outcome: Improved first-year retention and four- and six- year graduation rates.
Outcome(s): Official data will be released in late July 2024.

Beach XP 
Timeline: AY 2024 - 2025
Description: Planning to double the number of FTFY students in learning communities to build a sense of belonging and improve retention and graduation. 
Intended Outcome: Improved first-year retention and four- and six- year graduation rates.

Recruiting Faculty 

New Faculty Lines 
Timeline: Fall 2024
Description: To expand 好色先生's curricular offerings and to attract diverse faculty with significant academic and professional experiences, 好色先生 has developed three new faculty categories: Professor of Practice, Artist in Residence, and Clinical Professor. These categories will expand our ability to attract new talent and strengthen our ability to serve the 好色先生 educational mission. Faculty selected for these positions will have extensive practical or professional experience in the discipline, and are not expected to hold a terminal degree. As they will be engaged in "enhancing duties", they do not replace instructional faculty.  
Intended Outcome: Increase diversity of experience among faculty and enhance learning outcomes for students.

Diversity Training for Faculty & Staff 

Data Fellows
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024 
Description: This cohort included 50 participants comprising faculty, staff, administrators and students who worked on yearlong research projects related to student success. The teams presented their findings to campus constituents at the annual poster session symposium. We hope this generates discussion and campus awareness around the critical attributes that can be translated into action to improve student success. 
Visit the Data Fellows website for more details.
Outcome: 10 teams presented their completed projects at the poster session symposium on April 26, 2024.

Data Fellows 
Timeline: AY 2024 - 2025 
Description: This year, Data Fellows will collaborate with the Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Center on promoting equity priorities in Data Fellows projects. We aim to have a session on demographics in data and share our newly developed race disaggregation dashboard with the campus community.

Beach XP
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024 
Description: Faculty participating in Beach XP had the option to participate in asynchronous modules aimed at increasing professional competency in learning communities, sense of belonging, and creating an inclusive classroom. Content was curated and delivered by two Faculty Champions from the College of Health and Human Services and College of Liberal Arts.
Outcome(s): 14 faculty completed the Canvas modules.


Build a Growth Strategy 
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024
Description: Professional Education, Lifelong Learning 
Intended Outcomes: Create more "bite-sized" learning opportunities for professional development and lifelong learning with certificates, microcredentials. 
Outcome(s): Passed update Certificate and Microcredential policy in Senate to develop infrastructure. CPaCE collaborating with Colleges to create new curriculum.

Build a Growth Strategy 
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024
Description: Blended Degrees 
Intended Outcomes: New policy passed last year, goal was to have 5 programs ready to go by Fall 2024.
Outcome(s): Created easy entry for our undergraduate students to transition to graduate degree programs with the creation and approval of 9 blended degree programs ready to offer in fall 2024.

Build a Growth Strategy 
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024
Description: Some College, No Degree
Intended Outcomes: Create option for students who have left college without a degree (in good standing) to return and earn a degree in the most efficient manner possible.
Outcome(s): Created proposal for a some college-no degree program called the BA in Integrative Studies. Deans mostly on-board, will focus on interdisciplinary concentration options that will allow students to use life experience and previous learning through CPL.

Build a Growth Strategy 
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024
Description: Supplemental Degrees 
Intended Outcomes: Provide increased capacity to increase accessibility to high-demand degrees.
Outcome(s): Supplemental CPaCE degrees for RN --> BSN and BA Psychology to start in CPaCE Fall 2024, starting process to add BS in Criminology and MS in Computer Science for Fall 2025.

Commitment to Local Access 

Center for Community Engagement (CCE) Community Partner Inventory
Timeline: Fall 2023 - Spring 2024
Description: Conducted an inventory of current existing CCE partnerships through an equity lens in order to:         
Intended Outcome: Establish a CCE formal definition of 鈥渃ommunity partner鈥; Better understand who the CCE鈥檚 community partners are, what issues they address, and who they serve; Assess CCE community partnerships through an equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility lens AND better understand how these partnerships serve the public good while providing equity-anchored High Impact Practices for students such as but not limited to service learning, academic internship and/or community-based research opportunities; Identify possible gaps in service areas, focus areas and/or populations, and identify opportunities to engage potential organizations to address gaps and be more equitable in partnership development opportunities. 
Outcome(s): Established a CCE formal definition of 鈥渃ommunity partner鈥; Helped to inform the Beach 2030 Advancing Partnerships for the Public Good Action Zone scope of work and campus inventory process; Gained a better understanding who the CCE鈥檚 community partners are, what issues they address, and who they serve; Assessed CCE community partnerships through an equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility lens AND now have a better understanding how these partnerships serve the public good while providing equity-anchored High Impact Practices for students such as but not limited to service learning, academic internship and/or community-based research opportunities; Identified gaps in service areas, focus areas and/or populations, and identified possible opportunities to engage potential organizations to address gaps and be more equitable in partnership development opportunities. 

Improving Graduation Rates 

Center for Community Engagement (CCE) Community Partner Inventory
Timeline: Fall 2023 - Spring 2024
Description: Conducted an inventory of current existing CCE partnerships through an equity lens in order to:         
Intended Outcome: Establish a CCE formal definition of 鈥渃ommunity partner鈥; Better understand who the CCE鈥檚 community partners are, what issues they address, and who they serve; Assess CCE community partnerships through an equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility lens AND better understand how these partnerships serve the public good while providing equity-anchored High Impact Practices for students such as but not limited to service learning, academic internship and/or community-based research opportunities; Identify possible gaps in service areas, focus areas and/or populations, and identify opportunities to engage potential organizations to address gaps and be more equitable in partnership development opportunities. 
Outcome(s): Established a CCE formal definition of 鈥渃ommunity partner鈥; Helped to inform the Beach 2030 Advancing Partnerships for the Public Good Action Zone scope of work and campus inventory process; Gained a better understanding who the CCE鈥檚 community partners are, what issues they address, and who they serve; Assessed CCE community partnerships through an equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility lens AND now have a better understanding how these partnerships serve the public good while providing equity-anchored High Impact Practices for students such as but not limited to service learning, academic internship and/or community-based research opportunities; Identified gaps in service areas, focus areas and/or populations, and identified possible opportunities to engage potential organizations to address gaps and be more equitable in partnership development opportunities. 

Long Beach Community Internship Program, Project Resilience, and College Corps Program          
Timeline: AY 2023 - Ongoing          
Description: These are three paid academic internship programs (High Impact Practices with research showing positive impact on student success indicators; particularly for first generation, students of color - housed in the CCE). 
Intended Outcomes: Provide more paid academic internship programing and opportunities to students of color, first generation students, pell eligible students and undocumented students. 
Outcome(s): 90% of students participating in these programs are students of color; 78% of students participating in these programs are first generation; 65% of students participating in these programs are pell eligible; 19% of students participating in these programs are undocumented.

Learning Center Partnership with CLA and COB        
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024       
Description: We are partnering with CLA and COB to provide new support for courses with high and/or increasing URM GPA gaps. For CLA鈥檚 PSY 100 course, which had a course equity GPA gap of over 0.5, we are expanding the use of Supplemental Instruction (SI) for course sections. SI leaders are embedded into the course sections. In conjunction with COB, we piloted embedded tutoring for some course sections of I S 310 (Business Statistics, who saw its course equity GPA gap more than double from 2021-22 to 2022-23. 
Intended Outcomes: To bring the support to the student and to hopefully close opportunity gaps for students.  
Outcome(s): We plan further expansion of both programs for the upcoming year.

Learning Center Teams Up with UCUA 
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024
Description: The Learning Center teamed with the University Center for Undergraduate Advising (UCUA) to expand the students served by COUN 191 sections dedicated to students approaching academic warning, not just those on academic warning. 
Intended Outcomes: To administer early outreach and support to students approaching academic warning. 

Learning Center and Office of Belonging and Inclusion Pilot 
Timeline: Expected AY 2024 - 2025
Description: The Learning Center began planning discussions with staff from the Office of Belonging and Inclusion about integrating academic support with Opportunity Gap students via the Cultural Resource Centers and their related activities.  

Human Diversity Curriculum

Center for Community Engagement (CCE) Community Partner Inventory
Timeline: Fall 2023 - Spring 2024
Description: Conducted an inventory of current existing CCE partnerships through an equity lens in order to:         
Intended Outcome: Establish a CCE formal definition of 鈥渃ommunity partner鈥; Better understand who the CCE鈥檚 community partners are, what issues they address, and who they serve; Assess CCE community partnerships through an equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility lens AND better understand how these partnerships serve the public good while providing equity-anchored High Impact Practices for students such as but not limited to service learning, academic internship and/or community-based research opportunities; Identify possible gaps in service areas, focus areas and/or populations, and identify opportunities to engage potential organizations to address gaps and be more equitable in partnership development opportunities. 
Outcome(s): Established a CCE formal definition of 鈥渃ommunity partner鈥; Helped to inform the Beach 2030 Advancing Partnerships for the Public Good Action Zone scope of work and campus inventory process; Gained a better understanding who the CCE鈥檚 community partners are, what issues they address, and who they serve; Assessed CCE community partnerships through an equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility lens AND now have a better understanding how these partnerships serve the public good while providing equity-anchored High Impact Practices for students such as but not limited to service learning, academic internship and/or community-based research opportunities; Identified gaps in service areas, focus areas and/or populations, and identified possible opportunities to engage potential organizations to address gaps and be more equitable in partnership development opportunities. 

Commitment to Local Access 

ISPACE Early Engagement STEM Tours 
Timeline: Fall 2024 - Present 
Description: ATS has partnered with University Outreach & School Relations to conduct weekly tours for local 5th-grade classes and High School students through collaboration with Long Beach Promise, introducing young students to university-level technology and helping to build early awareness and interest in STEM fields. From targeted LBUSD, the average percentage of black students is 15.87%, and socioeconomic disadvantage is 68.19%. From local high schools, the average percentage of black students is 7.33%, and socioeconomic disadvantage is 78.15% 
Intended Outcomes: Effort to remove barriers to access education and Diversity in STEM & Health. 
Outcome(s): Over 150 students from local high schools and over 500 students from local schools districts participated in technology tours, increasing their familiarity with technology and higher education opportunities.  

Diversity Training for Faculty  

AL$ Faculty Program
Timeline: November 2023 - March 2024 
Description: Offered a faculty incentive program and a self-paced course that focused on Affordable Learning Solutions. This program is aligned with the Chancellor's Office efforts in AL$ initiatives.
Intended Outcomes: Offer faculty support in integration of low-cost learning materials into their courses as part of the 好色先生 Affordable Learning Solutions (AL$) initiative. 10 faculty were accepted into the program and were provided support in completing the requirements and program deliverables. 
Outcome(s): 9 of the 10 faculty that were accepted to the program completed the requirements of the AL$ program. This includes attending workshops, working with an Instructional Designer and Librarian, complete the AL$ course, and submit an AL$ adoption showcase. 

Faculty Accessibility Accommodations Roadshow (BMAC/ATS/OEC)
Timeline: January 2024 - March 2024 
Description: Canvas accessibility training focusing on exam accommodations for College of Engineering.
Intended Outcomes: Increase faculty knowledge about accommodations available in Canvas and increase inclusive teaching and assessment methods for students.
Outcome(s): All the departments in COE received the presentation. Faculty in other departments are interested in a presentation. A video presentation is being developed that will be shown in department meetings and emailed to the lecturer faculty. 

Faculty Online Readiness Program
Timeline: September 2023 - April 2024 
Description: A faculty professional development program that combines teaching theory and best practices for faculty who want to teach in an online environment. Accessibility, diversity, equity, and inclusion are part of the curriculum and are combined with workshops delivered in partnership with faculty. 
Intended Outcomes: Deliver the professional development program and support faculty who are enrolled in completing program deliverables so they can receive a course and program badge. 
Outcome(s): 42 faculty completed FORP in Fall 2023 and 10 faculty completed FORP in Spring 2024. Faculty were paired with instructional designers and a Peer Reviewer and completed the course deliverables in order to receive a course badge for completion.

Timeline: January 2024 
Description: Quality Matters 2 day intensive face-to-face training that focuses on quality online course design. Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR) and Improving your Online Course (IYOC) were offered over Winter break 2024 and the entire entire 好色先生 faculty community were eligible to enroll.
Intended Outcomes: Through presentation and discussion activities, the intended outcomes included Identifying the critical elements of the QM quality assurance program, including the QM Rubric, materials, processes, and administrative components as well as applying the QM Higher Education Rubric to review online courses.
Outcome(s): Between both training offered, 18 of the 19 faculty members completed the respective training (6 APPQMR completions and 12 IYOC completions). Those who completed the training received a digital badge awarded through Quality Matters (QM). 

Instructional Design Accessibility Training
Timeline: April 17 - April 22 
Description: Canvas Accessibility Training offered to ATS Instructional Design Team, BMAC/AIM staff, and ATI IM subcommittee members. 
Intended Outcomes: A 4-day Canvas accessibility training delivered by an outside 好色先生 accessibility expert. The training was in collaboration with ITS. The objective of the training was to train instructional designers, campus staff and faculty on how to implement accessibility best practices inside the LMS. 
Outcome(s): The invited attendees completed the 4-day training and found the information very informative and useful. From the perspective of the instructional Designers they have started to implement accessibility best practices in their work when designing courses, multimedia and training faculty. 


ATS + BMAC Student Assistant Program        
Timeline: Spring 2022 - Present 
Description: ATS has partnered with the Bob Murphy Access Center (BMAC) to offer iPad kits in classes that need sign language interpretation. This enables students to connect with a remote sign language interpreter. Due to the success of this initiative, ATS has been honored with the 2022 BMAC Outstanding Student Service award.             
Intended Outcome: Effort to remove barriers to access education. 
Outcome(s): 113 BMAC Supported Classes.       

Live Captioning in Classrooms and Campus Events     
Timeline: Summer 2024 - Present 
Description: A comprehensive evaluation of live captioning equipment to enhance accessibility for classroom upgrades and campus events.
Intended Outcome: Effort to remove barriers to access education. 


Hyflex Student Assistant Program
Timeline: Spring 2022 - Present 
Description: In 2022, Academic Technology Services (ATS) launched the Hyflex Student Assistant Program. This program allows faculty teaching in a hyflex classroom to request a trained ATS student assistant. The assistants offer support, help connect students virtually, and provide mobile teaching kits for non-hyflex classrooms. This program has now been fully integrated into our Classroom Support student assistant pool for continuous operation.
Intended Outcomes: Effort to remove barriers to access education. 
Outcome(s): 76 Hyflex Class Sessions Supported between Spring 2022 - May 2023. 

Adobe Classroom Pilot Project
Timeline: November 2023 -May 2024 
Description: In late Fall 2023, ATS launched the Adobe Classroom Pilot Project. As an equity initiative, the program aimed to provide Adobe Creative Cloud access to students at no cost for course-related assignments and projects during the Spring 2024 semester. The program was designed to remove barriers for students to access powerful, industry-leading digital tools.
Intended Outcomes: Expand access to Adobe Creative Cloud to students at no cost.
Outcome(s): Provided access to 2,135 students in 132 courses taught by 57 faculty.

Recruiting Faculty 

CSU Pre-Professor Program (PREPP) 
Timeline: August 2023 - May 2024 
Description: CSU PREPP is designed to support doctoral students and postdocs transitioning to faculty positions through a virtual and comprehensive orientation program at 好色先生. CSU PREPP Fellows participate in a semester-long program designed to help them understand the life of a faculty member.
Intended Outcome: Support 14 PREPP fellows. 
Outcome(s): Supported 14 PREPP Fellows at 好色先生 by pairing them up with 5 PREPP Mentors. 

Office of Undergraduate Research Services (OURS) 
Timeline: Ongoing 
Description: OURS Connects is an undergraduate research experience open to 好色先生 students of all colleges and disciplines. The semi-structured research program pairs undergraduate students with faculty research sponsors so that students may contribute to the advancement of faculty research, scholarly, and creative activities.
Intended Outcome: Continue recruitment of faculty from all colleges.
Outcome(s): Recruitment of faculty across colleges: CLA: 26, CED: 2, CHHS: 11, COE: 13, CNSM: 15, COB: 1, CPACE: 2

Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) 
Timeline: Ongoing 
Description: The Undergraduate Research Program (UROP) is a one-year program that offers first- and second year students. 
Intended Outcome: Continue recruitment of faculty from all colleges.
Outcome(s): Recruitment of faculty across colleges: Recruitment of faculty across colleges: CLA: 28, CED: 2, CHHS: 19, COE: 11, CNSM 18, COB: 3, CPACE: 2

Diversity in STEM & Health 

BUILD Fellows/Scholars 
Timeline: June 2023 - May 2024 
Description: BUILD Scholars/Fellows participate in intensive summer research training.  They work with their BUILD Faculty Mentors full time (up to 34 hours/week), in addition to attending an 8-week Summer Learning Community (Summer Undergraduate Research Gateway to Excellence) from June to July. During the AY, students continue working on faculty-mentored research and participate in the BUILD Learning Community. 
Intended Outcome: Support 30 students. 
Outcome(s): Supported 32 students: 22 students (20 NIH, 2 DACA on Institutional Support) admitted (10 Fellows, 12 Year 1) plus 10 continuing Year 2 students. 

Diversity Training for Faculty & Staff 

Beach Mentor Program 
Timeline: Spring 2023, Summer 2023, Fall 2023
Description: Called the 鈥淏each Mentor Program鈥 at 好色先生, this program works towards that goal by providing a learning experience where mentors refresh and reaffirm inclusive mentoring practices. 
Intended Outcome: Addition of newly trained faculty mentors
Outcome(s): 60 New 好色先生 Faculty Mentors trained in 2023

Office of Undergraduate Research Services (OURS) 
Timeline: Ongoing 
Description: OURS Connects is an undergraduate research experience open to 好色先生 students of all colleges and disciplines. The semi-structured research program pairs undergraduate students with faculty research sponsors so that students may contribute to the advancement of faculty research, scholarly, and creative activities. 

Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) 
Timeline: Ongoing 
Description: The Undergraduate Research Program (UROP) is a one-year program that offers first- and second year students. 

Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF) 
Timeline: Ongoing 
Description: The Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program (MMUF) is the centerpiece of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation's initiatives to increase diversity in the faculty ranks of institutions of higher learning. 

Diversity Training for Faculty & Staff 

Faculty Learning Communities             
Timeline: August 2023 - May 2024
Description: Two cohorts of Faculty Learning Communities (Inclusive Excellence in Pedagogy FLC), instituted in 2023-24 AY, focused on understanding and reducing bias and internalizing equity principles in addressing causes of failure rates and equity gaps. FLC introduced faculty to using data, reflection, exploration, and collaboration to elevate student success through inclusive high-impact pedagogical methods. 
Intended Outcomes: Participants will have opportunities to learn and share in a collaborative learning community, all elements of Culturally Responsive Sustaining and Universal Design Learning practices for students of diverse backgrounds, while supporting meaningful and accessible learning for all students. Participants will also be able to examine their beliefs about diversity, equity, gaining knowledge, and understand the influence of these elements in higher education practices. Further, participants will explore their personal and professional biases as they acknowledge a need to be more intentional about equity-minded instruction and developing culturally inclusive classrooms. 
Outcome(s): A poster presentation session sharing the collective work of the FLC was held in 5/23/24. Faculty participants expressed appreciation for the FLC and pledged to continue to collaborate as a community in infusing equity-minded protocols into their pedagogy. 

ASSET Program
Timeline: Summer 2023 & Winter 2024       
Description: The ASSET (Accelerating Student Success and Equity in Teaching) Program was offered in Summer 2023 and Winter 2024. This program assists faculty in making their courses more culturally responsive with an attention to equity-minded practices and equity metrics.
Intended Outcomes: The purpose of the program is to assist faculty in making their courses more culturally responsive with an attention to equity-minded practices and equity metrics. The intended outcome is for participating faculty to see non-passing (D/F/WU/NC) and non-completion (D/F/WU/NC/W/WE/I) rates decrease and equity gaps in GPAs and graduation rates (among other measures) decrease. 

Equity-Minded Pedagogy Course       
Timeline: Fall 2023
Description: A grant from the Chancellor's Office enabled 好色先生 faculty to participate in an Equity-Minded Pedagogy Course, designed by William Hardaway in Fresno State鈥檚 Office of IDEAS.  
Intended Outcomes: This course supports faculty to utilize institutional data, human-centered design and equity-mindedness to eliminate equity gaps in students鈥 achievements of learning outcomes and course completion. 
Outcome(s): 28 faculty participants and 2 facilitators from 好色先生 originally signed up for the program. Both facilitators and 15 participants successfully completed the program and received certification and compensation for their accomplishments.

Middle Leadership Academy
Timeline: AY 2023-2024
Description: The Middle Leadership Academy, a CSU system-wide program, is a year-long professional development opportunity that brings together campus-based teams of CSU faculty, student affairs staff, researchers, and students.         
Intended Outcomes: This collaborative and supportive environment aims to solve common issues related to student learning, engagement, progression, and completion. The 好色先生鈥檚 Team that participated in the CSU Middle Leadership Academy explored ways of reducing obstacles that impede student success and applying an equity-minded perspective that will ensure Black students鈥 self-efficacy and increase the university鈥檚 capacity to optimize the learning experience for Black students.
Outcome(s): The team has already conducted or held preliminary interviews and conversations with a CNSM faculty mentor and Black staff and student groups. The team has further started preliminary analysis of disaggregated data. The team presented preliminary findings to 好色先生's Senior Leadership Team on6/20/2024.

Black Student Success/Black Excellence Collegium
Timeline: AY 2023-2024
Description: These initiatives, with FA involvement, have discussed ways to enhance Black student experience and success. We are currently developing (in progress) the 鈥淒EIA Excellence in the Beach Classroom-Equipping Beach Faculty for Inclusive Instruction for ALL Students鈥 FLC to be implemented in fall 2024. 
Intended Outcomes: Intended outcome of the DEIA Excellence in the Classroom FLC is to provide the opportunity for new faculty to learn and share in a collaborative community best practices for promoting Black student success in the classroom. 
Outcome(s): DEIA FLC is scheduled to be implemented in Fall 2024.

Commitment to Local Access

Intercultural Diplomats
Timeline: AY 2023 - 2024, Ongoing 
Description: The Center for International Education collaborates with the California Global Education Project at 好色先生 for the Intercultural Diplomats (ID) Program. The ID Program is a cross-cultural exchange program for K-12 classrooms in the Long Beach community. Diplomats are 好色先生 international students who are selected to give lessons that encourage global competence, appreciation of other cultures, and create a positive relationship between members of different cultures. Diplomats will develop global competency and leadership skills while also forming a positive relationship with persons from multiple, diverse American backgrounds. After selection, the diplomats first go through a series of 2 training workshops to learn how to effectively teach global competency techniques, acquire leadership skills, and create lesson plans with teachers, followed by 2-3 visits to the classroom to implement those lessons. Lessons occur between February and April. A small stipend of $400 is offered to those who complete all elements of this program.
Outcome(s): During academic year 2023-24, fourteen (14) Intercultural Diplomats were selected comprised of graduate, undergraduate and exchange international students. The diplomats came from Japan, Honduras, India, Spain, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Myanmar. These diplomats were placed in 7 area schools 鈥 Carver Elementary, Fremont Elementary, Los Cerritos, Tincher Elementary, Lowell Elementary, Cabrillo High School, Hughes Middle School, and Stanford Middle School. 

Sister Cities of Long Beach, Inc.
Timeline: Winter 2024, Ongoing
Description: Associate Vice President Joshee sits on the Board of Sister Cities of Long Beach Inc. (SCLB). SCLB, a 501c3 tax-exempt public nonprofit organization is sponsored and established by the City of Long Beach. The Mayor of the City of Long Beach appoints the board members. SCLB works to diversify, create, and strengthen partnerships between the City of Long Beach, CA and communities in other countries to build people-to-people global cooperation. The university has worked with several sister cities namely Yokkaichi, Japan and Qingdao, China.
Outcome(s): AY 2023-24 Update: 好色先生 collaborated with the Sister Cities of Long Beach to send a group of 12 好色先生 students to China during Winter break 2024. In addition to most of the trip cost fully covered, the student received a scholarship of $1,000 which was partially funded by Port of Long beach.

Qingdao Department of Foreign Affairs Office of Municipal government was the host in China. The students were housed in the residence halls in Qingdao University of Technology. The program included business visits such as Qingdao Beer factory, Haier Group (home appliance company), various culture sites that included students learning to do paper cutting and Taiqi, visit to a Chinese medicine hospital, where the students experienced traditional way of heeling, Tuina and aquapuncture. Our students also had the opportunity to meet with the students in the College of Engineering and played games with the automation equipment designed by the students, their auto club to see the car racing with the car designed and made by the students. They also had a very good experience at their VR lab. During their time in Qingdao, students also visited Shandong University of Science and Technology, with which, we had a LOI during the pandemic. There, the students visited their library and the College of Engineering to see their impressive automation program. 

After Qingdao, our student group traveled to Shanghai where they visited the Museum of Languages of the World located at our partner university, the Shanghai International Studies University. Students also had the opportunity to visit G60 Science Innovation Corridor and a water town near Shanghai. 

We later learned that the 12 好色先生 students were the first group of American students under President Xi Jinping鈥檚 goal to attract 50,000 American students to China in the next 5 years which was announced during his visit to San Francisco to meet with President Joe Biden at the APEC meeting. As a result, the student trip was extensively covered in the Chinese media with interviews with our students. 

Improving Graduation Rates

Timeline: Ongoing
Description: Studies show (CASSIE Research; University of Georgia) that students who participate in study-abroad programs graduate on a timely manner with better grades than those who do not. These experiences help students with better job placements and make them stand out since fewer than 2% of all U.S. college students study abroad鈥攁nd fewer than 1% intern abroad. CIE maintains 60 university partnerships around the world for reciprocal student exchange programs. Along with these and partnerships with most major third-party program providers, CIE provides 250 plus global learning destinations worldwide to 好色先生 students. Study-abroad options are offered in various lengths - for one year, one semester, Spring break, Summer session, and Winter session. Units earned abroad apply toward their degree at 好色先生 and financial aid and scholarships apply.
Outcome(s): The institute of International Education (IIE) publishes an Open Doors report annually in collaboration with the Department of State. Among other statistics, it ranks the institutions for study abroad participation by its students.  If 好色先生 were to be included among the Master Comprehensive universities, it would rank first in the nation and the top among CSUs for sending most students to study-abroad. We had 672 students go overseas in semester, year-long and short-term program.  

Intern, Volunteer, or Teach Abroad
Timeline: Ongoing
Description: Students who are looking for an alternative to study abroad may choose to intern, work, teach, or pursue graduate school as a way to gain international experience. There are many external programs available to students which CIE have compiled a list of resources to help students jump-start the research process. These are non-好色先生 programs. The information is provided as a service and does not reflect endorsement by California State University, Long Beach.

International Student Advising
Timeline: Ongoing
Description: CIE advisors help all international students with academic, social, and administrative (visa services) advising. Students can use Beach Connect to access support from a variety of campus resources. Students can find resources such as Academic Advising, Tutoring, Academic Coaching, and more. Appointments can also be scheduled online for a variety of services. Drop-in advising is also available 5 days a week for short 5-10 minute sessions for quick solutions.

International Student Ally Network (ISAN)
Timeline: Each Fall Semester 
Description: The Center for International Education offers a program called International Student Ally Network (ISAN) inviting interested faculty and staff from various university departments. This program addresses global and domestic events that have directly affected the lives of international students at 好色先生. The program is intended to improve the understanding about international students on campus and how we as an institution can help them succeed. Topics such as who are 好色先生 international students, understanding visa and immigration regulations, effect of domestic and global events on 好色先生 international students, partnership approach for supporting 好色先生 international students and academic advising.
Outcome(s): AY 2023-24 Update: CIE organized a very successful ISAN program in Fall 2023 which attracted more than 40 faculty, staff, and administrators from across the university. The morning long program was offered at the Anatol Center. A support network like this directly impacts the student success of international students on campus. 

Practical Training Employment
Timeline: Ongoing
Description: Degree鈥搒eeking international students are eligible for employment and other types of practical training in the U.S. once they complete their educational program. The International Students and Scholars Services office in CIE provides guidance to students about the process, their responsibilities, and the benefits available to them in accordance with immigrations regulations and policies.

Recruiting Faculty

Visa Support for Foreign National Faculty
Timeline: Ongoing
Description: CIE provides immigration services to newly hired Tenure/Tenure Track foreign national faculty members through the H-1B Temporary Workers visa category. H-1B status is granted for an initial period of three years, and a three-year extension is possible for a maximum duration of six years. This is often the first step towards gaining permanent residency (green card). CIE also helps foreign faculty members to obtain Labor Certification, which is a requirement to obtain permanent residency. 

Professors Around the World (PAW)
Timeline: Annual Competitive Grant
Description: The PAW program is offered by the Office of the Provost in conjunction with the Office of International Education and Global Engagement. The goal of PAW is to strengthen 好色先生's global mission and comprehensive campus internationalization initiatives by engaging and supporting faculty travel related to international collaborative research projects, developing, or enhancing study or work abroad opportunities for students, and building or strengthening relationships with overseas partner institutions. Prospective faculty candidates in recent years have inquired about the PAW program and an incentive to join 好色先生.


Global Diversity
Timeline: Ongoing
Description: The Office of International Education and Global Engagement continuously engages the Beach community to create 好色先生 is vibrant, diverse public university committed to building connections with students, scholars, and partners around the world. The international education team strengthens these connections through numerous activities. We welcome thousands of students, scholars, and professionals to our campus each year for a range of degree and non-degree programs, and we offer a wealth of learning and research opportunities for 好色先生 students and faculty abroad. We are committed to increasing global diversity on campus and working together to address the complex challenges facing the world today.

Visiting Professor, Scholar, Researcher Program
Timeline: Ongoing
Description: The Center for International Education manages the Visiting Professor/Scholar program following the U.S. Department of State regulation 22 CFR 62.1. The program benefits all Colleges and academic departments at 好色先生 with the opportunity to collaborate with a counterpart faculty member from an institution overseas. The main purpose of the Program is to provide foreign nationals with opportunities to participate in educational and cultural programs in the United States and return home to share their experiences, and to encourage 好色先生 faculty to participate in educational and cultural programs in other countries. The U.S. Department of State monitors the program and has a designated Responsible Officer (RO) and the Alternate Responsible Officers (AROs) in the Center for International Education to ensure compliance with the regulations and purpose of the program.

International Education Week
Timeline: Annual Event in November
Description:  CIE organizes a series of culturally diverse events and lectures every November to celebrate International Education Week (IEW). IEW is an opportunity to celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide. IEW is a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education with programs being held in many US universities and across the globe.
Outcome(s): : CIE collaborated with the International Education Committee of the Faculty Senate and the Phi Beta Delta, the Honor Society for International Educators and Scholars, to offer a robust program during the International Education Week in November 2023. Various sessions, workshops, and lecture programs were organized throughout the week which benefited students, faculty, and staff.