Referring Students to the CARES Team
The CARES (Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation for Students) Team
The purpose of The Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation for Students (CARES) Team is to provide a centralized structure for the campus community in our support of students. We provide early intervention and crisis mitigation for students through collaboration with campus departments, faculty, and staff. Students who exhibit behaviors or disclose personal challenges in relation to their personal, physical, and emotional well-being should be referred to the CARES Team for connection to appropriate campus and community resources. Students exhibiting intimidating, disruptive, aggressive, or violent behaviors should also be referred to CARES, unless there is an immediate safety concern in which case you should call the campus police. In collaboration with students, the CARES Team will review all information available on the students’ behavior and background, to develop an individual action plan and provide on-going case management support. The team meets regularly and as need arises.
Common student challenges that have been referred to the CARES Team for support and resources include:
- Students who exhibit significant change in behavior or appearance
- Students who feel anxious, depressed, overwhelmed, or stressed
- Students who experience health, medical, or psychiatric concerns/emergencies
- Students experiencing academic difficulties, including excessive absences
- Students who may feel lonely, isolated, or disconnected
- Students experiencing relationship challenges, family difficulties, or loss of a loved one
- Students experiencing catastrophic events or losses
- Students with substance use/abuse concerns
- Students who communicate threats of harm to themselves or others
- Students who engage in disruptive behavior
- Students who may benefit from personalized outreach, support, and resources
How to Talk to Students About the CARES Team
If a student is exhibiting behavior that is a threat to themselves or others, it is appropriate to file a CARES report without asking for the student’s permission. Likewise, it might also be appropriate to file a report on behalf of students who exhibit significant signs of distress and then stop coming to class or responding to emails for a significant period of time. In other cases, we recommend asking for students’ permission before filing a CARES report. Most students who are experiencing personal challenges welcome the offer of services and referrals, but the choice should ultimately be theirs. How you frame the offer makes a difference. Here are some recommended ways to frame the offer:
- The university has hired a number of caseworkers to help connect students to needed services on and off campus. If you’d like, I can pass on your name and email to one of the caseworkers who will then get in touch with you to talk about your needs. Based on your individual needs, the caseworker can then connect you with specific services. Is this something that you would be interested in?
Submitting a CARES Report
If the student agrees, you can then submit a report to the CARES Team through their secure or by calling the Dean of Students Office at 562.985.8670. E-mails are monitored during business hours M-F 8am-5pm. If it is an emergency, please call 9.1.1 or University Police 562.985.4101.
Syllabi Statement
You can also let students know about the CARES team ahead of time by posting the following information on your syllabus and on Beachboard.
Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation for Students (CARES)
The CARES team provides case management services for students experiencing personal challenges related to their personal, physical, or emotional well-being. Students who are referred to the CARES team will be connected to a case manager who can assess students’ needs, develop an individualized action plan, and connect them to appropriate services. Students may also contact the CARES team if they are concerned that another students’ behavior poses a concern, potential threat, or actual threat to self or others. You may use the CARES team website to report concerns: /divisions/students/cares/ In the event of an active emergency, contact University Police or call 911.