Student Disclosures of Non-Academic Challenges
Common Challenges Experienced by College Students
- 78% of college students have felt overwhelmed, 50% have experienced overwhelming anxiety, and 37% have felt so depressed it was difficult to function (American College Health Association, 2019)
- 53% of college students have been diagnosed or treated for a physical health problem within the past 12 months (American College Health Association, 2019)
- Nearly 40% of college students meet the diagnostic criteria for at least one type of substance use disorder (Brooke et al., 2020)
- 25% of undergraduates have children or other dependents (National Center for Education Statistics, 2017; Noll et al., 2017)
- Over 30% of students have experienced the death of a friend of loved one while in college (Balk et al., 2010)
- 35-42% of college students have experienced food insecurity (Bruening et al., 2017; Crutchfield & Maguire, 2018)
- 14% of community college students and 10.9% of CSU students experienced homelessness in the past 12 months (Crutchfield & Maguire, 2018; Goldrick-Rab et al., 2017)
- 1 in 10 college students have a disability (US Government Accountability Office, 2009)
Faculty May Learn About Student Challenges in a Number of Ways
Faculty may learn about student challenges in a variety of different ways, some more direct and purposeful than others. Common ways of learning about student adversity include:
- During office hours or advising meetings
- In emails or phone calls
- During class discussions or presentations
- In reflection papers or discussion board posts
- Through observations or overheard conversations
- Via social media
- Through a concerned 3rd party
Students May Disclose to Faculty for a Number of Reasons
Students reveal personal information to faculty or in class for a variety of different reasons. Common reasons for revealing personal information to faculty include:
- Seeking academic accommodations or explaining academic difficulties
- Seeking information and referrals
- Seeking emotional support
- Self-reflection and emotional processing
- To educate or help others
American College Health Association (2019). American College Health Association-National College Health Assessment II: Reference Group Executive Summary Spring 2019. Silver Spring, MD: American College Health Association. Retrieved from
Balk, D., Walker, A., & Baker, A. (2010). Prevalence and severity of college student bereavement examined in a randomly selected sample. Death Studies, 34, 459-468. DOI: 10.1080/07481180903251810
Brooke J. Arterberry, Carol J. Boyd, Brady T. West, Ty S. Schepis & Sean Esteban McCabe (2020). DSM-5 substance use disorders among college-age young adults in the United States: Prevalence, remission and treatment. Journal of American College Health, 68(6), 650-657. DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2019.1590368
Bruening, M., Argo, K., Payne-Sturges, D., & Laska, M. (2017). The struggle is real: A systematic review of food insecurity on postsecondary education campuses. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 117(11), 1767-1791.
Crutchfield, R. & Maguire, J. (2018). Study of basic needs. Retrieved from
Goldrick-Rab, S., Richardson, J., & Hernandez, A. (2017). Hungry and homeless in college: Results from a National Study of Basic Needs Insecurity in Higher Education. Retrieved from
Noll, E., Reichlin, L., & Gault, B. (2017). College students with children: National and regional profiles. Institute for Women鈥檚 Policy Research.
U.S. Government Accountability Office. (2009). Higher education and disability: Education needs a coordinated approach to improve its assistance to schools in supporting students (Report to the Chairman, Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives, GAO-10-33). Retrieved from .