ࡱ> GJF qbjbj 4*ggX 84)&     TTT((((((($C+-Z(TTTTT(  4(hhhTF  (hT(hh6%& @d0h&((0)&@S.fS.8&S.&TThTTTTT((08TTT)TTTTS.TTTTTTTTT X J: California State University, Long Beach Emeriti & Retired Faculty and Staff Association A Chapter of the California State University Emeritus & Retired Faculty and Staff Association (CSU-ERFSA) CONSTITUTION Approved May 16, 2014; effective July 1, 2014 Article I. Name. The name of this organization shall be Emeriti & Retired Faculty and Staff Association. Article II. Purpose. As an affiliate of the California State University Emeritus & Retired Faculty and Staff Association (CSU-ERFA ERFSA), the purpose of the Chapter shall be: Section 1. To provide opportunities for maintaining and expanding professional and personal relations with colleagues both within California State University, Long Beach, and throughout the California State University system. Section 2. To serve as an advocate of the interests of California State University, Long Beach emeriti and retired faculty and staff in all matters relating to the general welfare of these individuals on campus and in the California State University. Section 3. To promote continued scholarly endeavors of emeriti and retired faculty and staff as contributing members of the University and to encourage University support for these endeavors. Section 4. To assist the University, as emeriti and retired faculty and staff, in its efforts to provide continuing and increasing support, counsel, and service in the interests of present and future faculty, staff, and students. Section 5. To maintain among members an awareness of issues of current importance to ɫ and the CSU, of the accomplishments of current faculty and staff, and of the initiatives and goals being pursued by current campus and system leadership. Article III. Membership. Retired and emeriti faculty and staff, including librarians, and academic administrators are eligible to join CSU-ERFA ERFSA, thereby becoming members of the local chapter. Retired staff who remain in contact with the campus also are eligible, as are s Surviving spouses of members also are eligible. Article IV. Dues and Assessments. Dues and assessments are defined in the Bylaws. Article V. Officers. The officers of the Chapter shall be President, Immediate Past President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The terms of office and duties and responsibilities of officers shall be delineated in the Bylaws. Article VI. The Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers and up to five elected Members at Large. They shall be elected to serve staggered two-year terms. Article VII. Committees Committees may be proposed by the Executive Committee or by an appropriate motion at a scheduled Chapter meeting as the need arises. Approval shall be by majority vote of all members present. Article VIII. Meetings. Regularly scheduled meetings shall be held each academic year as prescribed in the Bylaws. Article IX. Bylaws. The Bylaws shall consist of the implementing rules, procedures, and regulations necessary and appropriate for the continuing and detailed functioning of the Chapter and to implement the provisions of the Constitution. Article X. Amendments. An amendment to the Constitution may be proposed by the Executive Committee or by a majority vote of all members present at a regularly scheduled meeting or by a petition bearing the signatures of at least ten (10) Chapter members. A properly proposed amendment shall be submitted to a vote by a secret mail ballot to the Chapter members within ninety (90) days. An amendment to the Constitution shall require ratification by a majority of the votes cast. Article XI. Parliamentary Authority. Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised, latest edition, shall be the parliamentary authority for this Chapter. Article XII. Ratification. This Constitution shall be effective upon the favorable vote of the majority of the Chapter members voting in a secret mail ballot.     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