Student Surveys

The Freshman Survey (TFS)

好色先生 has administered The Freshman Survey since 2013. From 2013-2016, the survey was administered during SOAR (summer) via paper, and from 2017 on, it has been administered online in September.

The Freshman Survey is about California State University, Long Beach students that have no prior postsecondary experience attending any institution for the first time at the undergraduate level who completed The Freshman Survey.

The survey data can be viewed by Demographic Characteristics at entry (Sex, Minority Status, First-Generation Status and Race/Ethnicity).


CIRP Overview Snap Shot


This dashboard explores cohort survey responses represented as Bar Charts.

This dashboard explores cohort survey responses represented as Line Charts.

This dashboard explores cohort survey responses represented as Stacked Area Charts.

To see a list of data definitions, please see .

The National Study of Student Engagement (NSSE)

The NSSE asks students questions around for themes, academic challenges, learning with peers, experiences with faculty and the campus environment. Additionally a number of engagement indicators are also measured: higher order thinking, reflective and integrative learning, learning strategies, quantitative reasoning, collaborative learning, discussions with diverse others, student-faculty interaction, effective teaching practices, quality of interactions, and supportive environment. (This information was obtained from: )

NSSE is administered to first year students and senior students, during the spring semester.


Response N








3144 (18% rate)


2732 (19% rate)

NSSE 2020 Overview Infographic - PDF

For help with campus survey reports, please contact Dr. Kerry Klima at