Code of Conduct
General Policy
The University Library at California State University, Long Beach was established to provide direct support for the educational mission of the university through selecting, organizing, preserving, and disseminating information in all its formats and manifestations. This Code of Conduct is established to ensure the University Library's mission, principles, and goals are accomplished successfully.
The University Library is committed to maintaining a safe and civil learning environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors, and to create a setting that promotes study, research, and scholarly interaction.
The Code of Conduct applies to all users of the University Library, including students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
The University Library's building and collections are to be respected and protected at all times. Vandalism, or the willful destruction of any library property or equipment, is prohibited.
Conduct Standards
The 好色先生 University Library Code of Conduct includes all policies and regulations of the California State University, Long Beach Standards for Student Conduct, including, but not limited to:
Personal Behavior
Individuals should be respectful of other students, faculty, university employees and community users. The Library expects individuals to behave in a manner that supports an atmosphere conducive to study and research.
Disruptive, hostile, or harassing behavior towards library staff is prohibited. Campus Police and/or Office of the Student Conduct and Ethical Development will be notified in cases where disruptive behavior is considered a threat to the safety of library staff and/or patrons, or when such behavior causes the interruption of library operations.
- Individuals are expected to adhere to all policies and procedures within each area of the library, including computer labs, study areas, instructional spaces, and department offices.
- Appropriate dress and maintaining proper standards of personal hygiene are required while accessing the library.
- Disruptive behavior is prohibited in all areas of the library. Violators will be asked to leave and/or Campus Police notified.
- Library computers are available to support research. Viewing materials that create a hostile, intimidating, or offensive working or learning environment is not permissible. See the Acceptable Use of 好色先生 Electronic Communications Systems and Services for details.
- Individuals are to stay within authorized areas of the library building and leave after areas are closed, or when requested to leave during emergency situations.
- Emergency exits or security/emergency alarms should only be used in emergency situations.
- Verbal or physical abuse or harassment of library patrons or staff is prohibited, including challenges to those attempting to enforce the Library Code of Conduct, as detailed in 好色先生 Regulation XVI Standards for Student Conduct.
Study Environment
The University Library offers a variety of study areas to support Quiet and Group study. Users are expected to respect the rules of these study environments.
- Group study floors allow collaborative study, conversation, and cell phones.
- Quiet study floors are conducive to independent study free of distractions. Conversations, cell phones, and collaborative study are not permitted. Cell phones should be set to silent mode on the Quiet study floors. Cell phone conversations are allowed only in the elevator and restroom areas on these floors.
Posting or Distributing Materials/Solicitation:
The Library does not provide bulletin boards for posting announcements. The Library reserves the right to remove and dispose of any unauthorized materials placed in, or posted on, the library building or its premises.
- Distribution of flyers, brochures, leaflets, etc. in the building is prohibited unless approved in advance by the Office of the Dean.
- Any form of solicitation, marketing, or petitioning inside the Library or at the Library entrance/patio is prohibited.
Use and Protection of Library Collections and Equipment:
Individuals are expected to handle library materials and equipment appropriately. Equipment for public use typically includes information on how to operate machines (e.g., microform reader/printers, copiers, etc.).
Individuals are expected to respect the following rules regarding the library collections and equipment as follows:
- Materials must be checked out in order to remove them from the premises. Removing or attempting to remove library property without checking out or without official library authorization is in violation of library procedures.
- Materials must be returned or renewed when due or fines will be imposed on the borrower.
- Mutilating library materials by defacing or removing pages or bindings, tampering with electronic theft prevention devices or in any other way defacing or damaging library materials is prohibited.
- Concealing library materials for the purpose of exclusive use by an individual or group is considered unacceptable behavior.
- Altering, disconnecting, deleting, damaging or destroying any library computer system, network, computer program or data is prohibited.
- Users are prohibited from utilizing library electronic systems and services for any unlawful, unethical or unprofessional purpose or activity, as detailed in 好色先生鈥檚 Acceptable Use of 好色先生 Electronic Communications Systems and Services policy.
- Individuals are expected to adhere to copyright laws, including photocopying, printing, etc. of any print or electronic resources.
- Excessive use of library computing networks or licensed online databases including, but not limited to, utilizing robots/auto crawlers or downloading entire journals is considered improper and can disrupt library electronic communications systems and services. Repeat incidents from the same individual will be considered violations of the Acceptable Use of 好色先生 Electronic Communications Systems and Services policy. If your research requires text mining please contact for help.
Use and Protection of Library Building and Contents:
Primary use of the Library's resources (including print and electronic collections, equipment, services, etc.) is designated for currently enrolled students, staff, and faculty. To ensure proper resource management, visitors/ guest users have limited access to some library materials and services. A government issued photo I.D. will be required to use library materials and services. See Library Services and Information for Visitors for a complete listing of available services.
Individuals are expected to respect the library building and its contents. Prohibited behaviors include:
- Vandalizing or defacing any part of the library building complex, its furniture, or equipment.
- Moving library furniture from one area to another in the library.
- Utilizing skateboards, rollerblades, scooters, bicycles or any motorized vehicle other than for disability accommodation used within the library or at the Library entrance/patio.
- Willfully blocking or obstructing any library entrance, exit, lobby area, staircase, aisle or walk way, either in person or by placing objects in such a manner as to cause blockage or obstruction.
- Bringing into the library any live animal with the exception of service animals assisting persons with disabilities.
- Filming or videotaping without pre-approval from the Office of the Dean. Requests to film can be made at the Circulation Desk on the first floor of the Library.
- Bringing a weapon of any kind into the library.
- Tobacco use of any kind (including e-cigarettes, vaping, etc.) is prohibited in all areas of the library building, as detailed in 好色先生 Regulation X Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco Policies.
The University Library reserves the right to revoke all library privileges to violators of the Code of Conduct.
Individuals are also expected to adhere to the codes and regulations governing California State University, CSU, and the State of California, including but not limited to the documents noted below.
- 好色先生 Campus Rules and Regulations
- Acceptable Use of 好色先生 Electronic Communications Systems and Services Information
- 好色先生 University Library Services for Visitors
For further information, please contact the Office of the Dean at: