Careers - University Library

The University Library has a collection of 1.4 million volumes, participates in local and regional consortia, and provides access to an expanding number of electronic information resources through its Innovative Interfaces integrated library system. The library building has just been extensively remodeled and it features an automated book retrieval system, a spacious technology center, a Starbucks internet cafe, and many other improvements in infrastructure designed with the library's customers in mind.

FOR INFORMATION REGARDING POSTINGS PLEASE WRITE OR CALL THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY:  University Library, Office of the Dean, California State University, Long Beach, 1250 Bellflower Boulevard, Long Beach, CA 90840-1901;; 562-985-4047. Applications vary by department. Military service may be included in employment history. 

Recruitment NumberDepartmentDiscipline/SubspecialtyJob Title
University Library 
Hourly & Temporary
No searches underway at this time.   
Unit 11: Teaching Associates, Graduate Assistants & Instructional Student Assistants
No searches underway at this time.