AI “No Prep” Book Club #5: Generate & Study

Join the AI “No Prep” Book Club to engage in discussions with other faculty about the possibilities for integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into instruction. We will be reading and discussing the book, ChatGPT Assignments to Use in Your Classroom Today by Kevin Yee and colleagues. The eBook is available free of charge.

Book club meetings will take place via Zoom on Tuesdays, with morning and afternoon options. You do not need to do any reading prior to the meetings (hence the name, “AI ‘No Prep’ Book Club”), and you may join as few or as many sessions as your schedule permits. Please note that you will need to register for each session that you are planning to attend. Additionally, the book club meetings will NOT be recorded (with the exception of the kickoff session) in order to create a more open space for dialogue.

NOTE: This is a virtual book club that will be held via Zoom.

Discussion Schedule:

Date Time Registration Link
Tuesday, April 9, 2024 9-10am
Tuesday, April 9, 2024 1-2pm

Presented by: Tolu Noah, Ed.D., ATS Instructional Learning Spaces Coordinator ( Meet Tolu: