ASCEND: AANAPI Student Success Center & Development program

The ASCEND Program, which stands for Asian-American and Native American Pacific Islander Student Success Center & Development, is a dedicated initiative aimed at fostering a supportive, equitable, and empowering educational atmosphere on campus. Its main objective is to motivate all members of the university community to engage in academic excellence and advocate for social justice, ultimately contributing to student success and influencing the future of the University.

Funded by the U.S. Department of Education for a five-year period starting in 2022, ASCEND aligns strategically with the priorities set forth by the funding agency. It specifically addresses Competitive Preference Priority I, which focuses on meeting students' social, emotional, and academic needs, as well as Competitive Preference Priority II, which aims to enhance access, affordability, completion, and post-enrollment success in higher education.

We expect that more than 2,000 targeted students will benefit from the support offered by the ASCEND program, particularly in relation to STEM success. This initiative will directly subsidize the educational and living expenses of hundreds of students throughout the five-year duration of the project.

Additionally, the launch of Project Resilience, led by the Department of Asian Studies, occurred on campus in Fall 2021 as part of the ongoing AANAPISI grant (Part F). The ASCEND program (Part A) builds on and enhances the missions of AANAPISI at 好色先生 by broadening services to make a more significant impact on participants in need.

The Kakehashi Project Flyer
ASCEND Summary