Faculty Research

The following is a brief description of research programs of full-time faculty in the Department of Biological Sciences, and the institution that awarded their doctorate degree.

Available as Faculty Mentor

The following faculty are accepting Master's students.

Bengt J. Allen, Ph.D.

Marine Community Ecology. Effects of climate change on the structure and function of rocky shore communities. Interactions between native seagrass and an invasive marine bivalve.

Renaud Berlemont, Ph.D.

Microbial Genomics and Bioinformatics. Comparative (meta)genomics and polysaccharides processing by environmental microbial isolates/communities (e.g., cellulose degredation).

Judy A. Brusslan, Ph.D.

Plant Molecular Biology. Leaf senescence in Arabidopsis thaliana. Genetic and genome-wide analysis of histone modifications that accompany leaf senescence.

Marcell Cadney, Ph.D.

Integrative Physiology. Investigates the evolution of complex traits in High Runner mice, bred for high voluntary activity for over 100 generations of selection. Examining exercise performance, physiology, and neurobiology, as well as molecular expression as a response to selection and/or experimental exposures to diet/exercise.

Michael Carlson, Ph.D.

Biological Oceanography. Impact of microbial and viral interactions on marine ecosystems, ecology, and evolution in the ocean, using genomic, physiological, and computational approaches.

Ashley Carter, Ph.D.

Theoretical and Empirical Evolutionary Biology. Theoretical: mathematical and computer simulation models of evolutionary processes, comparative allometric studies. Empirical: insect quantitative genetics and morphometrics, fluctuating asymmetry.

Jesse Dillon, Ph.D.

Microbial Ecology and Evolution. Molecular diversity and ecophysiology of microbial communities in extreme environments.

Please note that Dr. Dillon is not currently accepting new students.

Amanda E. Fisher, Ph.D.

Plant Evolution and Systematics. especially Acanthaceae and Poaceae. Floristics and plant conservation.

Deborah A. Fraser Ph.D.

Investigating Molecular Mechanisms of the Innate Immune Response. We are looking at the role of complement proteins in inflammatory diseases such as atherosclerosis, to identify novel therapeutic targets.

Michael Harris, Ph.D.

Physiology. Our research is primarily focused around questions of how the body sets and meets the demands of metabolism. Studies of metabolic regulation, and of the cells and neuronal circuits that respond to CO2 and O2 and modulate breathing and blood flow. Also, the evolutionary origins and consistency of these mechanisms across species from invertebrates to mammals.

Raisa Hern谩ndez Pacheco, Ph. D.

Population Ecology. I am interested in understanding processes shaping the demography of populations. I center my research on structured population models with a particular focus on Cayo Santiago rhesus macaques.

Erika Holland, Ph.D.

Aquatic Toxicology. My aim is to understand the impact of pollutants on aquatic organisms, particularly fish. Ongoing research focuses on chemicals that alter Ca2+ signaling pathways essential physiological processes including neurodevelopment, striated muscle function and oocyte fertilization.

Darren Johnson, Ph.D.

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology of Reef Fishes. Field studies of demographic rates and population dynamics. Quantitative genetics of growth and behavior. Natural selection in the sea.

Jennifer Johnston, Ph.D.

Molecular Genetics. CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing of hematopoietic stem cells for the purpose of treating monogenic blood disorders. Elucidating mechanisms to overcome low editing efficiency.

Jiae Lee, Ph.D.

Developmental and Cell Biology. Understand the molecular mechanisms underlying tumor cell dissemination using the vast genetic tools in the fruit fly model system. Pioneering how and why the tumors interact with the rest of the body by forming extracellular vesicles.

Douglas Pace, Ph.D.

Ecological Physiology. Physiological mechanisms of adaptation. Elucidation of the molecular and biochemical pathways that allow organisms to tolerate environmental stress and variability. Laboratory focuses on cellular physiology through investigations of the parasitic protozoan Toxoplasma gondii and organismal physiology through research on marine invertebrate larvae.

Bree Putman, Ph.D.

Urban Ecology/Urban Evolutionary Biology. Explores how animals respond to human-induced habitat changes, focusing on the effects of urban development, invasive species, and wildfires on native lizards and snakes in Southern California.

  • Contact: Bree.Putman@csulb.edu 
  • Website:
  • Ph.D. from San Diego State University and University of California, Davis

Peter Ramirez, Ph.D.

Viral Pathogenesis / Molecular Cell Biology. My research focuses on the interplay between viruses and the host immune response. Specifically, we are trying to characterize the mechanisms by which retroviral gene products modulate host cell pathways and antiviral defenses to cause disease in humans.

Bryan Rourke, Ph.D.

Integrative Animal Physiology. Vertebrate muscle physiology, effects of hibernation, exercise, and metabolism.

Kevin Sinchak, Ph.D.

Reproductive Behavioral Neuroendocrinology; Neuroscience and Neurosteroids. I study the gonadal steroid regulation of neural circuits that control reproductive behavior, and the physiology and function of steroids made in the brain (neurosteroids).

Ted Stankowich, Ph.D.

Evolutionary Behavioral Ecology. Evolution of predator-prey interactions, including antipredator behavior, defensive weaponry, predator recognition, coloration, risk assessment, and escape decisions. Main focus is on mammals but enjoys working on other taxa as well.

Houng-Wei Tsai, Ph.D.

Epigenetic Neuroendocrinology. My research interest is to understand the neuroendocrine mechanisms that regulate reproductive function and behaviors at molecular, cellular, and systemic levels. I use epigenetic approach to identify the sexually dimorphic genes that control sexual differentiation in the mouse brain structure and behavior.

Christine Whitcraft, Ph.D.

Wetlands Ecology. Conservation Biology, Human Impacts on Salt Marsh Ecosystems and Food Webs.

Mason X. Zhang, Ph.D.

Host-Pathogen Interactions. Genetic engineering of human antibodies; host defense mechanisms against microbial infection.

Not Available as Faculty Mentor

The following faculty are not currently available as faculty mentors for new Master's students.

Editte Gharakhanian, Ph.D.

Molecular Cell Biology. Identify genes and gene products involved in trafficking of proteins to the lysosome of Baker's yeast; study their conservation in humans and their connection to human diseases such as Alzheimer's and cancer.

Please note that Dr. Gharakhanian is no longer accepting new students.

Lisa S. Klig, Ph.D.

Molecular Genetics and Bioinformatics. Analysis of inositol metabolism in the model organism Drosophila melanogaster. Inositol is a sugar that can serve as a precursor for a membrane phospholipid (phosphatidylinositol), a second messenger in signal transduction, an osmolyte, or an energy source. Disruption of inositol metabolism has been observed in patients with bipolar disease, developmental disorders, and diabetes. Inositol metabolism may also be involved in the pathogenicity of specific fungi that infect humans. Furthering the understanding of inositol metabolism may lead to effective therapeutic agents.

Please note that Dr. Klig is no longer accepting new students.

Kay Lee-Fruman, Ph.D.

Cell and Molecular Biology/Immunology. Regulation of growth and proliferation in human cells, processes which may lead to eventual therapies for cancer or immunosuppression using molecular and cell biological techniques to study the role of S6 kinase 2 in cell function.

Please note that Dr. Lee-Fruman is not currently accepting new students.

Brian Livingston, Ph.D.

Development and Evolution. We study the development and evolution of mineralized tissue in echinoderms. We use proteomics and genomics to identify genes that encode proteins involved in forming a skeleton. We use molecular techniques to study expression of these genes and to study how they evolve.

 Please note that Dr. Livingston is no longer accepting new students.

Christopher G. Lowe, Ph.D.

Physiological and Behavioral Ecology of Teleost Gamefishes and Elasmobranchs. Emphasis on bioenergetics, physiological and behavioral fisheries ecology, and movement patterns of gamefishes and elasmobranches.

Please note that Dr. Lowe is no longer accepting new students.

Bruno Pernet, Ph.D.

Marine Invertebrate Biology. Development, functional morphology, and evolution of marine invertebrate larvae.

Please note that Dr. Pernet is no longer accepting new students.

Barbara Taylor, Ph.D.

Aging Physiology. Investigating the cellular mechanisms that underlie aging and age-related neurodegeneration using a simple animal model. We are particularly interested in environmental agents that worsen neurodegeneration and natural products (nutraceuticals) that suppress age-related neurodegeneration.

Please note that Dr. Taylor is not currently accepting new students.

Raymond R. Wilson, Ph.D.

Marine Ichthyology. Population genetics of marine fishes.

Please note that Dr. Wilson is no longer accepting new students.

  • Contact: Ray.Wilson@csulb.edu
  • Ph.D. from University of California, San Diego-Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Kelly Young, Ph.D.

Reproductive Biology. Seasonal changes in reproductive physiology; photoperiodic regulation of ovarian/testicular function.

Please note that Dr. Young is not currently accepting new students.