
Plugged-In Virtual Connections: Summer Art Program 

Every Thursday and Saturday at 10:00 a.m. PT

Zoom URL: 

Our Summer Art Program for Plugged-In Virtual Connections launched this week. Join us every Thursday and Saturday morning at 10 am during July and August (Zoom link in bio!). No need to sign up—just sign on and create hands-on art projects inspired by eight local contemporary artists. 

Each lesson will be taught live at this ZOOM link:

Zoom ID: 836 781 25579

Schedule and featured artist focuses:
July 8 and 10: June Edmonds
July 15 and 17: Analia Saban 
July 22 and 24: Lester Monzon
July 29 and 31: Ahree Lee
August 5 and 7: Robin Mitchell
August 12 and 14: Kio Griffith
August 19 and 21: Laurie Steelink
August 26 and 28: Patrick Martinez

To learn more about the featured artists, check out our Plugged-In video playlist at:

Questions? Please contact Curator of Education at


ConSortiUm: PLATFORM CSU Art Speaker Series

About ConSortiUm

The ConSortiUm coalition is a newly formed collaborative project of CSU art museums and galleries presenting PLATFORM, a virtual event series for 2020–2021. Programs actively engage students, faculty, staff, and communities through visual arts-based discussion. ConSortiUm features live virtual conversations with contemporary artists, collectives, and curators whose work is critical to current re-imaginings of the art world, and the world at large.  All events are presented live via Zoom and during Pacific Standard Time hours with access for all CSU campuses. These events are also free and open to the public. Recordings of the events will be available for post live-stream viewing and archived by the sponsoring institutions for future viewing.

°Õ³ó±ð&²Ô²ú²õ±è;2020–2021&²Ô²ú²õ±è;¾±²Ô²¹³Ü²µ³Ü°ù²¹±ô&²Ô²ú²õ±è;±è°ù´Ç²µ°ù²¹³¾,&²Ô²ú²õ±è;, featured curators Erin Christovale and Valerie Cassel; artists Beatriz Cortez, Cristóbal Martínez and Kade L. Twist, Eyal Weizman, Shuan Leonardo, Howardena Pindell; and People's Kitchen Collective. More programming in the 2021–2022 academic year to be announced.

ConSortiUm’s participating CSU art museums and galleries include:
Bakersfield, Todd Madigan Gallery; Chico, Janet Turner Print Museum; East Bay, University Art Gallery; Fresno, Center for Creativity and the Arts; Fullerton, Nicholas & Lee Begovich Gallery and Grand Central Art Center; Humboldt, Reese Bullen Gallery and Goudi'ni Native American Arts Gallery; Long Beach, School of Art and Carolyn Campagna Kleefeld Contemporary Art Museum; Los Angeles, Luckman Gallery, Luckman Fine Arts Complex; Northridge, Art Galleries; Pomona, W. Keith & Janet Kellogg University Art Gallery and Don B. Huntley Gallery; Sacramento, University Galleries; San Bernardino, Robert and Frances Fullerton Museum of Art; San Diego, University Art Galleries; San Francisco, Fine Arts Gallery; San Jose, Natalie and James Thompson Gallery; San Luis Obispo, University Art Gallery; Sonoma, University Art Gallery; and Stanislaus, University Art Gallery and Stan State Art Space.



The physical site of the Carolyn Campagna Kleefeld Contemporary Art Museum is currently closed, to protect our served communities against coronavirus (COVID-19) and due to our ongoing capital expansion. As campus begins to safely re-open, the Museum will resume limited outdoor activities in accordance with state and CDC guidelines. Please note that we plan to re-open our new, improved phsyical facilities in early 2022. Stay tuned!

  • Learn more about the ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú response to COVID-19, the University vaccination program, and efforts to reunite #OneBeach one the official informational website: .
  • Preventative measures are being enacted on campus; social distancing is encouraged, and in-person, on-campus instruction has transitioned to alternative methods of delivery.