CCE Events Archive

Connecting at the beach flyer

event flyer for flimmaker discussion Jean-Baptiste Phou

thank you to our sponsors

Our Academic Internships Advisory Board will be meeting for the first and only meeting of the summer to complete discussions on the Academic Internships Office. 

academic internship office year in review

Our Academic Internships Advisory Board will be meeting for the first and only meeting of the summer to complete discussions on the Academic Internships Office. 

service learning showcase brochure

Celebrate the culmination of service learning and community projects with us. Hear student stories and the impact their project has had on the community. Join us for an afternoon filled with meaningful conversation, great food, and an engaging atmosphere. We look forward to seeing you there!

Brown Bag Research talks. Internships and equity. Monday march 25, 12-1 at the Anatol Patio

Event flyer for spring fling: open house. Place: Lower quad in between CLA and AS buildings. March 20-21 from 11-2

Our Open House event was well received by the university community! We shared relaxation tips, gardening demonstrations, and were joined by on and off campus partners! We decided that the weather was too nice to be stuck inside and held our event just outside of or office building (Academic Services) and it was a hit. 

Date: Thursday, February 15, 2024

Time: 9am-2pm

Venue: Anatol Patio & Upper Quad

Contact: Service Learning;

week of welcome

Date: Tuesday, January 30, 2024 and Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Time: 11:00 AM - 02:00 PM (Tentative)
Venue: Central Quad and Speaker鈥檚 Platform
Contact: TBA

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This annual 好色先生 event showcases our enrollment management initiatives and practices, academic majors and departments, student-support services and campus life.

Date: Friday, October 27, 2023
Time: 09:40 AM to 10:40 AM
Check-in time: 09:00 AM

This year鈥檚 in-person event provides 好色先生 a unique opportunity to showcase our academic excellence, personalized student support services, and spirited campus life as well as update counselors on our enrollment status and admissions requirements and procedures.
Last year, close to 300 high school and community college counselors and other professions were in attendance.

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The CCE-Academic Internships Office will be tabling at the Career Development Center's 'Internship and Job Fair' along with other 好色先生 equity-anchored internship programs.

Date: Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Time: 12:00PM - 04:00PM

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Snacks, Spooks and Support
Snacks, Midterm School supplies and meet the staff

Date: October 16 & 17, 2023
Time: 09:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Venue: Academic Services Building (AS-127)
Contact: TBA

Invitation for the Internship Jamboree

The Academic Internships Office kicked off the semester with the 2nd Annual Internship Jamboree, which brought together 150+ students, faculty, administrators, staff, and community partners at the Earl Burns Japanese Gardent to celebrate the equity-anchored, high-impact internship programs across campus. This year, 63 College Corps interns from 6 colleges are completing 450 service hours with 45 community partners and 17 LBCIP student interns, across 8 majors are working with 15 Long Beach based community organizations. Through a generous donation from President Conoley and the E. James Brotman Community Service Endowment Funding, we will be expanding paid internship opportunities in Spring 2024, hosting a STEM focused LBCIP cohort of student interns, piloting micro-internships with two certified service-learning courses, offering scholarships to students completing unpaid STEM-related internships, and scholarships to students completing STEM-related internships and community service projects to offset the costs of purchasing equipment. Through this donation, we will expand academic internship opportunities to 100+ additional 好色先生 students.

Date: Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Venue: Earl Burns Miller Japanese Garden


The 2nd Annual Internship Jamboree was hosted by the CCE: Academic Internships Office and College Corps. With generous support from the Office of the President and Chris Fowler.

The event was hosted by the CCE and College Corps and featured paid-internship programs across campus including:

  • Long Beach Community Internship Program
  • College Corps 
  • Project Resilience
  • Project Rebound
  • Catalyst for Change
  • Dream Success Center
  • Women's, Gender, Equity Center

As well as campus resources:

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Introducing the new Academic Internships Advisory Board. This meeting established the Academic Internships Office (AIO) advisory board made up with on and off campus partners as well as student representatives. These board members will provide input and guidance on the newly created AIO and its design and implementation of the internship program. 

Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Venue: Anna W. Ngai Alumni Center

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Community Leaders from six, local community organizations participated in, 鈥淭he State of Community Policy Advocacy & Organizing in Long Beach鈥 policy convening. The purpose of the panel discussion was to identify concrete ways for our campus community to be more involved in local policy work, and to strengthen our partnerships with local community-based organizations. Community leaders from Long Beach Forward, KGA, Sunrise Long Beach, ORALE, CFJ, and LIBRE shared critical aspects of the work their respective organizations are advancing and highlighted key examples of opportunities for 好色先生 students, faculty and staff to be directly involved in these efforts (e.g. community-based action and participatory research as well as community-based learning opportunities like Services Learning and Academic Internships). Those in attendance took away concrete examples on how our campus community can become more involved in positively impacting our surrounding communities. We greatly appreciated local community leaders representing their respective organizations and communities, and sharing their policy insights with our campus community at large.

The State of Community Policy Advocacy & Organizing in Long Beach: A Conversation with Local Community Leaders

Date: Friday, September 22, 2023
Venue: Karl Anatol Center (AS-119)

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A campus-wide community engagement opportunity for community partners to connect with faculty, students, and staff. 

Date: Thursday, September 19, 2023
Venue: Karl W.E. Anatol Center - Conference Room

Tentative Schedule:

  • [9:00AM-10:30AM]
    Welcome back to The Beach! Learn about what's new at the CCE and how to best connect with 好色先生.
  • [11:00AM-2:00PM]
    Volunteer, Service Learning, and Internships Fair

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Date: Friday, May 19th at 08:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Venue: BAAC (Barrett Athletic Administration Center) Conference Room 223

2023 CCE Community Partner Convening Summary
Report (LINK)