Bita Ghafoori

Professor - Advanced Studies in Education and Counseling

Director of Long Beach Trauma Recovery Center

Department Chair - Advanced Studies in Education and Counseling 2022-2025



Dr. Bita Ghafoori is a Professor of Counseling Psychology, Director of the Long Beach Trauma Recovery Center, and a licensed clinical psychologist.  After completing her doctoral degree and research and clinical post-doctoral training, Dr. Ghafoori completed a post doctoral fellowship, Research Education in Disaster Mental Health (REDMH) sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health/Dartmouth University. 

Dr. Ghafoori's research focuses on mental health equity and mental health services in trauma-exposed groups.  She received a grant from the State of California Victim Compensation and Government Claim Board (Cal VCGCP) to establish the Long Beach Trauma Recovery Center (LBTRC).  The primary goal of the Long Beach Trauma Recovery Center project is to create a comprehensive model of trauma and mental health care for victims of crime and their families while removing barriers to care for underserved victims of crime.  Under Dr. Ghafoori's leadership, the LBTRC has become a center for community-partnered research, effectiveness research, and implementation and dissemination science.

Dr. Ghafoori was selected by the Fulbright Committee and the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FFSB) to serve as a candidate on the Fulbright Specialist Roster for a period of 5 years beginning in July, 2013. She completed her first Fulbright Specialist grant at the University of Crete (Greece) Department of Health Psychology in 2014. She completed her second Fulbright Specialist grant at the University of Coimbra (Portugal) in October, 2017.

Dr. Ghafoori serves as a peer reviewer for the Psychological Trauma: Research, Theory, Practice, and Policy, the Journal of Traumatic Stress, and the Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, and Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research Journal as well as several other journals.  She is also actively involved with the American Psychological Association Division of Trauma Psychology (Division 56) and the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS).

She has extensive experience as a mental health clinician and clinical supervisor. She teaches courses in treatment planning (COUN 608), ethics and law (COUN 510), child abuse and domestic violence (COUN 512), psychotherapy techniques (COUN 522), practica in Marriage and Family Therapy (COUN 609), fieldwork in Marriage and Family Therapy (COUN 643d and COUN 644d), and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (COUN 692). She provides clinical supervision to students learning adult psychotherapy skills in the 好色先生 Community Clinic for Counseling and Education.

BS Biological Sciences , University of California, Irvine , 1991
MA Counseling Psychology, MFT emphasis , Pepperdine University , 1999
Ph.D. Clinical Psychology , Alliant University, 2000
Post Doctoral Fellowship, National Institute of Mental Health/Dartmouth University

Licensed Clinical Psychologist (State of California)

Mental Health Equity: Mental health services research; racial, ethnic and gender disparities assessment; access to quality and timely mental health care for culturally diverse victims of crime and violence

Intervention & Prevention: Development, implementation, and evaluation of evidence-based mental health programs in racially and ethnically diverse community settings; community-based interventions for diverse victims of crime and violence;  development, implementation, and evaluation of outreach and education prevention programs

Traumatic Stress: Psychological reactions to trauma; disaster mental health with specific emphasis on reactions to trauma, epidemiology and impact of traumatic stress; attachment bonds and traumatic stress; cross-cultural differences in resiliency and pathology after trauma


Ghafoori, B., Caspi, Y., & Smith, S. (2016). International Perspectives on Traumatic Stress: Theory, Access, and Mental Health Services. Nova Science Publishers

(*denotes students under my supervision)

Ghafoori, B., Salgado, C., Ramos, N., Murillo, K., & Quintana, S. (in press). International Journal of Mental Health. Utilizing a webinar to introduce an evidence-based trauma treatment in Chile: results from a pilot study investigating clinician attitudes and needs.

Hansen, M.C., Small, L.A., Ghafoori, B., & Campbell, C. (2023).  Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work. Understanding Treatment Attitudes in the Path towards Trauma Recovery in Urban-Dwelling Trauma-Exposed Latinx Adults

Ghafoori, B., Martinho, G., Goncalves, M., & Matos, M. (2022). Clinical profiles and factors associated with treatment initiation in survivors of sex trafficking: a comparison with survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, & Policy, Advance online publication.

Ghafoori, B., Matos, M., & Gon莽alves, M. (2022). Dropout from evidence-based trauma treatment in a community mental health clinic serving victims of interpersonal violence. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 35(3), 1025鈥1041.

Allwood, M., Ghafoori, B., Salgado, C., Slobodin, O., Kreither, J., Waelde, L. C., Larrondo, P., & Ramos, N. (2022). Identity-based hate and violence as trauma: Current research, clinical implications, and advocacy in a globally connected world. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 35(2), 349鈥361. 

Hunt, T., Joseph, M., Valencia, R., Ghafoori, B., & Waelde, L. (2021).  Race-based stress for Black people: Impacts and Treatment Directions. Stresspoints,

Garibay, E.*, Ghafoori, B., & Ranney, M. (2021). PTSD symptom expression in Latina Sexual Assault Survivors. International Journal of Health, Wellness, and Society, 11(2), 69-82.

Ghafoori, B., Hansen, M.S., Garibay, E.* (2021). Predictors of treatment access and initiation among diverse, low-income victims of violence offered an evidence-based trauma focused treatment. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(15-16), NP8124-NP8145.

Hansen, M. C., Ghafoori, B., & Diaz, M.* (2020). Examining attitudes towards mental health treatment and experiences with trauma: Understanding the needs of trauma鈥恊xposed middle鈥恆ged and older adults. Journal of Community Psychology.

Ghafoori, B., & Khoo, S. F. (2020). A Pilot Study of Racial and Ethnic Differences in Mental Health Outcomes During the First 6 Weeks of Trauma-Focused Treatment. Community Mental Health Journal, 1鈥11. doi: 10.1007/s10597-020-00620-9

von Haumeder*, A., Ghafoori, B., & Retailleau*, J. (2019).  Psychological adaptation and posttraumatic stress disorder among Syrian refugees in Germany: A mixed-methods study investigating environmental factors. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 10(1),168601,

Fragkiadaki, E., Ghafoori, B., & Triliva, S. (2019).  Dissemination of knowledge of trauma-focused care in Greece: An investigation of a train-the-trainer approach. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma,

Ghafoori, B., Caspi, Y., Salgado, C., Allwood, M., Kreither, J., Tejada, J.L., Hunt, T.,Waelde, L., Slobodin, O., Failey, M., Gilberg, P., Larrondo, P., Ramos, N., von Haumeder, A.*, & Nadal, K. (2019).  Global Perspectives on the Trauma of Hate-Based Violence: An International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Briefing Paper. Retrieved from:

Ghafoori, B., (2019).  Treatment considerations when working with survivors of human sextrafficking. Traumatic Stresspoints.  Retrieved from:

Ghafoori, B., Garfin, D. R., Ram铆rez, J., & Khoo, S. F. (2019). Predictors of treatment initiation, completion, and selection among youth offered trauma-informed care. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. (Supplemental)

Ghafoori, B., Wolf, M.G., Nylund-Gibson, K., & Felix, E.D. (2019). A naturalistic study exploring mental health outcomes following trauma-focused treatment among diverse survivors of crime and violence. Journal of Affective Disorders, 245, 617-625. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2018.11.060.

Ghafoori, B. (2018). Prolonged exposure therapy for experiential avoidance: A case-series study. Clinical Case Studies, 17(3), 123-135.

Ghafoori, B., Hanson, M.C., Garibay, E*., Korosteleva, O. (2017). Feasibility of training frontline therapists in Prolonged Exposure: A randomized controlled pilot study of treatment of complex trauma in diverse victims of crime and violence.  Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 205 (4), 283-303

Ghafoori, B., Taylor, R.* (2017).  Age related differences in trauma experiences, mental health needs and mental health service use in victims of human trafficking: a pilot investigation of transition aged youth compared to older adults.  Journal of Human Trafficking.

Hanson, M.C., Ghafoori, B. (2017). Correlates of Psychological Distress among Urban Trauma-Exposed Adults:  Influence of age and coping preferences.  Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 

Ghafoori, B., Fisher, D., Korosteleva, O., & Hong, M.* (2016).  A randomized, controlled, pilot study of a single session psychoeducation treatment for urban, culturally diverse, trauma-exposed adults.  Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 204 (6), 421-430.

Ghafoori, B., Fisher, D., Korosteleva, O., & Hong, M.* (2014).  Factors associated with mental health service use in urban, impoverished, trauma-exposed adults.  Psychological Services, 11(4), 451-459.

Smith, S.F., Ghafoori, B., Caspi, Y., Felix, E., & Contractor, A. (2014).  Importance of Considering Culture- Final Installment: Intervention and Treatment. Traumatic Stresspoints, 28(5).  

Ghafoori, B., Caspi, Y., Contractor, A., & Smith, S.F. (2014).  Culture and traumatic symptoms.  Traumatic Stresspoints, 28(2).  

Ghafoori, B., Barragan, B.*, & Palinkas, L. (2014).  Mental health service use after trauma exposure: A mixed-methods study.  Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 202(3), 239-246.

Ghafoori, B., Barragan, B.*, & Palinkas, L. (2013).  Gender disparities in the mental health of urban survivors of trauma and violence.   Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma, 22, 950-963.

Caspi, Y., Ghafoori, B., Smith, S.F., Contractor, A. (2013).  On the importance of culture when defining trauma.  Traumatic Stresspoints, 27(5).  

Contractor, A, Smith, S.F., Johnson, L., Ghafoori, B., Caspi, Y., & Triffleman, E. (2013).  Importance of attending to cultural considerations in trauma scholarship.  Traumatic Stresspoints, 27(2), 10-11.

Ghafoori, B. (2012).  Mental health care for urban, low-income, diverse communities. Traumatic Stresspoints, 26(4).

Ghafoori, B., Barragan, B.*, Tohidian, N.*, & Palinkas, L. (2012). Racial and ethnic differences in mental health outcomes among urban survivors of trauma and violence.  Journal of Traumatic Stress, 25, 106-110.

Ghafoori, B. & Davaie, S.* (2012).  Training student therapists in prolonged exposure therapy: A case study demonstrating teaching, supervising, and learning a trauma focused treatment.  Traumatology, 18(4), 72-78.

Ghafoori, B., Ratanasiripong, P., & Holladay, C.* (2010). Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy for Mood Management in Individuals with Intellectual Disability: A Pilot Study. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 3, 1-15.

Ghafoori, B., & Hierholzer, R.W. (2010).  Personality patterns among Black, White, and Hispanic combat veterans.  Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 2(1), 12-18.

Ghafoori, B., Neria, Y., Gameroff, M.J, Olfson, M., Lantigua, R., Shea, S., Weissman, M.M. (2009).  Screening for Generalized Anxiety Disorder symptoms in the wake of terrorist attacks:  A study in primary care.  Journal of Traumatic Stress, 22(3), 218-226.

Ratanasiripong, P. & Ghafoori, B. (2009).  Setting up the on-site Marriage and Family Therapy clinical training course.  Journal of Instructional Psychology, 36(4), 347-351.

Ghafoori, B., Hierholzer, R.W., Howsepian, B., Boardman, A.* (2008).  The role of adult attachment, parental bonding, and spiritual love in the adjustment to military trauma.  Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 9(1), 85-106.

Khouzam, H.R., Ghafoori, B, & Nichols, E.E. (2005) The use of religious hymn in the remission of symptoms of social phobia.  Psychological Reports, 96, 411-421.

Ghafoori, B., & Tracz, S.  (2004). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as a clinical intervention for childhood disruptive behaviors: a meta-analysis, Psychiatry On-line.

Ghafoori, B. (2017) Mental Health Services for Individuals Who Have Experienced SexTrafficking. In Rodrigues, A.M., & Guia, M.J. (Eds.), Conferencia Internacional 18 De Outubro Dia Europeu Contra O Trafico De Humanos. (pp. 81-92).  Instituto Juridico, Universidade de Coimbra.Ghafoori, B. (2016)

Mental Health Care for Culturally Diverse Victims of Trauma and Violence: A Focus on a Community Based Model.  In Ghafoori, Caspi, & Smith (Eds.), International Perspectives on Traumatic Stress: Theory, Access, and Mental Health Services. (pp. ).  New Jersey: Nova Science

Caspi, Y., Ghafoori, B., Smith, S. (2016) Trauma and Culture: Concluding Notes.  In Ghafoori, Caspi, & Smith (Eds.), International Perspectives on Traumatic Stress: Theory, Access, and Mental Health Services. (pp. ).  New Jersey: Nova Science

Ghafoori, B.  (2012). Ethnicity, Culture, and Disaster Response.  In C.R. Figley (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Trauma.  Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.

Ghafoori, B. & Hierholzer, R.W. (2007) The Role of Altruism, Love, and Attachment in the Development and Maintenance of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.  In S.G. Post (Ed), The Science of Altruism and Health: Is it Good to do Good?  (pp. 230-245).  New York: Oxford University Press.

Khouzam, H.R., Ghafoori, B., & Hierholzer, R.W.  (2005) Progress in Identification, Treatment, and Diagnosis of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.  In T.A. Corales (Ed.), Trends in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Research (pp. 1-25).  New Jersey: Nova Science.

2022-2024       California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB) Grant

Bita Ghafoori, PI

Title of Project:  Long Beach Trauma Recovery Center project; grant total: $3,430,658.00

2020-2021           California Department of Education

Long Beach Unified School District, PI; Bita Ghafoori, subrecipient          

Title of Project: Trauma Focused Treatment in High Need Schools, $ 140,000.00

2020-2021           Department of Justice/Office of Victims of Crime

City of Long Beach, PI; Bita Ghafoori, subrecipient          

Title of Project: My Sister's Keeper: Specialized Services Program for Victims of human Trafficking, $ 45,000.00

2014-2022           State of California Victim Compensation and Government Claim Board (VCGCB)

Bita Ghafoori, PI           

Title of Project: Long Beach Trauma Recovery Center,  Total: $ 8,039,818.36

2015-2019          California Office of Emergency Services (CalOES)

Bita Ghafoori, PI of subaward (award to The City of Long Beach), $125,,000.00

2016-2017           Dignity Health Grant

Bita Ghafoori, PI    

Title of Project: Enhancing Special Victim Services for Crime Survivors, $ 60,000.00

2014-2015           California Endowment Grant

Bita Ghafoori, PI of subaward (award to St. Mary Medical Center Foundation), $85,000.00

2012-2013           California State University Long Beach College of Education Mini Grant Award

Bita Ghafoori, PI           

Title of Project: Efficacy of a one session psychoeducation intervention in increasing treatment seeking in trauma exposed adults, $4,000.00

2011-2012          California State University Long Beach Multidisciplinary Research Award

Bita Ghafoori, PI; Dennis Fisher, Co-PI, Olga Korosteleva, Co-PI/Statistician

Title of Project:  Treatment Barriers for Low-Income, Urban, and Culturally Diverse Trauma Survivors:  Does a Single Session of Psychotherapy Improve Symptoms and Increase Treatment Seeking?  $15,000.00

2009-2012          National Institute of Health (NIH), Research Infrastructure in Minority Institutions (RIMI)

Bita Ghafoori, PI of subproject (PI: Alexander)

Title of Project:  Mental health reactions to trauma, treatment seeking, and barriers to care      in an ethnically  and economically diverse community based sample subproject total: $90,000.00; grant total: $4,786,395.00鈥傗