Edwin Achola

Ph.D., Special Education & Disability Policy - Virginia Commonwealth University
M.Ed., Education of Exceptional Persons - Indiana University of Pennsylvania
B.Ed., Secondary Education (English) - Maseno University

Research Interests: 
Culturally Responsive & Sustaining Pedagogy, Multicultural Transition Planning, Post-secondary Education for Students with Disabilities

Achola, E. O, Olsen, J., & Powers K. Facilitating Culturally Responsive Transition                 Services & Supports: (FACTSS) PI & PD. Funded by the Office of Special   Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) for $1,249,889 (CFDA # 84.325K). October 2021 – September 2026 

Achola, E. O, Olsen, J., & Powers K. Culturally Responsive Transition Support in School Counseling and Special Education (CREST) PI & PD. Funded by the Office of  Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) for $1,249,993 (CFDA #  84.325K). January 2019 – December 2024.

Powers, K., Achola, E. O, & Sanderson, K. Multicultural Secondary Transition Services  for Students with High Needs Disabilities Co-PI &Co-PD. Funded by the Office       of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services  (OSERS) for $1,249,812 (CFDA # 84.325K). January 2019 – December 2024.

Powers, K., Achola, E., & Hagans, K. Culturally Responsive Transition Policies,              Planning and  Practices Co-PI &Co-PD. Funded by the Office of Special                     Education and Rehabilitative Services  (OSERS) for $1,249,922 (CFDA #84.325K). August 2015 – August 2020.

Achola, E., Leonard-Giesen, S., Hansuvadha, N., Richards-Tutor, C., Stout, K.                  Curriculum Innovation for Special Education, PI. Funded by The College of      Education-ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉú ($3,500) 

Hansuvadha, N, Achola, E  & Olsen, J. Culturally Responsive Multi-tiered Systems of Supportin School Counseling and Special Education, Co-PI. Funded by Office of Research Sponsored Programs Multi-Disciplinary Research Grants         ($14, 450) August 2017- March 2018

Achola, E. & Powers, K. Project HOGAR AY 2015-2016 Grant Mentoring Program for   Faculty. ($5,000 and 3 units of assigned time)

Achola E. O. Lessons from stakeholders: Exploring the discourse on diversity and

special education in Long Beach and its environs. Project HOGAR Summer 2016             Grant Award ($4, 000)

Nixon, C., Achola, E., Thoma, C. (2012). Health care transition needs of youth with         mild disabilities living in poverty. Center of Excellence Outreach ($2,500)

Significant Contributions to Grants

Caminos Grant (2017-2022) USDepartment of Education HSI Teacher Preparation (Pipeline) Grant. Contributor to $2,500,000 grant proposal to support the creation of a teacher preparation pipeline with a focus on Latinx and first-  generation students. My contribution to the grant included team leadership ofcollaborative work on mentoring across the pipeline and faculty development in culturally responsive pedagogies (in teacher preparation) to support professionallearning for underrepresented teacher candidates.

W.K. Kellogg Foundation Racial Equity 2030 Grant (unfunded). Contributor to the           development of the $20,000, 000 grant application including narrative, curricular            materials, and partnerships for the grant.

Achola, E. O. & Ingram, J. (2025). Completing College: Antecedents of success in post-  secondary Education for Students with Disabilities. Journal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals

Achola E. O. (2023) Stakeholder collaboration for a culturally responsive and sustaining approach to universal design for transition. In Scott, L. & Thoma, C(Eds) Universal Design for Transition: The Educators' Guide for Equity Focused Transition Planning. Paul, H. Brooks

Powers K, & Achola E. O. (2022) A model for interdisciplinary preparation in culturally-responsive, evidence-based transition planning. In Slanda D & Pike, L (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Preparation for Equitable Special Education. IGI         Global.

Pepic-Koubati, A & Achola E. (2022) Faculty professional development pertaining to      student with disabilities in the southern California community college setting.                Journal of applied research in community college. 29(2): 61-74 

Achola, E. O. (2022). Mentoring and planning transition for Black students with               diverse abilities in postsecondary education. In B. R. Butler, A. Farinde-Wu, &M. Winchell (Eds.), Mentoring while White: Culturally responsive practices for    sustaining the lives of Black college students (pp.1-31). Lexington Books.

Hsieh, B., Achola, E.O., Navarro, O., Reese, L., Keirn, T., Davis, S., & Moreno, J.            (2021). Transforming educator practice through a culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogies rubric: Co-construction, implementation, and reflection. In E.C. Cain, J. Crawford, & R. Filback (Eds.) Cases on academic program redesign for greater racial and social justice. 

Achola EO. (2019) Practicing What We Preach: Reclaiming the Promise of Multicultural  Transition Programming. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional                     Individuals. 42(3):188-193. doi:

Kahn, L., Achola, E. & Povenmire-Kirk, T. (2018). Career Development for Young Adults with Disabilities: An Intersectional Analysis. Impact of diversity on career development. In A.M. Broadridge & S. L. Fielden (Eds.) Research Handbook of Diversity an Careers. Cheltenham. Edward Elgar Publishing

Agran, M., Wojcik, A., Cain, I., Thoma, C.A., Achola, E., Austin, K., Tamura, R., & Nixon, C. (2017). Participation of youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities in extracurricular activities: Does inclusion end at 3:00pm? Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities.52 (1)3-12

Achola, E. & Green, G. (2016) Person-family-centered transition planning: Improving post-school outcomes for culturally diverse youth and families. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation.45, 173-183 DOI:10.3233/JVR-160821          

Powers, K. & Achola, E. (2016). Transition Planning. In Kampwirth, T & Powers,            K. Collaborative consultation in the schools, 5th Edition. Columbus, Ohio: Pearson Press.

Achola, E.O., Tamura, R., & Nixon, C. (2013). Health care assessment. In C.A. Thoma & R. Tamura (Eds.). Demystifying Transition Assessment. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. 

Wehman, P., Kevin, S & Achola, E. (2012). Applications for youth with emotional andBehavior disorders. In P. Wehman. (Eds). Life beyond the classroom: Transition strategies for young people with disabilities: Paul H. Brookes Publishing 

Thoma, C.A., Austin, K., Achola, E., Batalo, C., Carlson, D., Boyd, K., Bozeman, L., & Wolfe, D. (2012). The state of postsecondary education for persons with intellectual disabilities: What are the perceptions of key stakeholders? Creative Education. DOI:10-4236/CE 2012 

Gerber, P.J, Batalo, C. G and Achola, E. O (2011) Learning disabilities and employment before and in the Americans with disabilities act era: Progress   or a bridge too far? Learning disabilities. An interdisciplinary journal, 17(3), 123-129. doi: 10.1002/dys.437 

Gerber,P. J., Batalo, C. G., & Achola, E. (2012). Dyslexia and learning disabilities In Canada and the United Kingdom: The impact of its disability employment laws. Dyslexia: International Journal of Research and Practice, 18(3), 166-73. doi: 10.1002/dys.1441

Suk, A, Achola E, Ingram, J & Mayumi, H. (2023). Teaching Transition Topics to Pre-    Professionals – A Collaborative Exploration of Effective Pedagogical Practices.            Presentation at the Division of Career Development and Transition (DCDT). Reno, NV. 

Ingram, J, Suk, Andrea, Achola, E & Mayumi, H. (2023) Interpersonal Romantic  Relationship Experiences of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities: In Their   Own Words. Presentation at the Division of Career Development and Transition  (DCDT). Reno, NV

Achola E. O (2022) Visualizing Equity in Transition: A Journey toward culturally             responsive ITPs. Presentation at the Division of Career Development and        Transition (DCDT). Virtual

Ingram, J., Achola, E., Hagiwara, M., & Suk, A. (2022) Sexuality Development as a Part of Culturally Responsive Transition. Presentation at the Division of Career Development and Transition (DCDT). Virtual

Ingram, J., Achola, E., Hagiwara, M., Landmark, L., Suk, A. (2022) A Culturally  Responsive Perspective of Sexuality Development for Students With Disabilities, Council for Exceptional Children International conference, Orlando Florida

Achola, E., Hagiwara, M., Ingram, J., Shanley, J., & Suk, A. L. (2020). Beyond Diversity Projects. Presentation at the Division of Career Development and Transition (DCDT). Virtual 

Achola, E, O. (2020) Culturally Responsive & Sustaining Transition Plans (CRSTP): Strategies for Increasing ITP contextual Fit. Division on Career Development       andTransitionConference; Virtual

Achola, E. O. (October, 2019) Assessing and Using Cultural Wealth in Transition Programing, Division on Career Development and Transition Conference, Seattle,   Washington

Hagiwara, Ingram, Achola, Shanley & Suk (2019). Beyond Diversity Projects.                  Looking at the Whole to Seize Future Opportunities Division on Career                 Development and TransitionConference, Seattle, Washington

Achola, E. O. (May, 2018). Practicing what we preach: Reclaiming the promise of            multicultural transition programing in practice NTACT, Denver, Colorado  

Achola, E. O. & Ledezma, J. (October, 2017). Practicing what we preach: Reclaiming the promise of multicultural transition programing in practice Division on Career Development   and TransitionConference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Powers, K., Layton, J. & Achola, E. O (October, 2017). Improving post-secondary transition planning through consultation. Division on Career Development and TransitionConference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Kahn, L. & Achola, E. O (October, 2017). Intersectionality and career development for young adults with disabilities: A Critical analysis of transition practices      strand  Division on Career Development and TransitionConference, Milwaukee,  Wisconsin

Achola, E., Kea, C., Correa, V., Green, T.D., & Mcintosh, K.  (2016) Preparing Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Educators: Rethinking Our Approach to Personnel Preparation. OSEP Project Directors’ conference. Washington, DC (July 2016).

Achola, E. & Haggans, K. (2016) An Interdisciplinary Project to Promote Culturally         Responsive Transition Policies, Planning & Practices. OSEP Project Directors’        conference. Washington, DC (July 2016).

Achola, E. Alvares, J., & Underwood, A. (2016) Lessons from Stakeholders: Exploring the Discourse on Diversity and Transition Planning from an Asset-based Perspective International Division on Career Development and Transition Conference, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina (October 2016).

Powers, K., Achola, E. Alvares, J., & Underwood, A. (2016) An Interdisciplinary Project to Promote Culturally Responsive Transition Policies, Planning &   Practices International Division on Career Development and Transition Conference, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina (October 2016).

Achola, E. (2015) Using Person-Family Interdependent Planning Approach to Improve Transition Outcomes for Culturally Diverse Youth & Families. 19th International Division on Career Development and Transition Conference Portland, Oregon (November 2015).