Kristin Powers

Ph.D. , University of Minnesota, Twin Cities , 1998

Multi-Tiered service delivery models, disproportionality in special education, consultation, school psychology training, and gender equity in transition planning.

Successful Grant Applications:

Preparing School Psychologists to Implement Multi-Tiered System of Services. Co-authored by Powers, K. & Hagans, K. Funded by the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) for $1,249,853 (CFDA # 84.325K). August 2015 – August 2020.

Culturally Responsive Transition Policies, Planning and  Practices Co-authored by Powers, K., Echola, E., & Hagans, K. Funded by the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services  (OSERS) for $1,249,922 (CFDA # 84.325K). August 2015 – August 2020.

Preparing School Psychologists to Provide Multi-Tiered Services to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Schools.  Co-authored by Powers, K. & Hagans, K. Funded by the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services  (OSERS) for $1,076,050 (CFDA # 84.325K). October 2012 – September 2017.

Training School Psychologists as Instructional Consultants in a Response-to-Intervention Model. Co-authored by Hagans, K., & Powers, K. Funded by the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services  (OSERS) for $755,884 (CFDA # 84.325K). September 2008 – August 2011.

Understanding the role of gender on transition. Funded by the Office of Special Education Rehabilitation Services (OSERS) for $540,000 (#H32D010026). Primary Investigator: Laurie Powers, Center for Self Determination at Oregon Health Science University (OHSU), Co-Primary Investigators: Sarah Geenen and Kristin Powers (sub-contract to California State University, Long Beach). September 2001 – August 2005.

Powers, K., & Achola, E. (2023). A model for interdisciplinary preparation in culturally-responsive, evidence-based transition planning. In D. Slanda & L. Pike (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Interdisciplinary Preparation for Equitable Special Education. IGI Global.

Powers, K., Hagans, K.S., & Lacy, K. (2022). The results of a federally funded long-term consultation training models. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation (JEPC). DOI: 10.1080/10474412.2022.2070494

Sanderson, K., Powers, K., & Cornejo Guevara, M.V., (2021). Exploring the development of an inclusive postsecondary education program for students with Intellectual Disabilities through a virtual community conversation. Journal of Inclusive Postsecondary Education. 3(2), 1 – 21.

Powers, K., & Priede, A. (2021). Effect size guidelines for school psychology candidates training in problem-solving single-case design. School Psychology Training and Pedagogy, 38(4), 42 – 53.

Powers, K., Hill, B., & Cornejo Guevara, M.V. (2021). The role of the Larry P. v. Riles case in California due process complaint adjudications. Contemporary School Psychology. 25, 200 – 212.

Conoley, J., Powers, K., & Gutkin, T. (2020). How is school psychology doing: Why hasn’t school psychology realized its promise? School Psychology. 35(6), 367-374.

Powers, K., Hagans, K., & Linn, M. (2017). A mixed-methods efficacy study of Check and Connect dropout prevention program. Psychology in the Schools,00:1-15.

Kampwirth, T & Powers, K. (2016).  Collaborative consultation in the schools, 5th Edition. Columbus, Ohio: Pearson Press.

Powers, K., Shin, S., Hagans, K., & Cordova, M. (2015). The Impact of a Teacher Professional Development Program on Student Engagement. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 3(4), 231-240. DOI: 10.1080/21683603.2015.1064840

Hagans, K., & Powers, K. (2015). Measuring Credential Candidates’ Impact on Student Achievement. Action in Teacher Education, 37(4). 355-374. DOI: 10.1080/01626620.2015.1078755

Hagans, K., & Powers, K. (2013). Multi-tiered systems of support: Recommendations for the elimination of barriers to implementation fidelity in California. Napa, CA: California Services for Technical Assistance and Training.

Kampwirth, T & Powers, K. (2012). Collaborative consultation in the schools, 4th Edition. Columbus, Ohio: Pearson Press.

Powers, K. & Mandal, A.  (2011). Assessments, data-based decision making and interventions for non-responders. Contemporary School Psychology, 15, 21-33.

Powers, K., Geenen, S., & Powers, L(2009). Similarities and differences in the transition expectations of youth and parents. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 32, 132 – 144.

Powers, K., Hagans, K., Busse, R. T.(2008). School psychologists as instructional consultants within a response-to-intervention model. CaliforniaSchool Psychologist,13, 41 - 54.

Powers, K., Hogansen, J., Geenen, S., Powers, L.W., Gil-Kashiwabara, E. (2008) Gender Matters: A survey of adolescents with disabilities and their families. Psychology in the Schools. 45(4), 349-364.

Hogansen, J. M., Powers, K., Geenen, S., Gil-Kashiwabera, E., & Powers, L. (2008). Transition goals and experiences of females with disabilities: Perceptions of youth, parents, and professionals.Exceptional Children,74(2), 215-234.

Gil-Kashiwabara, E., Hogansen, J.M., Geenen, S., Powers,K., & Powers, L. (2007). Improving transition outcomes for marginalized youth.CareerDevelopment for Exceptional Individuals, 30(2), 80-91.

Powers, K., Hagans-Murillo, K. S., & Miller, M. (2007). Using response-to-intervention strategies to promote transition from special education services. In S. Jimerson, A.VanDerHayden, & M. Burns Handbook of responsiveness to intervention: The science and practice of assessment and intervention. Springer Science Inc.

Echevarria, J., Short, D., & Powers, K. (2006). School reform and standards-based education: An instructional model for English language learners. Journal of Educational Research. 99(4), 195-210.

Powers, K., (2006). An exploratory study of cultural identity and culture-based educational programs for urban American Indian students. Urban Education41(1), 20 – 49.

Powers, K., Gil-Kashiwabara, E., Powers, L., Geenen, S., Balandran, J., & Palmer, C. (2005). IDEA Mandates and Effective Transition Planning Practices in IEPs.Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 28(1), 47-59.

Powers, K., Promoting school achievement among American Indian student throughout the school years. (2005). Childhood Education: Infancy through Early Adolescence, 81(6), 338-342.

Powers, K., Hagans-Murillo, K., Restori, A. (2004). Twenty-five years after Larry P.: The California response to overrepresentation of African Americans in special education. The California School Psychologist. 9, 145-158

Echevarria, J., Powers, K., & Elliot, J., (2004). Promising practices for curbing disproportionate representation of minority students in special education. Issues in Teacher Education.

Powers, K., Winters, L., Person, D., & Kim, S. (2004). Collecting and using data in a K-16 collaborative. In J.Houck, K. C. Cohn, & C.A. Cohn (Eds). University-public school partnerships for systemic educational renewal: The Long Beach Education Partnership (pp.131-144).. New York: Teachers College Press

Powers, K., Potthoff, S.J., & Bearinger, L.H., & Resnick, M. D., (2003). Does cultural programming improve educational outcomes for American Indian youth? Journal of American Indian Education, 42(2), 17-49.

Powers , K., & Achola, E., (2017). Transition planning with integrity. Poster presented at annual convention of the Division on Career Development and Transition, Milwaukee, WI.

Underwood, A., Powers, K., Chaddock, E., & Lomeli, K. (2017). An analysis of pre-service transition training in special education and school psychology. Poster presented at annual convention of the Division on Career Development and Transition, Milwaukee, WI.

Powers, K. & Koetting, L. (2017). Effect size guidelines for intensive interventions. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX.

Powers, K. & Layton, J. (2017). Transition planning with integrity. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX.

Powers, K., Achola, E., et al. (2016). Inter-disciplinary training in Transition policies, planning, and practices. Paper presented at the Division of Career Development and Transition Annual Convention, Myrtle Beach, SC.

Powers, K, Hagans, K., Garcia, A., Saveau, D., (2015). Longitudinal study of the effectiveness of a dropout prevention program. Paper presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Orlando, FL.

Hagans, K., & Powers, K., (2015). Pre-service training in MTSS: Results of an OSEP training grant. Paper presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Orlando, FL

Beattie, T.K., & Powers, K. (2013). Students’ perceptions of Check and Connect. Poster presentation at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Seattle, WA.

Linn, M., & Powers, K. (2012). Treatment integrity and Check and Connect: A mixed methods study. Paper presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Philadelphia, MD.

Manzer, K., Evans, K, & Powers, K. (2011). Data displays for problem solving consultation with secondary mathematics teachers. Poster presented at National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention. San Francisco, CA.

Powers, K., Hagans, K., & Leonard, A. (2011). Evidence-based academic and behavioral interventions. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on School Psychology in Vietnam: Promoting School Psychology Research and Practice, Hue, Vietnam.

Hagans, K., & Powers, K. (2011). School psychology training in the United States. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on School Psychology in Vietnam: Promoting School Psychology Research and Practice, Hue, Vietnam.

Le, P., Hagans, K., Powers, K., Hass, M. (2011). Developing school psychology in Vietnam. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on School Psychology in Vietnam: Promoting School Psychology Research and Practice, Hue, Vietnam.

Powers, M., & Powers, K. (2011). Data management, analysis and reporting for schools and school psychologists. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on School Psychology in Vietnam: Promoting School Psychology Research and Practice, Hue, Vietnam.

Powers, K. (2010). Training school psychologists as instructional consultants in a Response-to-Intervention model. Poster presented at OSEP Project Director’s Conference, Washington D.C.

Velasco, V. & Powers, K. (2010). Efficacy of Touch Math for teaching addition skills to Kindergarten students. National Association of School Psychologist Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.

2012 - Present  Scientific reviewer - Institute of Education Sciences – Multiple Panels, including: Special Education Panel and Social and Behavioral Panel and NCSER Network on Integrated MTSS peer review panel, US Department of Education

2018 California State University, Long Beach Distinguished Faculty Scholarly and Creative Achievement Award

2017 College of Education Grants Mentorship Program to mentor Dr. Achola

2016 Named as one of the most productive authors in school psychology, non-doctoral programs by Research and Practice in the Schools.

2015 Peer review i3 Development Pre-Application Grant Competition (CFDA 84.411P).

2014  Outstanding Faculty Awarded by Disabled Student Services

2013 – 2015 Reviewer of discretionary grant applications, Personnel Preparation in Special Education competition

2010 – 2011 Co-Chair Conference Planning Committee for the Second International Conference on  School Psychology in Vietnam: Promoting School Psychology Research and Practice

2011 Outstanding Professor Award – College of Education

2009 – 2017 Executive Board Member of Consortium to Advanced School Psychology Training in Vietnam (CASP-V)

2005 - 2016 Editorial Advisory Board for School Psychology Review (Ad hoc reviewer until Feb. 2009)

2008 - 2014 Editorial Advisory Board for Journal of School Psychology (Ad hoc reviewer until Jan. 2009)

2005 - 2008 Associate Editor of The California School Psychologist

Collaboration Grant Narrative for Inclusive Post-Secondary Education (IPSE). Co-authored by Powers, K., Sanderson, K., Brooks, R., & Lopez-Ortiz, S. Accelerator grant funded by the California State University Commission on Professional and Continuing Education for $100,000. June 2023 – June 2025.

Increasing School Psychologists to Implement Robust (InSPIR) Mental Health Services for Diverse Youth Project. Co-authored by Knight-Teague, K, Powers, K., & So, S. Funded by the US Department of Education Mental Health Service Professional Demonstration Grant for $3.9 million. January 2023 – December 2028.

CSU Inclusive Post-Secondary Education Pilot Programs. Co-authored by Powers, K, Brooks, R., Hagiwara, M., Kemper, T., Lasky, B., Lee, J., Love, M., Paulson, J., Sanderson, K., & Taylor, S. Funded by the California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) Employment Grants for $710,000. December 2022 – May 2024.

Culturally Responsive Instruction and Intervention in Self-Determination Program (CRISP). Co-authored by Sanderson, K. & Powers., K. Funded by the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) for $1,246,049 (CFDA # 84.325K). September 2022 – September 2027.

Kristin Powers is Co-PI of three OSEP funded training grants that provides stipends to School Psychology students who receive extensive clinical and school-based training in multi-tiered system of services (MTSS).  Dr. Powers is director of the Community Clinic for Counseling and Educational Services (formerly Educational Psychology Clinic) that provides clinical training to graduate students. She is also co-author of a popular text book on Collaborative Consultation in the Schools.