Dean’s Circle Donor Contributions Inspire Opportunity

Published June 30, 2020

“The College of Education Dean’s Circle is a committed group of community members, alumni, and emerita faculty who are focused on ensuring that our students receive cutting-edge curriculum, excellent instruction and rich clinical practice (fieldwork) opportunities, and wraparound advising support,” shares Dr. Shireen Pavri, Dean of the College. Contributions from the Dean’s Circle bolster the College of Education’s&Բ;Dean’s Excellence Fund, which supports a myriad of needs, from funding life-changing student study abroad scholarships to vital technology upgrades. While contributions to the Dean’s Excellence Fund comes from many sources, a significant portion of its support is a direct result of the generous donors who serve on the Dean’s Circle. Indeed, says Dean Pavri, “Their generous investment allows us to strengthen our programming as a College that is amongst the nation’s best in preparing educators who promote equity and excellence. This past academic year, their support has allowed us to expand student learning and study abroad scholarships and promote faculty and staff professional development. I am extremely grateful to our founding Dean’s&Բ;Circle members for their support of the College’s initiatives and priorities.”

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