Meet Sara Coley, School District Student Services Coordinator & Educational Administration Alum
With the June 1 application deadline coming up quickly, Sara Coley (Educational Administration '18) Coordinator, Student Services, Newport-Mesa Unified School District, shares her experience of the Educational Administration master's program.
"I feel like going through this program really gave me perspective on what I could expect as an administrator.  In my position now, I have been able to apply much of what we discussed and learned, and it has given me a solid foundation as I continue to grow professionally.  I find myself referencing back to assignments and materials from our classes, and it has given me an invaluable resource.  The research project alone was such a great experience and the skills I was able to foster during that time have really been put to use in my new position.  It feels good that all of the time and effort that we put into the program is paying off and I'm actually able to use what I have learned.
I loved being part of a cohort!  It was really nice to work through the program with the same people, build those relationships and friendships, and make connections with people that I may not have made otherwise.  I also really appreciated having professors that had experience in different schools, in different areas, with different students.  I feel like it gave us a well-rounded perspective of the types of schools and/or districts we may work in as well some insight into what to expect outside of the district we were currently working in."