Common Standard 3 - Course of Study, Fieldwork and Clinical Practice
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The unit designs and implements a planned sequence of coursework and clinical experiences for candidates to develop and demonstrate the knowledge and skills to educate and support P-12 students in meeting state-adopted content standards.
- Through site-based work and clinical experiences, programs offered by the unit provide candidates with opportunities to both experience issues of diversity that affect school climate and to effectively implement research-based strategies for improving teaching and student learning.
- Site-based supervisors must be certified and experienced in teaching the specified content or performing the services authorized by the credential.
- The process and criteria result in the selection of site-based supervisors who provide effective and knowledgeable support for candidates.
- Site-based supervisors are trained in supervision, oriented to the supervisory role, evaluated and recognized in a systematic manner.
- All programs effectively implement and evaluate fieldwork and clinical practice.
- For each program the unit offers, candidates have significant experience in California public schools with diverse student populations and the opportunity to work with the range of students identified in the program standards.