ɫ Age Friendly University

For Immediate Release: December 5, 2018

           ɫ Joins the Age-Friendly University (AFU) Network

Long Beach, CALIF. - ɫ has become the third university in the state of California to endorse the Age-Friendly University (AFU) principles and join the AFU Network. By obtaining this designation, the university’s efforts to become more age-friendly in policy and programs are being globally recognized. Many age-friendly principles are already deeply ingrained in university life, especially through the Gerontology Program, Center for Successful Aging and the Osher Life-Long Learning Institute. Joining the AFU Initiative will serve to bolster ɫ’s efforts and positively benefit the community at large.

The Age-Friendly University (AFU) principles reflect the work of an international, interdisciplinary team to identify the distinctive contributions institutions of higher education can make in responding to the interests and needs of an aging population. In joining the AFU Network, ɫ endorses the , emphasizing core areas where the university is playing, or can play, a greater role in enhancing the life of older adults in their communities.  These principles include promoting intergenerational learning, conducting research on the needs of an aging society, increasing the understanding of students on aging, greater participation of older adults in the university’s core activities, and ensuring regular dialogue with organizations representing the interests of the aging population.  “California State University‘s Center for Successful Ageing and collaborative partnerships with SCAN and the Archstone Foundation, whose mission is to meet the needs of an aging population, strongly resonate with AFU members and will bring an added richness to the Age-Friendly University Global Network,” said Brian McCraith, AFU president, about ɫ joining the Age-Friendly Network.

The Age-Friendly Network is a rapidly growing network (42 members currently) with the shared challenge of promoting an inclusive approach to healthy and active ageing through research, enhanced learning opportunities for people across generations and innovations that address specific issues affecting older adults

Adoption of the initiative demonstrates the University’s long-term and ongoing commitment to older persons and the overall quality of life in our communities. The 10 principles stated above will be integral in the development of future strategic planning activities, both at the University level and among specific units on campus, especially as the university launches discussions about the vision for Beach 2030. The principles provide points of reflection as the University considers institutional gaps and opportunities for growth around aging populations. The AFU Taskforce, made up of ɫ faculty and students, will continue work on identifying opportunities and implementing steps to further address the principles, including formal assessment and evaluation activities.

Media Contact: Maria Claver, Director Gerontology Program | Maria.Claver@csulb.edu


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