Graduate Learning Outcomes & Goals
The first goal of the graduate program in Recreation and Leisure Studies is to academically prepare recreation professionals to:
- Contribute to the development of a philosophy of leisure addressing the increasingly diverse emerging patterns of American life.
- Competently manage leisure service organizations providing services to diverse populations.
The second goal of the program is to incorporate theoretical and applied research into professional practice
- Conduct basic research examining the leisure phenomenon and field research that supports the current and future efficient operation of leisure service organizations.
- To increase the efficient and effective operation of leisure services through theoretical and applied research that contributes to the knowledge of the discipline.
Expected Learning Outcomes for the Degree Program
- Advanced philosophical knowledge of the profession of recreation and leisure
- In depth analysis of historical/current pioneers/leaders in the profession
- Synthesis of trends and issues as related to current professional practice
- Evaluation of organizational theories and human resource management principles
- Information Competency
- Review of literature
- Data collection
- Methods
- Analysis
- Application
- Presentation
- Ethical practices
- The use of Human Subjects
- Professional application
- Ethical Management
Assessment Methods
Outcome 1. Advanced philosophical knowledge of the profession of recreation and leisure.
Students enrolled in the M.S. in Recreation Administration courses are expected to develop a higher level of knowledge in: understanding the philosophical underpinnings of the profession through historical/current pioneers/leaders in the profession; determine the impact of trends and issues in programming, staffing and marketing programs and services; and, develop methods from which to enhance their skills in the area of human resources and management of organizations.
Assignments in the core graduate courses will be used to help assess the student learning outcomes for this area:
A gap analysis is used to help students identify current organizational methods and management principles in professional practice. Student outcomes are measured by their success in analyzing and interpreting the gaps in the current research related to management theories and organizational practices.
Written analysis of pioneers/leaders in the field of recreation and leisure will help students identify historical and current issues in the profession as well as develop a greater philosophical understanding of the phenomenon of leisure. Student outcomes are measured by successful development of a written paper and presentation on a pioneer/leader as well as synthesis of the literature related to trends and issues in the profession in peer reviewed journals.
Review of chapter two of student鈥檚 theses and projects will reveal the in depth synthesis of the literature in identifying current trends and issues researched in the profession. Student outcomes will be measured by the depth and magnitude of data researched and utilized in the writing of chapter two.
Outcome 2. Information competency
For student learning outcomes in this area, each course has one assignment designated as the primary assignment, which is to be assessed for purposes of a component of the course grade. The nature and purpose of the primary assignment, the grading criteria, and specific instructions for the assignment are decided by faculty and given to students in each of the core courses. Course assignments for this area include
Graduate students are expected to identify and refine their skills in the process of data management, data analysis and information competency. Students learn how to manage data via SPSS and other computerized statistical analyses. Each student works as a collective on a current data set that is relevant to the profession. Student outcomes are measured by the scores on various quizzes in the areas of descriptive statistics, crosstabs, t-tests and other statistical methods.
Graduate students in this course are taught the methods and applications of knowledge and skills in research. Students perform various reviews of relevant research articles in professional journals as well as the critique of theses and dissertations related to the area of interest for each student. An overall meta-analysis of research methods as the final assignment gives graduate students an opportunity to refine research methods, gain knowledge in the critique of research and formulate a greater knowledge and understanding of data analysis and synthesis. Student outcomes are measured through final grades and the percentage of success in the course.
Outcome 3. Ethical practices
Graduate students are expected to have a higher level of understanding and development of professional practice of ethical behaviors by completion of their degree in Recreation Administration. The topic of ethics is covered in all core courses but measurement of ethical practices is measured in the following courses:
Graduate students are exposed to a variety of assessment materials and professional tools that identify and measure professional ethical practice. Student outcomes are measured through an assignment that self-identifies ethical behavior and practices as measured by test results from a standardized tool.
This course is designed to give graduate students an opportunity to refine their research methods skills. Student attainment of knowledge outcomes, such as oral and written communication, critical thinking, technology-based skills, interpersonal skills, and information competency, are imbedded in core course assignment. Ethical practices are measured through proper citation of research and data in their submitted chapters as well as compliance with IRB protocols,
Students are expected to successfully complete the IRB on-line education module on Protection of Human Subjects in order to complete this course. Student outcomes will be assessed based on the passing rate of this module.