CSU Global

csuglobal is an online publication by GSI that explores the implications of the growing interconnectedness of the world by drawing on the rich intellectual resources of the diverse California State University campuses. 

Led by an editorial board comprised of faculty and administrators from around the California State University, csuglobal draws on the intellectual strength of the 54,000 faculty and staff, and nearly half million students, of the system. 

Our aim is to analyze and promote debate on all aspects of global learning, global competencies development, and globalization through publishing original articles and multi-media presentations authored by California State University faculty, students, and staff. 

The has more information, including guidelines for submissions.

CSUGlobal invites submissions in the following categories:


A ‘zine designed to highlight the local/global connections operating in California today. Content will discuss current affairs and investigate issues of international importance by examining the developments and trends in California’s global activities, profile and identity. Published on a rolling basis, articles are typically 1,000-1,500 words and commonly cover political, economic, and cultural events and issues and their impact on the state - or California’s impact on the world. 

csuglobal JOURNAL

The journal is the heart of this online publication. It features scholarly articles and reports addressing a global issue or the global impact of a domestic issue. The journal contains four distinct themes intended to be inclusive while also intentionally creating overlap and even tension between areas. Articles will typically be 2,500 – 4,000 words and accepted throughout the year. 


In keeping with the CSU mission, this section is dedicated to teaching excellence, student success and classroom/hands-on experience. Topics such as international service learning and internships, study abroad best practice as well as the issues of globalizing our classroom pedagogy and relevant case studies will be core to this section. Articles will typically be 2,000 – 3,000 words and accepted throughout the year.