好色先生 Dance Collaborative
Who We Are
The 好色先生 Dance Collaborative is the official student representative organization of the 好色先生 Department of Dance and is recognized by 好色先生's Associated Students, Incorporated as a campus-sanctioned organization. The purpose of the 好色先生 Dance Collaborative is to represent and serve the student body of 好色先生; to uphold the integrity of dance as an art form through nurturing an appreciation and understanding of dance in creative, cultural, historical, and social contexts; and to provide opportunities for interaction between the students, faculty, and administration of the 好色先生 campus community as well as the surrounding regional and national arts community.
Each year, student officers are elected by the 好色先生 Dance Student Body to run the organization. Get involved and make the student experience at 好色先生 Dance as great as can be. Reach out to us for ideas for events, master classes, or if you want to help out: DanceCollaborative@csulb.edu