Academic Scheduling

This section of the website is a resource site for faculty and staff administrators including procedures, forms and reports to support the adminstration of academic scheduling.

If you have any questions about scheduling, you can or reach us at:

Office of Enrollment Services
Academic Scheduling
Brotman Hall Room 123 
(562) 985-5508


New Scheduler Training

You need to complete training before you will be given online access to build your class schedule. Hands-on training sessions are offered by Academic Scheduling staff. After you have completed training, you will be provided with a PeopleSoft account and Astra Schedule access. Please if you would like to attend a training session.

CMS Confidentiality and access forms must be completed prior to attending any training session. More information is available on the CMS training website.

PeopleSoft Business Process Guides

After you attend scheduling training, you will receive digital copies of the Business Process Guides. These guides contain useful step-by-step instructions for the various schedule-building processes as well as helpful hints, notes, and appendices.

Who to Call for Help

Trouble logging into PeopleSoft

  • Information Technology Services help line ext. 58344

Trouble logging into Astra Schedule

  • Technology Help Desk ext. 54959

Class scheduling questions and problems

  • Academic Scheduling main line ext. 55508

Traditional Seat Types Specialized Seat Types Chalkboards & Whiteboards Smart Rooms
(Internet Access)
AV Equipment Misc. Features
ASTRA Room Features
  • s-Conference table+chairs
  • s-Seats:fixed
  • s-Tables+chairs:fixed
  • s-Tables+chairs;moveable
  • s-Tablet arm chairs:fixed
  • s-Tablet arm chairs:moveable
  • Bleachers - Usually located in a gymnasium
  • Built-ins - Usually located in labs
  • Desk + chair - Usually located in offices
  • Drafting tables - Usually located in labs or studios
  • Board-chalk
  • Board-white
  • Internet
  • AV-CD player
  • AV-Data video projector
  • AV-DVD
  • AV-Overhead projector
  • AV-Slide projector
  • AV-VCR
  • AV-Wireless Mike Trans.
  • Computers
  • Dressing room
  • KLON
  • Lobby
  • Painting easels
  • Stage
  • Windows
  • Woodworking

Room Room Type
Facility Room Types
Conf Conference Room
Lab-business Teaching Labs used by College of Business
Lab-education Teaching Labs used by College of Education
Lab-engineering Teaching labs used by College of Engineering
Lab-health human serv Teaching labs used by College of Health and Human Services
Lab-liberal arts Teaching labs used by College of Liberal Arts
Lab-science Teaching labs used by College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Lect All-university lecture space
Lect-auditorium All-university auditorium space
Lect-special Active learning classroom
Off campus Off campus meeting space
Office-college Designated college office
Office-depart Designated department office
Office-faculty Designated faculty office
Other Non-Instructional auxillary space; e.g. Foundation building
PE-indoor All university sports activity space; e.g. USU bowling
PE-outdoor All university sports activity space; e.g. swim pool
Studio-art Teaching labs used by the Art department
Studio-COTA Teaching labs used by College the Arts
Studio-dance Teaching labs used by Dance department
Studio-design Teaching labs used by the Design department
Studio-film Teaching labs used by the Film department
Studio-music Teaching labs used by the Music department
Studio-theatre Teaching labs used by Theatre Arts

Building Codes
Building Code Building Abbreviation Building Name Location
020 AS  Academic Services  Upper Campus
085 COB College of Business  Lower Campus
CTS CTS  Tennis/Basketball Courts  Lower Campus
072 DC  Dance Center  Lower Campus
054 DESN  Design  Lower Campus
083 ECS  Engineering & Computer Science  Lower Campus
023 ED2  Education 2  Upper Campus
022 EED  Ellis Education  Upper Campus
051 EN2  Engineering 2  Lower Campus
052 EN3  Engineering 3  Lower Campus
053 EN4  Engineering 4  Lower Campus
056 ET  Engineering Technology  Lower Campus
032 FA1  Fine Arts 1  Upper Campus
033 FA2  Fine Arts 2  Upper Campus
034 FA3  Fine Arts 3  Upper Campus
035 FA4  Fine Arts 4  Upper Campus
005 FCS  Family & Consumer Sciences  Upper Campus
FLD FLD  Athletic Field Lower Campus
082 FND  Foundation Building  Lower Campus
016 FO2  Faculty Office 2  Upper Campus
015 FO3  Faculty Office 3  Upper Campus
036 FO4  Faculty Office 4  Upper Campus
045 FO5  Faculty Office 5  Upper Campus
084 HC Horn Center  Lower Campus
048 HHS1  Health & Human Services 1  Lower Campus
049 HHS2  Health & Human Services 2  Lower Campus
095 HSCI  Hall of Science  Upper Campus
055 HSD  Human Services & Design  Lower Campus
047 KIN  Kinesiology  Lower Campus
014 LA1  Liberal Arts 1  Upper Campus
013 LA2  Liberal Arts 2  Upper Campus
012 LA3  Liberal Arts 3  Upper Campus
011 LA4  Liberal Arts 4  Upper Campus
010 LA5  Liberal Arts 5  Upper Campus
025 LAB  Language Arts  Upper Campus
061 LCH  Los Cerritos Hall  Lower Campus
017 LH  Lecture Hall  Upper Campus
019 LIB  Library  Upper Campus
024 MHB  McIntosh Humanities Bldg  Upper Campus
041 MIC  Microbiology  Upper Campus
094 MLSC  Molecular & Life Sciences Center  Upper Campus
021 MM  Multimedia  Upper Campus
003 NUR  Nursing  Lower Campus
037 PH1  Peterson Hall 1  Upper Campus
009 PSY  Psychology  Upper Campus
073 PYR  Pyramid  Lower Campus
201 RLC  Residential Learning Community  Off-Campus
RNG RNG  KIN Range  Lower Campus
046 SPA  Social Science/Public Affairs  Lower Campus
093 SRWC  Student Recreation & Wellness Center  Lower Campus
038 SSC Student Success Center Upper Campus
SWM SWM  Swimming Pool  Lower Campus
026 TA  Theater Arts/Studio Theatre  Upper Campus
071 UMC  University Music Center  Lower Campus
006 USU  University Student Union  Upper Campus
027 UT  University Theatre  Upper Campus
028 UTC  University Telecommunications Center  Upper Campus
050 VEC  Vivian Engineering Center  Lower Campus

Auditorium Classroom List
Building Room Seats Additional Info
COB 139 117  
COB 139A 117  
COB 140 197  
COB 140A 197  
DESN 112 80  
ECS 105 196  
FCS 008 96  
FCS 126 93  
HC 100 200 Effective Fall 2021
HC 120 130 Effective Fall 2021
HSCI 100 180  
HSCI 102 182  
HSCI 103 80  
HSCI 105 80  
KIN 059 120  
LA2 120 93  
LA4 120 94  
LH 150 170  
LH 151 277  
MM 100 117  
MM 200 110  
PH1 140 116  
PH1 141 215  
PSY 150 149  
UT 108 378 Available for course scheduling M-Th 8:00am-1:45pm only

Active Learning Classrooms
Building Room Number Seats Scheduling Priority 
AS 235 55 CNSM
AS 244 65 CNSM
EED 040 44 COED
EED 041 45 COED
LA2 200 72 COLA
LA3 106 72 COLA
LA3 204 64 COLA

For more information on scheduling Active Learning rooms, see Active Learning Classrooms.

There are some rooms鈥攗sually off campus or special activity spaces鈥攚hich multiple class sections can share at the same time. When a department or college identifies such a room, Academic Scheduling turns off conflict checking to allow the room to be assigned to more than one section with identical or overlapping meeting patterns. Schedulers should carefully review all classes assigned to these rooms to ensure there are no unintended conflicts.

Building Room Facility ID Room Type
Rooms the Conflict Checking Turned Off
FA4 217 035-217 Studio - art 24
FLD 112 FLD-112 PE - outdoor 999
FLD 113 FLD-113 PE - outdoor 999
FLD 115 FLD-115 PE - outdoor 999
FLD 117 FLD-117 PE - outdoor 999
FLD 118 FLD-118 PE - outdoor 999
FLD 122 FLD-122 PE - outdoor 999
HSD 102A 055-102A Lab - HHS 28
OTBK 1 OTBK-001 PE - outdoor 999
PH1 124 037-124 Studio - art 6
RNG 103 RNG-103 PE - outdoor 999
RNG 104 RNG-104 PE - outdoor 999
SWM 100 SWM-100 PE - outdoor 999
SWM 101 SWM-101 PE - outdoor 999
SWM 102 SWM-102 PE - outdoor 999
UMC A100 071-A100 Studio - music 286
UMC A301 071-A301 Studio - music 150
UMC A307 071-A307 Studio - music 48
UMC  A311 071-A311 Studio - music 120
UMC A401 071-A401 Studio - music 20
UMC A501 071-A504 Studio - music 0
UMC A505 071-A505 Studio - music 12
UMC A506 071-A506 Studio - music 10
UMC C100 071-C100 Studio - music 80
UMC C200 071-C200 Studio - music 30
UMC C205 071-C205 Studio - music 35
UMC  C302 071-C302 Studio - music 20
UMC  C309 071-C309 Studio - music 20
UMC C310 071-C310 Studio - music 24
UMC C401 071-C401 Studio - music 24
UMC C402 071-C402 Studio - music 35
UMC C403 071-C403 Studio - music 24
UMC  C404 071-C404 Studio - music 25

For Ad Astra Guides, please log into and click on the Ad Astra Chiclet.  You will find the guides on the right-hand side of your ASTRA dashboard.

Location: CS-Link

The following reports can be used to Identify and review:

  • Curriculum level information for active courses
  • Certified and enforced requisites
  • Typically Offered course coding

Active Courses Report (LBSR008E)

Report Format: Excel

This sortable report allows users to view course catalog information and identify which courses can be scheduled for a specific term. The report includes:

  • Subject, Catalog Number, Title
  • CS Number and matching Component type
  • Units (including variable units), and repeatability limit
  • General Education
  • Grading Type
  • Typically offered information

Active Courses Report (LBSR0008)

Report Format: Word

This report allows users to view course catalog information and identify which courses can be scheduled for the specified term. The report includes

  • Subject, Catalog Number, Title
  • CS Number and matching Component type
  • Units (including variable units), and repeatability limit
  • General Education
  • Grading Type
  • Typically offered information

Course Catalog Requisite (LBSR0236)

Report Format: Excel

This report lists all active courses and whatever course requisites coded at the catalog level. Requisites coded at the course catalog level automatically apply to all course class sections scheduled for a term. The report includes:

  • Subject, Catalog Number, Title
  • Certified Requisite/Course Description (informational only)
  • Enforced Requisite Description (the coding students will be held to when registering)
  • Identifies courses with Consent restrictions enforced at the Catalog level.

Note: When a course has both Consent and Requisite restrictions, Consent restrictions will override requisite restrictions

Class Schedule Requisite (LBSR0237)

Report Format: Word

This report lists all class sections for a specific term that are coded with either section level or catalog level requisite restrictions. It is intended for use by approved special programs or cohorts. The report includes:

Typically Offered Courses Data Report (LBSR1141)

Report Format: Excel

This report lists typically offered data from the course catalog. The report also provides the course offering history for the seven terms previous to the term in which the report is run. It can be used to verify if the typically offered data is accurate, as well as a reference tool when building the class schedule. The report includes:

  • Subject, Catalog Number, Title
  • Typically Offered Terms (i.e. 鈥淔all Term Only,鈥 or 鈥淔all, Spring, Summer鈥)
  • Term specific columns identifying if a course was offered

The following reports provide a comprehensive look at the class section information for a specified term.

Schedule Building Detail Report (LBSR0024B)

Report Format: Word

This report displays all class sections scheduled for a specified term.  The report is similar to the Schedule Detail Report, but is intended for use during schedule building, and is double spaced so edits can be easily marked and read. The report includes:

  • meeting days, times, rooms, and instructors
  • enrollment caps and enrollment totals
  • class notes ID number
  • class status (Active/Cancelled/Tentative)
  • units (including classes with variable units)

Schedule Detail Report (LBSR0024)

Report Format: Word

This report displays all class sections scheduled for a specified term.  The report is similar to the Schedule Building Detail Report but is intended for use during the registration period.  The report includes:

  • meeting days, times, rooms, and instructors
  • enrollment caps and  enrollment totals
  • waitlist totals
  • unused permits
  • class enrollment status (Open or Closed for enrollment)
  • units (including classes with variable units)

Schedule of Classes Report (LBSR0061)

Report Format: Word

This report displays class sections in Active status for a specified term. The layout of this report is modeled after the online Browseable Schedule of Classes. The report includes:

  • meeting days, times, rooms, and instructors
  • class sections with Consent (students will need a permit to register) class notes ID number and text
  • global notes (information applied to all sections within a subject)
  • multiple component classes (i.e. lecture/laboratory) grouped for easy identification
  • identifies classes with instruction mode of Hybrid or Online Only
  • identifies classes with unique begin/end dates
  • identifies General Education classes
  • identifies Combined Sections
  • units (including classes with variable units)

Note: this report will not display class sections that are in Cancelled or Tentative status, or scheduled not to print.

Class Schedule Data Report (LBSR0419)

Report Format: Excel

This report displays all class sections scheduled for a specified term. The report includes:

  • meeting days, times, rooms, and instructors
  • class instruction mode (Traditional, Hybrid, Online Only)
  • class fill percentage and room fill percentage
  • enrollment total, waitlist total, and unused permits
  • units (including classes with variable units)
  • identifies General Education classes
  • identifies Combined Sections

Class Schedule Data Report with Facility Information (LBSR0419F)

Report Format: Excel

This report displays all class sections scheduled for a specified term. It has the same information as the Class Schedule Data Report with additional facility information. The report includes:

  • meeting days, times, rooms, and instructors
  • class instruction mode (Traditional, Hybrid, Online Only)
  • class fill percentage and room fill percentage
  • enrollment total, waitlist total, and unused permits
  • units (including classes with variable units)
  • identifies General Education classes
  • identifies Combined Sections
  • identifies Smart Rooms, room type, AV Equipment, and seating type

Exam Schedule Detail Report (LBSR0301)

Report Format: Excel

This report displays final exam information for all Enrollment sections scheduled for a specified term. The report includes:

  • exam day, date, room, and instructor
  • class instruction mode
  • identifies class sections without a final exam

Note: This report does not display exam information until after Academic Scheduling runs the Final Exam process. This usually takes place mid-term.

Location: Ad Astra Reporting Tab

The following reports can be used to:

  • Search for classroom availability by term
  • Identify classroom usage by day or week
  • Review seat capacity, room type, and room features for a specified term

Available Rooms Standard Times

This report will identify classroom availability for three-contact-hour meeting patterns in the spring and fall terms.

  • The meeting patterns are based on Class Scheduling Policy 99-24.
    • Examples: MWF 8:00 鈥 8:50 AM, TTH 12:30 鈥 1:45 PM
  • The report includes seating capacity, room features, and room type
  • Room Types can be used as a parameter/filter

Weekly Room Grid

This report displays classes and events scheduled in a classroom during a specified week. It is a printable version of the Weekly Grid located on the Ad Astra Calendar Tab.

  • Parameters/filters include building/room and date.
  • Generates a printable PDF file

Daily Room Grid

This report displays classes and events scheduled on campus during a specified date. It is a printable version of the Daily Grid located on the Ad Astra Calendar Tab.

  • Generates a printable PDF file.

Rooms by Building

This report allows users to see building and room information for all campus instructional facilities. The report includes:

  • Seating capacity, room features, and room type

The following reports identify scheduling issues that should be addressed by department/college schedulers during the scheduling building and registration period for a specified term.

Class Meeting Times Compliance Report (LBSR0689)

Why you need it:

This report identifies class sections in danger of being deleted at the end of Phase II for non-compliant start times.

How you use it:

  • identify lecture and seminar class sections that are not scheduled in Start Time compliance, and should be rescheduled or submitted for exception
  • identify which class sections have been granted an exception from Academic Affairs
  • report is valid for Spring and Fall terms only
  • report should be run each week during Phase I and Phase II schedule building

For more information go to the Academic Scheduling website 鈥 Class Meeting Times Compliance.

Noon Hour Compliance Report (LBSR1101)

Why you need it:

This report identifies class sections in danger of being deleted at the end of Phase II for violating the Noon-Hour Policy.

How you use it:

  • identify lecture and seminar class sections that are scheduled Mon/Wed 12:30 鈥 01:45 p.m. and do not have another section running during the day between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
  • report is valid for Spring and Fall terms only
  • report should be run each week during Phase I and Phase II schedule building

For more information on Noon Hour compliance see Section 7.0000 in Class Scheduling Policy Statement 99-24 and the Request for Exception to Noon Hour Class Scheduling form on the Academic Scheduling website.

Combined Sections Report (LBSR0022)

Why you need it:

This is the only report that displays all combined section information, including combined enrollment and waitlist capacities. If the enrollment or waitlist capacity for a combined section is incorrect, the following can happen:

  • students will not be able to register in the section even though seats are available
  • students will not be able to move off the waitlist even though seats are available

How you use it:

  • confirm that class sections are correctly combined 鈥 there should never be just one section in a combination
  • confirm that sections have a combined enrollment and waitlist capacity
  • confirm that the combined enrollment capacity matches or is less than the capacity of the assigned classroom
  • report is valid for all terms
  • run before the end of Phase I and Phase II schedule building

Note: When a course has both Consent and Requisite restrictions, Consent restrictions will override requisite restrictions

Class Association Number Does Not Match Course Section (LBSR176)

Why you need it:

This report identifies enrollment classes with section numbers that do not match association numbers. Mismatches of this type can keep students from enrolling in the section.

How you use it:

  • as you build new sections, use report to identify and correct association numbers in PeopleSoft
  • report should be run each week during Phase I and Phase II schedule building
  • report is valid for all terms

Classes That Will Not Print in the Schedule Report (LBSR0010)

Why you need it:

This report lists all classes which will not show in the Browseable Schedule of Classes or in My好色先生 class searches. The report includes:

  • classes with the Schedule Print check box on the Basic Data page unchecked
  • classes with the class status of Tentative on the Enrollment Control page.

How you use it:

  • confirm that classes will appear in the Browseable Schedule of Classes
  • run before the end of Phase II schedule building

Classes Without Assigned Instructor Report (LBSR0016)

Why you need it:

This report lists classes that have students enrolled but no instructor assigned.

How you use it:

  • run report before classes begin to identify classes that need an instructor assigned
  • run report the week before census to confirm all sections have an instructor assigned

Class Status Edit (LBSR0073)

Why you need it:

This report lists the class status for each class section in a term. If class status is anything other than Active, students cannot enroll.

How you use it:

  • run report for a specific class status: Active, Cancelled, Tentative, or Stop Further Enrollment.
  • The report may also be run for a specific class status: i.e Active, Cancelled, Tentative, or Stop Further Enrollment.
  • report is valid for all terms
  • run before the end of Phase I and Phase II schedule building to make sure you only have Active and Tentative sections scheduled

Note: Never cancel a section when building your schedule. If you don't need a section, delete it.

LBSR0026 Class Notes Text Report (LBSR0026)

Why you need it:

This is the only report that lists text for all standard and frequently used class notes. Class notes will roll from term to like term.

How you use it:

  • use this report if you are looking for a pre-existing class note
  • report is valid for all terms
  • run as needed

Current Active Instructors Report (LBSR0009)

Why you need it:

This report lists all active instructors and the subject areas they are able to teach.

How you use it:

  • run report to see if instructors are attached to the necessary/correct subject area
  • report is valid for all terms
  • run as needed

Summer & Winter Class Meeting Hours Audit (LBSR0279)

Why you need it:

This is the only report that identifies if sufficient minutes have been scheduled for summer or winter session classes.

How you use it:

  • identify the number of required minutes
  • identify the number of minutes actually scheduled
  • determine if the class has been scheduled over or under the required number of minutes
  • run weekly during scheduling building for summer and winter terms