Biosafety Executive Order
Institutional Bio-Safety Committee for Use of Recombinant DNA Molecules (IBC)
November 4, 1994
California State University, Long Beach (好色先生), as an institution conducting or sponsoring recombinant DNA research, is governed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services policies (Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules, June 1994 as amended or superceded [Guidelines]). An Institutional Bio-Safety Committee for Use of Recombinant DNA Molecules is hereby established to ensure that recombinant DNA molecules are used in conformity with the federal Guidelines. This Committee replaces the Institutional Biosafety Committee for Recombinant DNA established July 1, 1989.
- Membership and Procedures Based on the Federal Guidelines, the IBC shall be comprised of at least seven members so selected that collectively the Committee has experience and expertise in recombinant DNA to assess the risks to public health associated with the use of recombinant DNA molecules. The IBC shall include persons with expertise in DNA technology, biological safety, physical containment facilities and procedures, and also:
- At least one person shall be knowledgable about University commitments and policies, applicable law, standards of professional conduct and practice, community attitudes, and the environment;
- At least one member shall be from the laboratory technical staff knowledgeable in recombinant DNA;
- At least two of the members shall not be affiliated with the University in any way other than by membership on this Committee. These external members shall also represent the interests of the surrounding community with respect to health and protection of the environment;
- At least three members shall be probationary or tenured members of the faculty of the University;
- Associate Vice President for Research and Sponsored Programs, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs shall be a regular voting member, ex officio.
Members of the IBC, other than the Associate Vice President for Research and Sponsored Programs, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, shall be appointed by the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs for terms of three years, except for external members whose term shall be for no less than one year. Members may be reappointed to additional terms. No member of the IBC may sit in review of research or other uses ("activities") in which they are the principal investigator or the course faculty member of record.
- Functions of the IBC All members of the University community who use recombinant DNA must comply with the "NIH Guidelines for Research involving Recombinant DNA Molecules."
- For work conducted under Section III-C, the investigator must present to the IBC the information specified in the Guidelines, and the IBC must review and approve the activities before their initiation.
- For work conducted under Section III-D, the investigator must provide to the IBC the information specified in the Guidelines at the time the activities are initiated for review and approval by the IBC.
IBC review shall include an independent assessment of the level of containment required by the Guidelines for the proposed activities and an assessment of the facilities, procedures, practices, and training and expertise of the personnel involved. The IBC shall annually review all activities using recombinant DNA at the University to insure compliance with NIH Guidelines. The Committee may adopt additional policies appropriate for ensuring the safe use of recombinant DNA, the training of personnel involved in work with recombinant DNA, and adoption of plans covering accidental spills and contamination resulting from recombinant DNA-related activities.
- Reporting Requirements The Chair of the IBC shall notify applicants and the Associate Vice President for Research and Sponsored Programs, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs of the results of IBC reviews, including instructions concerning the maintenance of appropriate levels of containment per the federal Guidelines. All approved users of recombinant DNA molecules shall immediately report to the Chair of the IBC and the Associate Vice President for Research and Sponsored Programs, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs any significant problems, violations, accidents, or unexpected research results relating to the hazard inherent in the use of recombinant DNA molecules. The Chair, of the IBC shall report annually to the Provost and the Associate Vice President for Research and Sponsored Programs, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs the activities of the IBC for the previous calendar year. The Associate Vice President for Research and Sponsored Programs, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs shall make to the National Institutes of Health Office of Recombinant DNA Activities all reports required by the Guidelines.
Effective: Immediately
/ss/ Robert C. Maxson