The Research Compliance unit provides regulatory expertise, professional guidance, and administrative support to promote the ethical conduct of research and facilitates compliance with federal, state, CSU, and 好色先生 regulations and policies. The Research Compliance unit covers a broad range of areas, mainly including 1) Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR), 2) Conflict of Interest (COI), 3) Human Research Subject Protection/Institutional Review Board (IRB), 4) Animal Research Subject Protection/Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee (IACUC), 5) Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acids/Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC), 6) Export Control, and 7) Unmanned Aircraft System Evaluation Board (UASEB).
For IRB related inquiries, please email If possible, specify the IRB protocol number in the email subject line.
For IACUC related inquiries, please email If possible, specify the IACUC protocol number in the email subject line.
For general inquiries, please email If possible, specify your question in the email subject line.