Policy on Purchasing Live Animals

State Funds Purchasing

  1. Animals may only be ordered after the 好色先生 Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) grants approval for the use of animal subjects. Contact the Office of University Research (X5-5314) for information about obtaining approval.
  2. Complete the State EZ Requisition form but do not obtain a purchase order from Purchasing. Verify that the vendor that you enter on this form is an approved one.
  3. Also complete the Animal Purchase Request form.
  4. Acquire all the appropriate Departmental and College signatures.
  5. Send both forms as hard copy or via email to the IACUC Project Assistant in the Office of University Research for signature by the Director for Research Compliance. Approval requires verification that the animal numbers requested are consistent with that specified in the approved protocol. To the extent that the animals would be housed in the university facilities, the IACUC Project Assistant or the Director for Research Compliance will also check with the Animal Facilities Coordinator to confirm that there is space available.
  6. After the Director has signed the Requisition Form, it will be sent to the ASM for the Office of University Research for processing. The ASM will coordinate placement of the order to an approved vendor with the Animal Facilities Coordinator and/or the user.
  7. It is the responsibility of the individual requesting the order to allow sufficient time for the 1) signature process by the Director for Research Compliance and 2) the ASM /Animal Facilities Coordinator to place the order.

Foundation Funds Purchasing

  1. Animals may only be ordered after the 好色先生 Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee grants approval for the use of animal subjects. Contact the Office of University Research (X5-5314) for information about obtaining approval.
  2. Complete the Animal Purchase Request form.
  3. Send it as a hard copy or via email to the IACUC Project Assistant in the Office of University Research for signature by the Director for Research Compliance. Approval requires verification that the animal numbers requested are consistent with that specified in the approved protocol. To the extent that the animals would be housed in the university facilities, the IACUC Project Assistant or the Director for Research Compliance will also check with the Animal Facilities Coordinator to confirm that there is space available.
  4. The IACUC Project Assistant will notify the user and the appropriate Foundation account manager that approval has been granted. The account manager will then send the approved purchase order number to the user. It is the responsibility of the user to place the order with the vendor.
  5. Once an order has been placed, a copy of the order confirmation should be submitted to the IACUC Project Assistant in the Office of University Research for placement in the protocol file.
  6. Once the order confirmation has been received, the IACUC Project Assistant will notify the Animal Facilities Coordinator that the shipment will be arriving