Group's Mission
The mission of the Beach Alliance of Parents and Caregivers (BEAPAC) Affinity Group is to cultivate a campus culture that recognizes and values the many caregiving roles (full and part-time) faculty and staff hold, uniting faculty and staff who are parents and caregivers of younger or older ones, or those interested in our objectives, to exchange experiences, resources, and insights.
Through collaborative efforts and mutual support, the goal of the affinity group is to foster a nurturing environment that empowers parents and caregivers to excel both personally and professionally, while also enhancing the overall well-being of our families by raising awareness of pertinent issues. Additionally, the affinity group aims to provide a platform for parents and caregivers to offer input to on-campus care resources, shape initiatives, programming, policies, and more within 好色先生.
Standard Operation
FASPAC meets twice a semester. Currently, the group meets two Thursdays a semester, from 12pm-1pm, via Zoom. The next meeting is currently scheduled for Thursday, September 12, from 12pm-1pm, via Zoom.
When appropriate, the group will elect representatives from its ranks to serve on or provide counsel to university committees, task forces, or other relevant entities.
The group reserves the right to establish and dissolve subcommittees as needed to fulfill its responsibilities.