
Upcoming Colloquium

Illuminating the Dark Sector
Dr. Daniel Diaz, UC San Diego

March 3, 2025
11:00am in HSCI-105

Daniel Diaz

The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics successfully describes many observed phenomena but leaves fundamental questions unanswered, including the nature of dark matter and the matterantimatter asymmetry. These gaps motivate searches for physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM). This talk will highlight efforts to probe dark sectors via searches for long-lived particles (LLPs) at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). LLPs, predicted by many BSM theories, present unique experimental challenges due to their extended lifetimes and unconventional signatures. I will discuss novel search strategies and detector techniques developed to enhance sensitivity to LLPs, including the use of machine learning (ML) algorithms for both online and offline data analysis. The transition to the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) era introduces additional opportunities and challenges, requiring advanced ML-driven triggers to effectively filter data in real time. I will present key results from past searches, outline upgrades to the CMS Level-1 trigger, and describe plans to expand LLP searches to lower masses and longer lifetimes.

What is the dark sector?
Fig: What is the Dark Sector?

About the Colloquium

The Colloquium is a unique opportunity for students to learn about new developments in physics and what physicists do after they graduate. Hosted by the Physics and Astronomy Department at California State University, Long Beach, the weekly meetings invite guests from universities, research laboratories, and industry to present and discuss current topics in physics. All students are encouraged to attend for a well-rounded experience and training in physics.

Colloquium Coordinator

For information and suggestions about the colloquium please contact the colloquium coordinator:

Dr. Zoltan Papp


Spring 2025 Colloquia
DateTitleSpeaker and Affiliation
March 3, 2025Illuminating the Dark SectorDr. Daniel Diaz, UC San Diego
March 10, 2025(topic: condensed matter theory)Silke Paschen, TU Wien, Austria
March 24, 2025(topic: condensed matter experiment)Karoly Holczer, UCLA
April 7, 2025TBDTBD
April 14, 2025(topic: condensed matter experiment)Cristopher Barty, UC Irvine
April 21, 2025(topic: condensed matter theory)Kalman Varga, Vanderbilt
April 28, 2025(topic: condensed matter theory)Thomas Baker, University of Victoria, Canada
May 5, 2025Physics Student Research PresentationsPhysics Students, CSU Long Beach
May 7, 2025Physics Student Research PresentationsPhysics Students, CSU Long Beach

Previous Colloquia

Previous Spring 2025 Colloquia
DateTitleSpeaker and Affiliation
February 24, 2025Nontrivial band-topology in dimerized quantum magnetsDr. Judit Romhanyi, UC Irvine
February 17, 2025Advances in Hadron Physics from Color-Confining Light-Front Holography: A Novel Nonperturbative Approach to Color Confinement, Hadron Spectroscopy, and DynamicsDr. Stanley Brodsky, Stanford University
February 10, 2025An Overview of AI and Machine Learning Research at the
Nevada National Security Sites
Dr. Arnulfo Gonzalez, National Nuclear Security Site, Las Vegas
January 27, 2025Femtosecond Laser Eye Surgery: The Journey from Discovery to Commercial ProductsDr. Tibor Juhasz, UC Irvine
February 3, 2025Who鈥檚 Afraid of Quantum Interference?Dr. Matthew Leifer, Chapman University

The Colloquium Archive has the Colloquia from previous semesters.


We acknowledge with gratitude donations and support from the following present sponsors:

  • H.E. and H.B. Miller and Family Endowment
  • Benjamin Carter
  • American Physical Society
  • Anonymous

We also acknowledge with gratitude our past donors: The Forty-Niner Shops, Inc., The Northrop Grumman Foundation, Sandra Dana, Anonymous.

If you wish to support the Colloquium, please contact the colloquium coordinator or the department chair. Thank you!