The name of the organization shall be the President's Equity and Change Commission (PECC)
The Mission of the PECC is to serve in an advisory capacity to the President to provide and support opportunities for every campus constituency to:
- Understand and value the cultural assets that all of us bring to educational experiences;
- Embrace and participate in policies of institutional change relating to racial and social justice as well as continuous improvement to better meet the needs of everyone in our learning community;
- Build high-quality learning opportunities by ensuring equitable access to effective educational practices;
- Maintain a welcoming and empowering campus climate for all students, faculty members, staff and alumni to engage in as well as benefit from campus opportunities.
- To support and advocate for non-dominant, minoritized, historically and currently marginalized communities.
PECC members will reflect the diversity (e.g. ethnicity, differing abilities, gender, age, sexual identity) of 好色先生 and serve as representatives of student, staff, faculty, and community constituencies.
Section 1. Members.
The Commission seeks to recruit and appoint members who represent the diversity of constituencies within the university and community, attending to representation among academic colleges, university divisions, employment classification and social identity constituent groups.
Section 2. Member Rights and Privileges.
All members are entitled to vote and serve as Co-Chair and serve on or lead any ad hoc Subcommittee/Taskforce established by the Commission. Ex-officio members shall be non-voting members.
Section 3. Member Requirements.
Members are expected to attend all PECC meetings and contribute to the collective work of the Commission.
3.1 If a member is unable to fulfill their term, the Commission Co-Chairs will seek nominations from the Equity and Change Network, to be representative of the exiting commissioner's constituency, and make a recommendation to the President who will appoint a successor to fulfill the remaining duration of the term.
3.2 The Co-Chairs may seek replacement of a member with two unexcused absences per academic year, though exceptions may be made for extenuating circumstances, and shall follow the same process as in 3.1 (above).
3.3 PECC membership shall not lapse because of approved leave of absence, sabbatical leave, faculty early retirement status, or emeritus/emerita status. Absences equivalent to or shorter than the length of one academic semester (approximately four months) do not require a temporary designee. Determinations of a designee for absences longer than the length of one academic semester will be handled on a case by case basis.
Section 4. Terms of Membership.
4.1 Members shall serve three-year terms, (with the exception of the ASI representative(s) as outlined in 4.2) which begin at the first meeting of the fall semester. Member terms will have staggered start dates, and each member will have an option to stand for re-appointment or re-election for a total of two terms.
4.2 Two Associated Students Incorporated (ASI) representative(s) shall serve a one-year term with the option to stand for re-appointment.
4.3 Should a member become Co-Chair with only one year of term remaining the member's term on the Commission shall be extended to fulfill the sequence and term of office.
Section 5. Appointment of Members
Members shall be appointed by the President in consultation with the Co-Chairs.
5.1 As needed, the PECC shall issue an open call to the University and community to seek nominations for Commissioner vacancies. Commission CoChairs will recommend Commissioners to the President for appointment.
Section 1. Officers
The President shall appoint Commission Co-Chairs.
Section 2. Eligibility
Only current or previous members of the PECC are eligible for appointment as Co-Chair and no person may hold both offices at the same time. The Co-Chair team shall be composed of one staff and one faculty member.
Section 3. Term of Office
3.1The term of office for Co-Chair is three years.
3.2 The Co-Chair shall serve for only one consecutive three-year term.
3.3 At the conclusion of the Co-Chair(s) three-year term and the conclusion of the final spring semester meeting, the President shall appoint a new Co-Chair(s).
Section 4. Duties of Officers
The officers shall perform the duties assigned to them by the President, in these Bylaws, and as may be prescribed by the parliamentary authority adopted by the organization.
4.1 The Co-Chairs are the principal executive officer(s) of the PECC and shall:
4.1.1 Preside at all meetings of the members. 4.1.2 Develop the meeting agenda with input from members.
4.1.3 In consultation with the President, as required, form and appoint members to ad hoc Subcommittees and/or Task Forces to further the work of the Commission.
4.1.4 Be the key informational liaison to the President, Provost and/or Chief of Staff and advise him or her on the content of official statements.
4.1.5 Meet once a semester with the President, Provost and/or Chief of Staff for progress updates on PECC goals and committee work for the Academic Year.
4.1.6 Develop an annual communique calendar that will be shared with the campus community. Work with the membership about communiques and updates to the website.
4.1.7 Submit to the President at the end of the spring semester a budget and request for resources to conduct PECC programs.
4.1.8 Present a written report to the President and membership at the last regular meeting of the spring semester regarding achievements and the goals for the next year.
Section 5. Officer Vacancies
If Co-Chair is unable to fulfill their three-year term, the position will be appointed by the President.
Section 1. Attendees
All commissioners are expected to attend all meetings. Non-commission members wishing to attend may apply to attend a meeting by contacting the Co-Chair. The CoChair may extend invitations to non-commission members to attend.
Section 2. Regular Meetings
Regular meetings shall occur bi-weekly during the fall and spring semesters. The CoChair shall confirm the meeting time, date, and attendance in advance via email.
Section 3. Special Meetings
Special meetings of the entire membership may be called by the Co-Chair as necessary. Members will be notified of the meeting prior to the meeting via email, or telephone. No other business should be transacted in a special meeting except that for which the meeting was called.
Section 4. Quorum
A quorum is met when a majority of total members is in attendance and is required to conduct business. Approval requires a simple majority when a quorum in attendance.
Section 5. Cancellation of meeting
In the event that a meeting must be canceled, the Co-Chair must notify the members via email as soon as possible.
Section 1. Conduct guidelines
At the beginning of each academic year the Commission will discuss and adopt a brief set of guidelines to promote mutual respect, effective communication and collaborative decision making. The guidelines shall not be in conflict with the Bylaws, rules of order, or other rules of the organization.
Section 2. Meeting structure
When consensus cannot be reached, or it is necessary to move the agenda forward, the rules contained in the Robert's Rules of Order: Simplified and Applied, shall govern the proceedings, unless the rules conflict with Bylaws, rules of order, or other rules of the organization.
Section 3. Amendment of Bylaws
3.1 Procedure. These Bylaws may be amended, and new Bylaws adopted at any regular or special meeting provided that notice was given to all members as provided below by the Co-Chair and a quorum is met.
Network members of the PECC will reflect the diversity (e.g. ethnicity, differing abilities, gender, age, sexual identity) of 好色先生 and serve as representatives of student, staff, faculty, and community constituencies.
The Commission is the primary body, acting on behalf of the President, to set policies that affect the recognition of Employee Affinity Organizations and provide guidelines for University divisions to support employee involvement in these organizations.