SCED 401 Enrollment and Permit

A Process Approach to Science

The following information will help you register for the SCED 401 course.

Fall and Spring Registration

If you would like to register for SCED 401 but receive a message that states you have not met the prerequisites, please contact our office. Often students who have taken one of the prerequisites at another school or who are currently taking one of the prerequisite courses cannot register for the class without department consent. As long as you will have met the prerequisites by the time the course starts, we are happy to issue you a permit that will enable you to register for the class.

Permits are issued on a first come first serve basis. Please provide a copy of your unofficial transcripts to the department office for review.

Summer Registration

There is one section of SCED 401 that is offered every summer (seminar and lab combined). Summer enrollment for SCED 401 is completed through MY好色先生 (via ) or through the . Please contact our office if you have any issues registering for this course or if you have questions regarding your prerequisite courses.

Requirements for SCED 401 Permit

SCED 401 has 3 pre-requisites that must have been completed before you are able to enroll. Please read below and select the case that best applies to you.

If you have met (completed) the prerequisites:

  • You may register for this course using your MY好色先生 account and adding this course to your schedule.

If you are currently taking a prerequisite(s):

  • Evidence of the prerequisites you have taken and those you are currently enrolled in (BIOL 200, PHSC 112, and GEOL 102 & 104 -or- GEOL 106). Unofficial transcripts with the classes highlighted will suffice.
  • Your name, student ID, email address, and contact number. Let us know the section number for SCED 401 you are interested in taking. We will add students on a first come-first serve basis.
  • Important: should you not pass the course (in process) you will be dropped from SCED 401.

Are you planning on taking a prerequisite concurrently (at the same time) with the Capstone?

  • You will need to petition in order to do concurrent enrollment. Petitions are reviewed by the department and you can expect an answer within 2-3 weeks.
  • Please fill out the SCED 401 Concurrent Enrollment Petition (coming soon), provide copies of all pertinent information, and return them to our department office.
  • Note: Your petition will be reviewed in the order received and a permit will not be granted until all students who have met all pre-requisites are enrolled.

Email your information to, or you may bring all documents in person to the department office.