ATOD Step 1-2-3 Education Plan

In the event that a student is cited for a violation or combination of violations of campus-related alcohol or drug policies, state laws or regulations, the student will be referred to the following:

Step 1:
When cited on campus for alcohol and drug violations for the first time, 好色先生 students are given a mandated appointment to attend and complete the ATOD Mandatory Class. The ATOD Step 1 Mandatory Class discusses responsible decision-making, negative consequences of alcohol and drug use, and compliance with campus policy and regulations.

Step 2:
When cited on campus for a second policy violation, 好色先生 students are given a mandated appointment with an experienced alcohol and drug counselor in the ATOD Program. This appointment provides a more detailed examination of the student's behavior and risks associated with alcohol and/or drug use. The ASSIST motivational interview assessment is the tool utilized to identify the student's risk level and appropriate resources.

Step 3:
When cited on campus for a third alcohol and drug violation, appropriate sanctions will be determined by the Office of Student Conduct & Ethical Development.

Please Note: These steps carry over from one semester to the next for as long as a student is enrolled at the University.