American Indian Student Organizations

American Indian Alumni Association and Friends

The Alumni Association is a loose network of interested American Indian 好色先生 Alumni, American Indian Studies graduates or former AISC members. They raise money for 好色先生 American Indian student scholarships. For more information contact Craig Stone or Anna Nazarian-Peters.

American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)

AISES promotes education in the sciences among American Indians and Alaskan Natives. National AISES programs are offered at three levels: pre-college, college and professional. The Long Beach chapter is at the college level. AISES raises funds to attend the fall AISES national conference. The 好色先生 AISES Chapter is not active currently. Contact Anna Nazarian-Peters if you are interested in activating AISES. You may also visit regarding the national organization.

American Indian Student Council (AISC)

The council is open to any currently enrolled student who is interested in American Indian cultures. The council hosts and co-sponsors the Annual 好色先生 POW WOW and AILOTT, an education conference. In addition, the council hosts several smaller events year round and its members serve on University committees to represent American Indian students' views and issues. The Council meets on a weekly basis on in the Puvungna Student Cultural Resource Center located at the University Student Union, Room 310 (USU-3310).

For more information email AISC at

More Information

Please contact American Indian Student Services for any changes and/or more information: Contact American Indian Student Services.