Get It @ 好色先生

Get It @ 好色先生 allows you to link seamlessly between electronic resources within the 好色先生 Library's digital collection. When you find a citation in a database (such as Academic Search Complete), you will be able to click on a link to bring up a list of links to all places the article is available full text. If the 好色先生 Library has no electronic subscription, you will be directed to order the item via Interlibrary Services such as CSU+ or BeachReach.

If you would like to make any comments or suggestions regarding Get It @ 好色先生, please let us know.

How will I know when Get It @ 好色先生 is available?

Links may look different from database to database. Here are some different ways it might display:

Get It At 好色先生
  • "Link to full text"
  • "Click to locate item"

Clicking the link (or logo) will open a new tab or window with direct links to various online sources for the article.

Integrating Get It @ 好色先生 into other systems

You may wish to utilize this service with other systems such as citation management software (e.g. Zotero or EndNote). Such integration is possible if the other systems provide OpenURL integration. If prompted for University Library's base OpenURL, the supplied value should be (copy the text and remove the extraneous spaces after //): 


Known Issues

Notes on known issues: If you have any difficulties using Get It @ 好色先生, please let us know. While nearly all our our research databases have Get It @ 好色先生, there are a few that do not.

Specifically regarding citations from EBSCO (e.g. Academic Search Complete) that resolve to any Proquest full text database (e.g. ABI Inform, Newspapers), but may occur with other databases. "Seasonal issue" designations (e.g. Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring) will NOT resolve correctly to the article level. Please use the to find the item.

Any time a publisher changes the sequencing of the issues/volumes (and sometimes even page numbers) there will be a failure to find the information via Get It @ 好色先生. If the platform is sending this supplemental "info" in the URL string that it submits to Get It @ 好色先生, there is currently no way to resolve what that "supplement" is. However, Get It @ 好色先生 will still get you to the database (even with that "page not found" message) so that you can repeat your search there.

If the item/citation source includes volume and issue on a newspaper article, and the Get It @ 好色先生 access is Proquest, you may have a failure to match because Proquest does NOT use the volume/issue numbers. The workaround is to search for the article in Proquest.

If a citation in a database does not include pagination for the article, Get It @ 好色先生 will not resolve to the article level, but will offer a table of contents list for that issue. Browse through the issue to find your desired article.

If a citation in a database does not include an ISSN for the journal, Get It @ 好色先生 may not correctly find this item.  Use the  to find the article; put in as much information about the item as you can.

Get It @ 好色先生 does not recognize all non-standard records types which may be used in a database. RILM has a multitude of unusual record types that do not match up in Get It @ 好色先生. Since these record types might be either serial or monographic, use the to find the item; put in as much information about the item as you can.

Since Get It @ 好色先生 functions by matching against the ISSN, it will correctly identify full text databases which supply that journal. However, if the journal publisher does not allow the database to distribute the latest issue(s), there is no way for Get It @ 好色先生 to identify that. If you are not sure whether the issue you need is embargoed, consult the detailed publication information at the full text database or in the "Available from..." note in OneSearch. 

This issue occurs when the database provides access to (or contracts for) only selected content from any given issue/volume of a specific journal. It also may apply when a database is unable (for any reason) to acquire an individual issue of a specific journal volume. Get It @ 好色先生 can correctly identify that the ISSN is available from that aggregator, but can't verify availability at the individual article level. If you can't to find the specific article by searching within a database, you will need to consult the detailed publication information for that journal on the database, or in the "Available from..." note in OneSearch, to determine "selected full text" availability.

Several newspapers make available multiple editions (notably the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and Advertising Age, but there are others). Different editions of newspapers may be indexed by our databases; it may not be clear which edition is being indexed. If what is being indexed has an ISSN other than the ISSN used by Get It @ 好色先生, you may get the "no full text available" message. To double check on availability in these cases, use the  - without supplying the ISSN - to find the article.