Services for Staff & Administrative Personnel
Borrowing & Lending Information
Identification Cards
Your 好色先生 campus ID card serves as your library card. You must have a valid 好色先生 campus ID in order to use library materials and equipment.
Loan Periods
The basic loan period for books for staff / administrative personnel is 1 year. The loan period for media materials (audiocassettes, compact discs, videos, and DVDs) is 30 days.
Books may be renewed at the Circulation Desk or through (in OneSearch). Media materials may not be renewed. You will receive a reminder notice by email prior to the due date.
Fees for Overdue or Lost Items
A fee of 25垄 per item per day is assessed for general circulation materials returned past the due date. Overdue fines for Interlibrary Services, LINK+ , Reserve and Media materials are assessed at higher rate. Bills for all fees are sent by the University Business Office via mail or email. Payments can be made on my好色先生 or at the Cashier's Office in Brotman Hall. Please report lost materials to the Circulation Desk. Lost book fees include replacement costs and processing assessments.
Borrowing Periodicals
Current, unbound and older, bound periodicals circulate to staff/administrative personnel for three days. Current periodicals check out from Current Periodicals at the Lower Level services area and bound periodicals from the Circulation Desk, Lobby.
Additional Services
Open Access Computer Labs
The Spidell Technology Center, 1st Floor, is one of two Open Access Computer Labs at 好色先生. Over 200 computers are available in the Library building.
Photocopy Services
Photocopiers are located on the Lower Level and the 1st Floor. You can use your Campus ID card to pay for photocopies in any of the campus copy centers. Courtesy copier cards may be purchased at the Value Transfer stations on the Lower Level and 1st Floor. Copying or printing in the Library is 10垄 per page.
Periodicals / Microform Materials and Equipment
Latest issues of periodicals are available in unbound format in Current Periodicals, Lower Level. Microform materials (microfilms, microfiche, microcards) and the equipment to read and print such materials are also available on the Lower Level.