Alcohol, Drugs, and Weapons Policies
Alcohol and Drug Policy:
California State University Long Beach complies with the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1990 and the Higher Education Act Section 120a. University police officers strictly enforce laws regulating the use of alcoholic beverages and underage drinking. We are committed to maintaining a safe and healthy environment for the entire campus community. Alcohol and other drugs should not interfere with the University's educational mission. All 好色先生 students, faculty, staff, and administrators are subject to local, state, and federal laws regarding the unlawful possession, distribution, or use of alcohol or illegal drugs.
The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of illegal drugs on our campus or at any University-sponsored event off-campus is prohibited. No one may use illegal substances, or abuse legal substances, including alcohol, in a manner which impairs performance of assigned tasks. A complete desciption of these regulations is contained in University Executive Order 89-12 "Alcohol and Drug Policy" and University Executive Order 90-15 "Policy on Substance Abuse in the Workplace".
The use of alcoholic beverages must be in compliance with California State Law. Alcoholic beverages may only be consumed on University premises that have been licensed by the Department of Alcohol Beverage Control or on other University premises at "approved group sponsored events". The sponsors of such events must obtain prior written approval from the Office of Student Life and Development. The use of alcoholic beverages in any of the residential halls, to include individual rooms, is strictly prohibited. For complete information regarding Student Discipline please review the Campus Standards of Conduct. A police officer can take the license from any driver suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs who refuses to take a blood alcohol test.
The University Police Department enforces federal and state laws, as well as the University's zero tolerance policy for the use and sale of illegal drugs. Students who violate these laws are subject to academic warning, suspension, expulsion, criminal prosecution, and/or removal from campus housing. Students engaging in the sale of illegal drugs will be expelled. Parents or guardians may be notified about any disciplinary violation involving alcohol or a controlled substance which has been committed by a student who is under the age of 21.
Employees in violation of the University alcohol, drug, and weapons policies may be subject to corrective action or dismissal or be required to participate fully in an approved counseling or rehabilitation program. Applicable legal sanctions under local, state, and federal law for the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol range from probation, diversion, imprisonment in the county jail for less than one year, to imprisonment in state prison.
Marijuana Policy:
Federal drug laws and 好色先生 Regulations prohibit the possession and/or use of marijuana on campus grounds and facilities, including residential halls.
On campus property, the possession, use, transport, cultivation, and sale of marijuana is illegal under the Federal Controlled Substances Act. Moreover, as a recipient of federal funds, 好色先生 is required under multiple federal laws to: (1) maintain a drug-free community; (2) prevent illegal drug use; and (3) discipline students and employees who unlawfully possess, use, or distribute illegal drugs on University property or during University-sponsored activities.
Violations of any of the above may result in legal sanctions, University sanctions, or both (California Health and Safety Code, Division 10, Section 11357-11401).
Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drugs (ATOD) Program:
Visit the ATOD (Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Program) website or call 562.985.5859 for assistance. ATOD provides information about alcohol and other drugs to our campus community; involves a collective of students and faculty who assist in creating a campus environment which reinforces healthy lifestyles; provides support services for students who are experiencing problems with substances; and educates students about the impact of both alcohol and other drug abuse.
Evolving from a nation-wide necessity to address behaviors such as drinking under the influence, underage drinking, and factors associated with risky drinking, ATOD at 好色先生 has successfully developed innovative campus-wide programs and services for students aimed at intervention. As part of an interconnected program it works closely with students and the surrounding community. By recognizing the power of influence, ATOD has effectively implemented and promoted safe and healthy choices by offering appealing programs targeted at alcohol and drug issues.
Students are encouraged to participate in such programs as on-campus weekly Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings and various outreach presentations that cover the health effects, symptoms of abuse, and policies regarding possession, use and sale of alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs. Information and referrals are also provided.
Student Health Services provides an overall coordination of the ATOD program with direct support from the Office of Student Conduct & Ethical Development. This allows ATOD to be more than just an intervention program; it is a powerful disciplinary process. Offenders will complete the Step 1-2-3 Education Plan to fulfill campus violation requirements. These steps carry over from one year to the next for as long as the student is enrolled at the University.
The Step 1-2-3 Education Plan is as follows:
Step 1: Attend Mandatory ATOD Class: Student Health Services
Step 2: Counseling Assessment: Student Health Services
Step 3: Disciplinary Action and/or University Discharge: Office of Student Conduct & Ethical Development